Wednesday, October 30, 2019
HRM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 5
HRM - Essay Example For the human capital and other organizational changes to be effective, the HR system will require business credibility and the capacity to work in coordination with other business leaders. HR Business Partners will ensure that strategies to ensure these are incorporated in business decisions. Thorough functional and theoretical knowledge in diverse aspects of HR is expected in the implementation of such changes. However, with frequent developments in the area of HR and other organizational aspects, it is difficult for individual business leaders to constantly acquire the required knowledge. Here the International HR Business Partners have an important role in supplementing the required functional knowledge. Their role is spread across the areas of organizational design, change management, cultural diversity and human system alignment (Jamieson, 2007). A very important role of Business Partners is to integrate the business decisions with that of other leaders so that there are positi ve strategic implications in terms of the rapid changes. They design, engage and maintain the human capital to be ready to face the challenges of the open global market. In general the area of HR has undergone a lot of changes in the last two decades. It has gained more strategic importance. There had been continuous changes in the theoretical modeling and increased concentration on training and certifications. More importantly, the process of outsourcing gained importance through the time (Ulrich & Brockbank, 2005). This development gave rise to the concept of becoming a business partner. This concept has gained momentum especially in the last 15 years. This was increasingly engaged at least partly by businesses to have simultaneously handle strategies and all other HR operations. The scope of HR was initially limited to managing the
Monday, October 28, 2019
Does Internet Enhance or Reduce Social Interaction Essay Example for Free
Does Internet Enhance or Reduce Social Interaction Essay Papers like HomeNet publications have been following the effects, positive or negative of Internet on its users. The findings are interesting as it reports both positive and negative results. Initially the effect was negative on those who relied heavily on internet for communication. However that scenario has changed with time. Current studies no longer show the overall negative effects of the past. Using internet to communicate with families and friends as well as being involved in community activities has been on the rise. Negative effects are generally experienced by people with less support economically and introverts and positive effects experienced by people with good social resources and extraverts. Some people who have integrated internet into their ordinary lives have generally benefited, but they now experience new social problems. These problems are highlighted in this discussion in depth and a summary made in a table. Those internet users who find communication important, have good reason to expect that Internet has positive social impact on their lives. For such people communication, including contact with neighbors, friends, and family, and participation in social groups, improves their level of social support. To them interacting with internet gives them fulfilling personal relationships, a sense of meaning in life, and commitment to social norms with their communities. Their psychological and physical well-being (Diener et al. 1999; Cohen and Wills 1985; Mirowsky and Ross 1989;). They think through the use of internet for communication, they could have important positive social effects on individuals (McKenna and Bargh 2000), groups, organizations (Sproull and Kiesler 1991), and communities (Hampton and Wellman 2000), including society at large (Dertouzos 1997; Hilts). Just like the telephone did, they think broad social access could increase people’s social involvement, and facilitate formation of new relationships (Fischer 1992; Wellman 1996). People who are generally isolated could find new social identity and commitment (Katz and Aspden 1997). Isolated members of communities could participate in group organizations at a distance (Sproull and Kiesler 1991). Internet is also handy for political mobilization (Bonchek 1997). Whether Internet has positive or negative social impact depend upon the quality of the people online, their activities and what they give up to spend time online. Stronger social ties generally lead to better social outcomes than do weaker ties (Wellman and Wortley 1990). As we go through the discussion we find that the ease in communication that internet offers has encouraged people so much that they now spend more time alone, talking online with strangers and very little time with their communities. Increasingly people are connecting to each other through the internet, and looked at positively, one would say internet has increased the frequency of communication among its users. There are pertinent issues to look at today regarding our social interaction compared with the past: †¢ Has our social relation one-to-one improved or diminished? †¢ Has it provided more evidence of the difference between our virtual self and real self? †¢ Has our group interaction improved or diminished? Users of internet are socially withdrawn because they are most of the time lonely and hooked onto the net. Research has found that the more people are online, the more they become socially isolated ( James E. Katz). The study further shows that people who are constantly online the more they become isolated from social life and that there is a relationship between depression, stress and strength in social ties created by extensive use of the internet. This on the extreme can weaken the social ties that people normally have. Robert Kraut who is a researcher in the field and professor in the Department of Communication at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, N. J. is the leading author of the study. However the finding has been seriously challenged as inadequate and lacking in rigor. The critiques say there needed to have been a control group used for comparison purposes and that the sample size was too small. On the contrary, computer experts are quoted as saying internet has greatly increased their human interaction. They say that they can now meet more people than ever before. But sociology experts say this is more a manifestation of people in a state of denial than the truth. But the truth is that there are two divergent views about computers and its social effect on people. Hoffman and partner Tom Novak at Vanderbilt Universitys Project 2000 have for example have conducted a collaborate research with Georgia Institute of Technology in which they find many web users find the net browsing enriching and satisfying and that they are usually left in a happy state of mind far from being depressed. Philip Aspden, executive director of the Center for Research on the Information Society, surveyed 2,500 Internet users and found no evidence of social withdrawal. The study found that online participants are no less likely to join religious, leisure or any community organized activities than people who arent online. Virtual interaction is the norm in internet activities. People using portable computers can work in one office, one project without necessarily being physically in a place. They could be several kilometers away and do everything together that they could do in one environment, one office, and location. They can talk and hold meetings and discussions together. Internet has made the world look like a one local village. The issue is what is the social implication of this arrangement? Is it positive or negative socially? The answer is positive because the physical location can be anywhere most convenient for the individual. It can be your house / study room, supermarket; or inside your car. People work better when they operate from premises of their liking. Negative because supervision, control, co-ordination and monitoring becomes difficult. People find such arrangements new and odd though not necessarily bad socially. With time we shall be used to it and our sense of belonging will change. In this discussion we try to bring into focus the positive and negative social impact of internet. However we seem to agree that internet users have more social problems than usual. They are among other things withdrawn from normal social life and in virtual solitude as is commonly known. It is interesting to hear what some of these people say. Please allow me to quote some experiences from people who use internet. â€Å"Every time I go through the process it seems more and more like a religious ritual. When I reflect that I am connected to thousands or millions of people across the world, I forget that I am seated in a solitary confine of my computer room. I admit it is a strange feeling, one that I really like to the extent that I forget the social pleasure I normally find socializing with people outside there. Sometimes I also get frightened that I am beginning to like my computer mediated communication (CMC) better than talking with most real people with whom I come into daily contact face to face. Though I find it sad to say, I have never enjoyed serious discussions before where people say what is in their heart. Social opportunities and even academic opportunities for such discussions are dwindling. Our culture has become more and more trivial and superficial. †Through CMC people can find intellectual stimulation. It is easily available and comfortable. But the human touch is more natural and more satisfying. We are social animals and we need to meet and chart. Intellectualism has its time just as social life also has its time. The other negative aspect of internet is privatization which was introduced by Marshall McLuhan. This theory states that as entertainment and information becomes readily available to people, they are less likely to seek them outside their homes. As that happens, social interaction is becoming less and less frequent. We can select the people to talk to and use special words and mode of communication. Soon we shall be out of touch with the real world where we have different type of people needing different types of communication. My entertainment, amusement, and even communication have become private rather than public. Family people have very little time for each other because they spend all that time on the net. The young ones are the most affected. During the day, they are out in school and their parents are out for work. When they come home they cannot meet either, because everybody is busy with internet. When will they talk or learn from the parents one would ask? All that they imitate are programs from the internet, some very weird indeed. As parents we might overlook and despise the experience we got through social interaction with our peer groups and communities while we were young. It taught us to be at peace with our environment. In this environment there is richness found in diversity. The diversity found in behavior and culture of its people. We come to be more informed that the world is made of both order and disorder and become equipped to handle both occurrences. That is how we have been molded to be strong and resilient. The world of internet is denying our children that freedom and experience. Children never play together at home and very little in school. Computer mediated communication CMC is a new phenomenon in the computer world. There are other technologies more commonly used such as e-mail and interactive chat on the internet. These modes of communication have both bad and good sides. They have made communication, fast, easy and affordable. The physical location of the people we communicate to is no longer a barrier. We talk to people anytime anywhere by a mere touch of a button. When we play with our peers and join social clubs we meet people and friends and that is healthy for our body and mind. We are able to do some exercise which our body needs to avoid aging. We use our bodies more than our minds. To conclude my analysis on the effects of the internet talking about pornographic ideologies is no new phenomena as it is one of the high condemned vices of the internet as it is being used in all ways. Income generating activities, a source of employment to others but highly exploitative and seriously abusive in all ways, it ranges from child pornography to adult pornography.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Life and Times of Claude McKay Essay -- essays research papers
The life and Writings of Claude McKay Introduction Every literary period can be defined by a group of writers. For the Harlem Renaissance, which was an extraordinary eruption of creativity among Black Americans in all fields of art, Claude McKay was the leader. Claude McKay was a major asset to the Harlem Renaissance with his contributions of such great pieces of writings such as â€Å"If We Must Die†and â€Å"The Lynching.†McKay wrote in many different styles. His work which vary from â€Å"dialect verse celebrating peasant life in Jamaica, to militant poems challenging white authority in the United States, to philosophically ambitious novels about the effort of blacks to cope in western society†(â€Å"Claude McKay†1375) displays the depth of this great writer. The main ideals of this poet were to raise social issues and to inspire his people. McKay used his writing as an outlet for his feelings of distrust toward those who he believed oppressed his people. In many ways McKay’s writing aff ected his life, but in even more ways McKay’s life affected his writing. The writings of Claude McKay were constantly changing throughout his life and caused him to be the most dynamic poet of the Harlem Renaissance. Biography Claude McKay was born in Sunny Ville Jamaica on September 15 in 1880 to Thomas Francis and Ann Elizabeth McKay (Ali 201). McKay grew up in a relatively prosperous family and had British schooling in the predominantly black small town of Sunny Ville. It was in his British schooling that McKay learned about traditional forms of writing such as sonnets. However, McKay learned an alternative education from his father who gave him his strong sense of African pride. Claude McKay’s father told him about his ancestry and Claude McKay’s grandfather’s life as a slave (Masiello 244). From these lessons and his strong black surroundings, McKay received African traditions as well as an â€Å"appreciation for the purity of black hood†(Ali 201). Also from McKay’s agnostic brother, who tutored him, McKay gained his freethinking attitude (â€Å"Claude McKay†1375). McKay soon gained a distrust of white people when he moved to Kingston, at the age of nineteen. In 1911, upon reaching Kingston, McKay experienced bigotry and racism unlike anything he had encountered in Sunny Ville. McKay got a job as a constable but soon grew tired of it due to his feeling that ... ...nd his people, even if he was poorly received. He did not write for monetary gains, he wrote to inspire and celebrate the grandeur of his people. His style changed black modern poetry. He is a poet, a novelist, an essayist and most of all a revolutionary. He served as the prototype of the poet for the Harlem Renaissance. Work Cited Ali, Schavi Mali. â€Å"Claude McKay.†Afro-American Writers from the Harlem Renaissance to 1940. vol. 52. Ed.:Trudier Harris. Detroit: Gale Research Inc, 1987. 201-212. â€Å"Claude McKay.†BLACK LITERATURE CRITISISM, Ed. Draper, James. Detroit: Gale Research Inc, 1992. 1375-1385. Hathaway, Heather. African American Literature. Ed.:Andrews, William. New York: Oxford University, 1997. 489-490. Martin, Tony. African Fundamentalism. Massachusetts: Majority Press, 1991. 8-9, 69-70, 84-87. Masiello, Dianne. â€Å"Claude McKay.†AFRICAN AMERICAN WRITERS. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1991. 244-246. Maxwell, William. â€Å"McKay on If We Must Die." Claude McKay. 1999 (10 March 2002). ---. â€Å"McKay Chronology.†Claude McKay. 1999 (10 March 2002).
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Albert Bierstadt – Romanticism
During the 19th century Romanticism era, Albert Brassiest was one of the most influential painters brought into this time. Brassiest best known for his paintings that took place in the later sass that predominantly consisted of the landscapes of the American West. Although Brassiest was not the first painter to record these sites, he was the one painter who had people look forward to his own version of these paintings. In the sass, Brassiest went west for the first time and it would change his life as well as the lives of others that got the chance to experience his paintings and ketches.One artwork of his in particular was titled â€Å"The Oregon Trail†(1869). This painting was taken place during The Oregon Trail as Brassiest sketched and painted the emigrants, animals, and wagons being lugged across hundreds of miles Just so these people can try and find land to live and settle on. Comparing Birthrate's ideas and forms of art to the Romanticism Era can basically go hand in hand. Romanticism is a style of art and literature in the late 18th, early 19th century that emphasized the passion and imaginations of people, animals, scenery, etc.This all compares to Birthrate's work, especially The Oregon Trail because Brassiest really seizes the emotion of these people has they walked hundreds of miles in the blazing heat Just to support their families and make something out of them selves. Brassiest was notorious for making viewers feel the same way he did as he was capturing these moments in plain site. Brassiest was very successful in doing Just that. Being a part of the Romantic Cultural Movement is something to be excited about.Being an important part of the Romanticism Era is something to be proud of. Albert Brassiest was an important part in this Era as well as the Cultural Movement. As many critics did not like how Brassiest put his thoughts on the canvas, Brassiest did not really care. Making dozens of paintings not changing a single thing about his t echnique and the way he did his paintings and the methods that he used. In an article about Brassiest and other 19th century painters, critics only had negative judgments about Birthrate's paintings, one being, â€Å"†¦ Hen some critics said they dislike the way that Brassiest put on paint, they appear to have been criticizing his manner of representation?they were saying he was not good enough at putting mint on canvas to make a successful illusion of the object represented†(Mayer and Myers, 62). With Brassiest getting tortured by words for most of his career, he had the drive to be one of the best painters during the Romanticism Era and he lucratively did Just that. Birthrate's methods were methods that no other painter really had any skill with before.Albert painted in extremely thin layers, and in some places Albert increased the transparency of the paint so it may allow some of the under layers in the painting to be shown more visibly then they were before. This is what made it radar for critics to understand what he was trying to do with all of his paintings. Brassiest tries to capture every moment, every tear in his painting, every reaction is caught and put down on a canvas and some people did not appreciate that.Brassiest is an important part to this Cultural Movement because he showed individuals that anything is possible when putting it on a canvas. He captured Romanticism at its finest and really captured the moments as he did in The Oregon Trail (1869). The Oregon Trail is a piece of work that relates directly toward Romanticism. Why does it? Because the emotion that Brassiest put into this painting is the amount of passion you need for any line of work. Brassiest when finished made viewers appreciate what it meaner to be those type of people and what those people have to go through day in and day out.These spectators could understand all of that by looking at a painting on a canvas. The meaning of Romanticism as said earlier is the e mphasis of emotions and imagination has in literature and art. Brassiest explained this perfectly by the way the animals and people are walking, to the sky and the sunlight that is beating down on them. The different colors mixed in the painting to give it this look of standing there as one and Brassiest is presenting in this painting that these emigrants are all staying as one group no matter what.As Brassiest headed out west and took in these historical moments, he had many things to say about his time but one thing to say about The Oregon Trail, â€Å"Every wagon was a gem of an interior such as no Fleming ever put on canvas, and every group a genre piece for Bought. The whole picture of the train was such a delight in form, color, and spirit, that I could have lingered near it all the way to Kerrey' (Hendricks, 342). This explains Birthrate's love for people and scenery. A perfect example of Idealization, the emotion and the imagination as Birthrate's covers this historic momen t.The Oregon Trail (1869) – Albert Brassiest Albert Brassiest was a man with a gift. As anyone can see above he clearly changed the way people paint and the way people think about a painting. Albert aspired the viewers to notice the detail he puts into his paintings because in every one he gives the observer a message that we could take with us the rest of our lives (I. E. Never give up and always strive for greatness, etc. ). When you analyze Birthrate's paintings folks and different scholars look at the attention to detail he gives by enhancing layer upon layer to his paintings and how Brassiest paints with such passion.In the above painting The Oregon Trail (1869) you can see the feeling from the people, animals, and even the sunlight and trees. Brassiest wants us to view and understand what these people had to go through Just from looking at a painting. The way Brassiest caught every moment is pure art. During the Romanticism time nobody would be able to paint and really seize a flash of time quite like Brassiest could. He was the painter of the Romanticism era; everything he has done has shown true emotion.Toward the end of his career, critics were skeptical on when Brassiest was going to arise to the top once again, but he never did. Still to this day people are writing different blurbs in magazines and such about Brassiest, â€Å"The most fatal flaw of the catalogue, (and of the exhibition that it represents) is that it makes Brassiest look like a mediocre artist, which I for one do not believe he is†(Stubbiness, Jar. , 91). The piece of art can represent the Romantic Cultural Movement in many ways, one being, hat this painting shows more emotion that any painting I have seen before.The depth and description that Brassiest goes through to complete this artwork is beyond anything audiences have seen before. The passion that these travelers are feeling on their horses and in their wagons, he shows us all. Brassiest displays through one pain ting what it was like to be one of those travelers during that time period. The Oregon Trail (1869) as well as any other pieces of artwork of his should be represented in the Romantic Cultural Movement. Brassiest was always careful of the work he had done, a quote from an article written by Dare Myers Heartfelt, â€Å".Brassiest was both concerned and knowledgeable about the preservation of paintings, and in fact, the canvases, even extremely large ones, that he mounted on panel-back stretchers often still do not require lining after more than 100 years, testifying at least to the efficacy of panel-back stretchers†(39). Brassiest was a man that cared for each and everything that he has done. He is the meaning of the Romantic Era especially with the work he has done. Brassiest was a artist during the Romanticism Era that everyone looked up at. He was a huge role model as well as a great painter.The landscape paintings that he has done abundant times in his career have simply been indescribable. The way Brassiest captures a certain flash of time is unbearable to say the least. Brassiest did not get many great reviews in his time due to the fact that his method and the way he did his landscape paintings did not relate to other painters during the Romanticism Era. Brassiest did not Just paint though, he in fact made painting into a lifestyle that we can all take interest in. He changed the Romantic Cultural Movement simply because of the emotion he brought to viewers eyes every time he would finish piece of work.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Principles of supporting business events Essay
You should use this file to complete your Assessment. The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a disk Then work through your Assessment, remembering to save your work regularly When you’ve finished, print out a copy to keep for reference Then, go to and send your completed Assessment to your tutor via your My Study area – make sure it is clearly marked with your name, the course title and the Unit and Assessment number. Please note that this Assessment document has 3 pages and is made up of 3 Sections. Name: Section 1 – Understand how to support the organisation of a business event 1. When organising a business event, describe the range of support activities that may be required. 2. Complete the table below by identifying two ways of providing support before, during and after a business event. Before During After Section 2 – Understand the purpose of displaying professional and helpful behaviour whilst supporting a business event and how to do so 1. Explain the purpose of displaying professional and helpful behaviour when supporting a business event. 2. Describe ways of exhibiting professional and helpful behaviour whilst supporting a business event. Section 3 – Understand how to deal with problems encountered when supporting a business event 1. What are the main types of problems that may occur when supporting a business event? You should include at least three different types of problems in your answer. 2. Identify possible solutions for each of the problems you have listed in Question 1 above. Once you have completed all 3 Sections of this Assessment, go to and send your work to your tutor for marking.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Mouse Trap car report. Description of how we built, materials, showed relation the Newtons Laws.
Mouse Trap car report. Description of how we built, materials, showed relation the Newtons Laws. Mouse Trap CarThe mouse trap car we designed for this project was pretty standard. We used metal rods with rubber wheels attached for the axles and wheels. We supported the axles to the frame using "U" nails. Our wheels featured some spinners as well. For the actual body of the car we glued the mouse trap on another piece of wood to lengthen the body. The mouse trap was hot glued on the top with a extended arm for more leverage. One end of a rope was glued on the extended mouse trap arm and the other end to the rear axle. As you wound the back wheels the rope would whined as well pulling the arm of the mouse trap back. When the trap arm was released the rope would begin to unwind spinning the rear wheels.As it comes to the performance of our car I think it preformed alright.English: Changes in the kinetic and potential ener...It could have done a lot better. I believe are car made it about five meters. Two strengths of are car where probably the spinners on the wheels, and also the w ay we have the back of the mouse trap carved out allowing more room for the rope to be wound. Two definite weaknesses of are car was that the back wheels were not big enough therefore the car would spin out most of the time. Another weakness is that the axles were not on there perfectly straight so the tires would rub against the body of the car causing friction.During the construction of the car a big problem we ran into was that the front end was running to close to the ground. The way we solved it was by making extender legs from the body of the car to the axle. One good...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Organizational Behavior †Analysis of Wal-Mart
Organizational Behavior – Analysis of Wal-Mart Free Online Research Papers All organization has its individual distinctive behaviors, the uniqueness that symbolizes the organization’s traditions of constructing pleasant relations by accomplishing individual, organizational, and social goals. This characteristic in the organization culture is what identifies the business. The organization’s thinking, ethics, mission, vision, goals and objectives, communication, ability to grip changes, culture and knowledge positions as its form structure which the organization draws its purpose. Every small nicety of the behavioral part in a company are included in regulation currently identified as organizational behavior. Its function is to assemble healthier associations by accomplishing individual, organizational, and social objectives. Organizational behavior includes a broad collection of focus, such as human behavior, change, leadership, teams. Organizational Behavior (OB) is a broad study and application of knowledge about how people, individuals, and groups act in their respective organizations. Typically, organizations employ structure approach that interprets the individual organization relationships beginning at the least to the entire social system .Organizational Behavior is in the basic term which consists of the diversity, communication, business ethics, and change management. Wal-mart Stores has publicly owned American Corporation, and currently the nation’s largest company. This paper entails an examination on the organizational behavior displayed by Wal-Mart Corporation. Organizational culture is the persona of the company. According to Carter McNamara (2000), â€Å"Culture involves the assumptions, values, norms and tangible signs (artifacts) of organization members and their behaviors.†Organizational culture is also recognized as casual behaviors that an organization and its workers accept as their approach to doing business. Many of Sam Waltons values replicas these descriptions of corporate culture, which is the part of the culture that appeals to customers. Go into any Wal-Mart at 7 a.m. and the customer may take notice of something a little bizarre, such as a cheer performed to Wal-mart employees. Wal-Mart has a cheer. Wal-Marts founder, Sam Walton, was in Korea touring a tennis ball manufactory and he saw the employees do a cheer and exercises established by the company which is done every morning. He incorporated a daily cheer into the day to day activities of the Wal-Mart Corporation, which is now part of the Wal-Mart culture. This rites performed by Wal-Mart employees is merely one instance of the numerous elements of organizational culture that Sam Walton worked to inspire in the employees who work for the Wal-Mart Corporation. The culture establishes the style of leadership, communication, and group dynamics inside the company. The employees identify this as the way of work life which expresses his or her level of motivation. The ultimate result is performance, employee fulfillment, and individual growth and improvement. All these fundamentals combine makes the mold or structure that Wal-Mart operates. Part of organizational behavior and culture is diversity, communication, business ethics, and change management. Diversity is individuals who has distinctive perceptions or outlooks that he or she can bring to the business. As the worlds largest retailer Wal-Mart value diversity and promote a work atmosphere that enhances the individual and proficient practice of the organization’s employees. Wal-Mart makes diversity a component of their company plan; guaranteeing the company can maintain being a worldwide leader in all portions of Diversity and Inclusion (Wal-Mart, 2007). Wal-Mart not only value diversity also places much emphasis on company business ethics. In the past years, Wal-Mart has found themselves under fire for their business ethics. Although Wal-mart declares to be a company established on family principles, many believe otherwise. Wal-Mart is branded as the friendly neighborhood supermarket, however, until lately; Wal-Mart has themselves in the hot seat fighting unjust employment practice lawsuits. A worker employed by Wal-Mart in New York has charged the nation’s top merchant of unjust labor practices. The lawsuit was filed in a New York state court on behalf of more than 10,000 existing and past workers of Wal-Mart and stores affiliated with Wal-Mart stores in New York. The grievance maintains at Wal-Mart practices unfair compensation to employees and forcing workers to work while not on the clock. Business ethics is the use of moral values to business behavior. Business pertains to every part of the company’s code of conduct, starting at the highest level of management, how companies care for their staff and merchants to sales practices and bookkeeping practices. Ethics goes further than the lawful requirements for the company and is, hence, about optional choices and behavior directed by values. Business ethics is important to the dealings of the employees and to the activities of the company as a whole. â€Å"Communication is the key to avoid any unethical business practices. Communication is the glue that holds organizations together. It is the way we share information, ideas, goals, directions, expectations, feelings, and emotions in the context of coordinated action.†(Schermerhorn, Hunt, and Osborn, 2008 p. 318) Change management has help Wal-mart to turn around all the bad in the company. Change management is a methodical advance to dealing with change, equally from the standpoint of a company and on the individual point. Change management has at three diverse features, adapting to change, controlling change, and effecting change. For any organization, change management represents determining and applying measures and knowledge to implement changes in the company’s surroundings and to benefit from changing chances. The largest corporation has organizational behavior and culture. These characteristics are what shapes the company and make the company stand out from others. Wal-mart deals with the day to day functions of being a successful business. Communication, business ethics, diversity, and change management are a part of Wal-Mart’s activities. These things are important to the success of any company not just Wal-Mart. The outcome is performance, employee fulfillment, and individual growth and improvement. Reference McNamara, Carter (2000) Organizational Culture. Retrieved on November 22, 2008 from Schermerhorn, John, R., Hunt, James, G., Osborn, Richard, N., (2008) Organizational Behavior (10th ed.). Wiley, New York, NY Wal-Mart (2006) Diversity. Retrieved on November 23, 2008 from Research Papers on Organizational Behavior - Analysis of Wal-MartSociology EssayExempt vs Non-Exempt EmployeesDr. Edward Deming EssayGoogle Research PaperGap Analysis: Lester ElectronicsEmployment Law EssayGene One the Transition from Private to PublicWhat are Stock OptionsSociology is a ScienceInternational Paper
Sunday, October 20, 2019
A Guide to Dantes 9 Circles of Hell
A Guide to Dantes 9 Circles of Hell Dante’s Inferno (14th C) is the first part of a three-part epic poem, followed by and Paradiso. Those approaching the La Divina Commedia (The Divine Comedy) for the first time might benefit from a brief structural description. This first part is Dante’s journey through the nine circles of Hell, guided by the poet Virgil. At the beginning of the story, a woman, Beatrice, calls for an angel to bring Virgil to guide and aid Dante in his journey so that no harm will befall him. The nine circles of Hell, in order of entrance and of severity Limbo: Where those who never knew Christ exist. Dante encounters ​Ovid, Homer, Socrates, Aristotle, Julius Caesar and more here. Lust: Self-explanatory. Dante encounters Achilles, Paris, Tristan, Cleopatra, Dido, and others here.Gluttony: Where those who over-indulge exist. Dante encounters ordinary people (i.e. not characters from the epic poems or gods from mythology) here. Boccaccio takes one of these characters, Ciacco, and later incorporates him into The Decameron (14th C).Greed: Self-explanatory. Dante encounters more ordinary people, but also the guardian of the circle, Pluto. Virgil discusses the nation of â€Å"Fortune†but they do not directly interact with any inhabitants of this circle (the first time they pass through a circle without speaking to anyone – a comment on Dante’s opinion of Greed as a higher sin).Anger: Dante and Virgil are threatened by the Furies when they try to enter through the walls of Dis (Satan). This is a further progression in Dante’s evaluation of the nature of sin; he also begins to question himself and his own life, realizing his actions/nature could lead him to this permanent torture. Heresy: Rejection of religious and/or political â€Å"norms.† Dante encounters Farinata degli Uberti, a military leader and an aristocrat tried to win the Italian throne, convicted of heresy in 1283. Dante also meets Epicurus, Pope Anastasius II, and Emperor Frederick II. Violence: This is the first circle to be further segmented into sub-circles or rings. There are three of them, the Outer, Middle, and Inner rings, and each ring houses different types of violent criminals. The first are those who were violent against people and property, such as Attila the Hun. Centaurs guard this Outer Ring and shoot its inhabitants with arrows. The Middle Ring consists of those who commit violence against themselves (suicide). These sinners are perpetually eaten by Harpies. The Inner Ring is made up of the blasphemers, or those who are violent against God and nature. One of these sinners is Brunetto Latini, a sodomite, who was Dante’s own mentor (n ote that Dante speaks kindly to him). The usurers are also here, as are those who blasphemed not just against â€Å"God†but also the gods, such as Capaneus, who blasphemed against Zeus. Fraud: This circle is distinguished from its predecessors by its being made up of those who consciously and willingly commit fraud. Within the 8th circle, there is another called the Malebolge (â€Å"Evil Pockets†) which houses 10 separate Bolgias (â€Å"ditches†). In these exist different types of frauds, including: Panderers/Seducers (1), Flatterers (2), Simoniacs (those who sell ecclesiastical preferment) (3), Sorcerers/Astrologers/False Prophets (4), Barrators (corrupt politicians) (5), Hypocrites (6), Thieves (7), False Counsellors/Advisers (8), Schismatics (those who separate religions to form new ones) (9), and Alchemists/Counterfeiters, Perjurers, Impersonators, etc. (10). Each of these Bolgias is guarded by different demons, and the inhabitants suffer different punishments, such as the Simoniacs who are stood head-first in stone bowls and forced to endure flames upon their feet.Treachery: The deepest circle of Hell, where Satan reside s. As with the last two circles, this one is further divided, this time into four rounds. The first is Caina, named after the Biblical Cain who murdered his own brother. This round is for traitors to kindred (family). The second is named Antenora and comes from Antenor of Troy who betrayed the Greeks. This round is reserved for political/national traitors. The third is Ptolomaea (for Ptolemy son of Abubus) who is known for inviting Simon Maccabaeus and his sons to dinner and then murdering them. This round is for hosts who betray their guests; they are punished more harshly because of the traditional belief that having guests means entering into a voluntary relationship (unlike the relationships with family and country, which we are born into); thus, betraying a relationship you willingly enter is considered more despicable. The fourth round is Judecca, after Judas Iscariot who betrayed Christ. This is the round reserved for traitors to their lords/benefactors/m asters. As in the previous circle, the subdivisions each have their own demons and punishments. The Center of Hell After making their way through all nine circles of Hell, Dante and Virgil reach the center of Hell. Here they meet Satan, who is described as a three-headed beast. Each mouth is busy eating a specific person – the left mouth is eating Brutus, the right is eating Cassius, and the center mouth is eating Judas Iscariot. Brutus and Cassius are those who betrayed and caused the murder of Julius Caesar. Judas did the same to Jesus Christ. These are the ultimate sinners, in Dante’s opinion, as they consciously committed acts of treachery against their lords, who were appointed by God.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Pre-modern Indian History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Pre-modern Indian History - Essay Example Taxila commanded the royal road which is the modern Kabul, formerly the valley of river Cophen connecting Gandhara to the kingdom of Magadha in the east. The Taxila town also commanded the Kashmir river valley up to the Indian Ocean in the south (Xinru, 21). Considering the command areas the Taxila held, it is believed that they also had rules over the land between Babylonia in the west and China in The East. During this ancient period, there was the Greek, Achaemenid and Kushan ages. In the Kushan age there were Sirsukh, Jaulian and the Mohra Moradu tribes (Edwin, 4). This paper will explain the establishment of the Kushans Empire and their numerous social, religious, economic and political engagements in the ancient Asian history. The Taxila Kushans In the early days, the Kushans were mainly nomads who belonged to the Yuezhi clan residing on the grasslands of the eastern Tarim Basin region, in present-day Gansu province in China (Xinru, 19). The Yuezhi tribe was believed to be comp rised of jade and horse traders who moved with their herd guarded by an estimated 100,000 to 200,000 military men. They were forcefully evicted from their original residence by the stronger Xiongnu tribe. Reports claim that they first migrated west and then south to Transoxiana a region north of Oxus River which is today referred to as Amu Darua (Xinru, 10). They further migrated to the Bactria region in the northern part of India. The Kushans of the Yuezhi clan were notably dominant creating a supreme rule over others tribes (William, 11). In the 1st century AD in the territories of ancient Bactria on both sides of the middle course of Oxus, the Kushans Empire under the leadership of king Kujula Kadphises was originally established after a successful invasion and control of the Bactria region. This was favored by the then existing rivalry between the Parthians and the scytho-Parthians (Xinru, 12). Through his enormous troops of military men, King Kujula Kadphises comfortably took c ontrol of the southern prosperous region which is the northwest part of ancient India traditionally known as Gandhara. Reports suggest that he rued the empire up to the year78 AD. On his death his able son Vima Taktu succeeded him and expanded the kingdom further in to the northwest part of south Asia. He later appointed and installed generals to these lands who were to exert the Kushan rule on the inhabitants (Smith, 45). Kujula Kadphises grandson Vima Kadphises took the helm of leadership after the death of his father in 95. He is credited with the greatest expansion of the Kushan Empire by acquiring vast lands that were to fall under the Kushan control. Reports claim that he expanded the lands to Afghanistan and North West India. Due to the empire expansion, some Kushans later relocated and settled in central Afghanistan and the northwest of the Indian subcontinent up to the lands of Saketa and Sarnath which are found on the Varanasi or Banares areas. It is also reported that the y held diplomatic relations with the Han of China, the Roman Empire and also the Sassanid Persia. During his reign, the Kushans are believed to have acquired a lot of wealth due to the connections and control they had over the Silk Road (Edwin, 24). His successor Kanishka 1 continued with the rule with records crediting him for his territorial administration from two capitals:
Addictive Behaviours Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Addictive Behaviours - Research Paper Example To better understand what can be done and what the genetic component to addiction means, we first have to analyse the concept of addiction and then examine how the genetic model compares with several other models which explain addictive behaviour as well as the reality that we have in treating and handling addiction as it dealt by with the courts of law and a morally guided culture. The Concept of Addiction As discussed by Peele et. al. (1998) the basic concept of addiction can be understood as the visible, quantifiable, and often pathological activity of an individual that displays its inability to leave a habit which creates a desire for a physical substance or the engaging in a particular act. This concept was further developed by Compton (2001) who adds that the addictive behaviour may be due to a mental or a physical dependence which is based on a person’s habit. This is certainly an improvement over the common understanding of addiction in which a person is said to be addicted if s/he continues to use a substance despite causing harm to his/her person. When a person is at such a state, the addictive behaviour exhibited by the individual can increase with time. This increase can be represented in several ways which include an increase in the amount or the frequency of using the addictive substance or exhibiting the addictive behaviour.
Friday, October 18, 2019
A THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL EVALUATION OF THE LOGISTICAL PROCESSES AT TATE AND LYLE, SILVERTOWN - Essay Example 1998). Supply chain management (SCM) is the 21st century global operations strategy for achieving organizational competitiveness. Companies are attempting to find ways to improve their flexibility and responsiveness and in turn competitiveness by changing their operations strategy, methods and technologies that include the implementation of SCM paradigm and information technology (IT) (A. Gunasekaran, E.W.T. Ngai 2003). The industries in the 21st century are trying to improve their infrastructure in order to compete in the global market. The industries are adopting agile methods for the sake of fulfilment of market requirements. For achieving market goals industries are moving towards outsourcing virtual enterprises and resulting in the decentralization of their activities for getting maximum market benefits. So there is the need of a bridge, which may serve as an integrator between suppliers and partnering firms, in the domains of supply chains or logistics. The bridge which can fill the gap, between suppliers and partnering firms, is the domain of Information Technology. The integration of suppliers and partnering firms through Information Technology evolved the new approach known as Supply Chain Management. Supply Chain Management Systems or logistic systems are present everywhere and they are adopted by many industry champions or network leaders. In the beginning the interorganizational systems used by the industries were only able to support the automation of manual processes such as for managing orders and accounts. Then with the passage of time the addition of different powerful features, like information sharing, communication and collaboration, in the existing systems have made them more robust and beneficial for network leaders (Icasati - Johanson and Fleck 2003). There are round about 30,000 interorganizational systems which are being
Case Study for Total Quality Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Case Study for Total Quality Management - Essay Example Ever since 9/11 this industry has seen radical changes and movements towards downsizing and cost cutting. A company in this industry that was able to maintain a high level of customer service is Orbitz Corporation. This paper provides two answers to discussion questions of the case study Customer Service Processes at Orbitz. Mr. Patton was very satisfied with the level of service that he received. Corporations that provide good customer service are able to achieve higher levels of customer retention (Achievemax, 2009). There were various aspects of the experience Mr. Patton encountered which made him happy. First of all when he approached the company about the double billing problem the company was apologetic. After a short verification process which took a few minutes the firm admitted they were wrong. This is somewhat unusual because companies love to blame the customer. I once had a problem at an ATM that stole my money. I went to the bank and they claimed it was not their fault because they were the owners of the ATM and the protocol was for an investigation to occur. I was not satisfied with this response at all since all they had to do was contact the other bank that owned the ATM to check the video camera in order to verify that cash was not disbursed. Mr. Hatton was surprised that the company ad mitted the wrong doing so fast. Another dimension of the customer service at Orbitz that impressed Mr. Hatton was the short waiting time on the phone and the efficiency of their voicemail system. Inefficient voicemail system that keep routing the customer through way too many options typically anger customers to the point that at times the customer prefers to hang up than to continue the ordeal (Crestcapital, 2006). Another aspect of the customer service that impressed Mr. Hatton was that the company apologized for the mistake on various occasions. At the end of the process Orbitz send Mr. Hatton a letter apologizing with a
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The end of Lehman Brothers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The end of Lehman Brothers - Essay Example The scandal that brought the Lehman brothers to their knees was one that involved financial and accounting fraud, which was no new case for the firm since its inception. Following the release of reports following the bankruptcy of Lehman, scandals are cropping up showing that the Lehmans have been cooking their books, also known as creative accounting since before the financial crisis hit the world in the last years of the previous decade. The precise time would be around the year 2007, when things began to go downhill for them. The scandal goes by the name â€Å"Repo 105†following the textbook application of previously used antics to bring about a scandal (Sharp). The scandal begins with deals involving banks in the Cayman Islands relating to repurchase agreements. In this case, Lehman planned to dispense toxic assets to the banks that got into the deal, on the condition that, after a given short period, Lehman would repurchase them. This deal made the Lehmans appear to be an honest organization dealing as per the law. However, the whole issue was only on paper, while the actual organization of the firm revolved around dirty dealings and fraud (Sharp). All the above was in an attempt to pull a fast one on investors and credit rating agencies to maintain their prestigious position. In the meantime, the Lehmans brothers were quite busy embezzling funds and finances from their organization on a colossal scale to a pint of no return. In their creative accounting, the Lehmans went beyond themselves in defrauding the public and investors by using the toxic assets as leverage. This is by balancing their books with the said assets as sales and not as loans, as is common practice in the financial world. The implication was that the firm reflected having more liquid cash in their books, as opposed to having more assets in mortgages as would be expected. This marked a calculated move to defraud every one off their keenness and trust in the firm by
The Influence of EU Policies on the ROCKWOOL Group Essay
The Influence of EU Policies on the ROCKWOOL Group - Essay Example The company has a long standing generational production through manufacture of stone wool insulation products. The stone wool is a product that is used to enhance the life of people both in homes and offices by alleviating most of the problems associated with the environment. Some of the problems alleviated are greenhouse effect, smog and acid rain in the air. Other products and areas of specialization include ship building, petrochemicals as well as horticulture. Rockwool group was founded in 1909 and to date, has factories in over 20 countries in 3 continents all over the world. With an employee population of over 8,000, the company has regional networking groups that cover European sub-region of the Benelux countries. In 2009, the company, a large scale corporation realized a revenue high of $ 2.7 billion. It is therefore a company that operates on the basis of economy is of large scale production and distribution. It should be noted that though the country operates in three conti nents only, its products are universally used. The structure of the company is based on a very high level of computerized systems that creates a very easy performance criterion across areas of operation. The company has in the recent past harnessed use of a better control of its infrastructure in which case there is a high level of computerized technology that keeps all the company operations all over the world as a worldwide centre of operations. ... The organizational structure of the company is based on the international company act sequences in which case there is a high level of dependence on the articles and memo of association. The company management on an internal scale is based on group management where there is a chief executive as well as a board of directors. There is also an established audit committee that authenticates the running of all the internal and external issues on finance in the company (Rockwool, 2009, p. 21). With all these, the company benefits from the general performance of all the activities that is relevant in integrating all the branches of the company for a worthy cause. How Policy Developments in the European Union Affect the Company There are several policies that govern the trade in the European Union. These policies affect every aspect of the trade and are therefore helpful in creation of healthy trade factors in the region. The policies that are regulated in the union are broad-based but serve very specific purposes. The policies touch on areas that deal with integration of the market, available opportunities, and the effects of the political economy and venture laws into the international markets (Clarke & Morgan, 2006, p. 33). Integration and Competition Policies The integration policies in the union have had a big market influence in the market. There are some countries that have high stake integration than others. For instance, some countries in the eastern part of Europe do not have a direct relationship with those in the west. Therefore, the companies with a base in either region do not enjoy all the rights associated with closeness. The level of competition therefore is not as creative as it
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The end of Lehman Brothers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The end of Lehman Brothers - Essay Example The scandal that brought the Lehman brothers to their knees was one that involved financial and accounting fraud, which was no new case for the firm since its inception. Following the release of reports following the bankruptcy of Lehman, scandals are cropping up showing that the Lehmans have been cooking their books, also known as creative accounting since before the financial crisis hit the world in the last years of the previous decade. The precise time would be around the year 2007, when things began to go downhill for them. The scandal goes by the name â€Å"Repo 105†following the textbook application of previously used antics to bring about a scandal (Sharp). The scandal begins with deals involving banks in the Cayman Islands relating to repurchase agreements. In this case, Lehman planned to dispense toxic assets to the banks that got into the deal, on the condition that, after a given short period, Lehman would repurchase them. This deal made the Lehmans appear to be an honest organization dealing as per the law. However, the whole issue was only on paper, while the actual organization of the firm revolved around dirty dealings and fraud (Sharp). All the above was in an attempt to pull a fast one on investors and credit rating agencies to maintain their prestigious position. In the meantime, the Lehmans brothers were quite busy embezzling funds and finances from their organization on a colossal scale to a pint of no return. In their creative accounting, the Lehmans went beyond themselves in defrauding the public and investors by using the toxic assets as leverage. This is by balancing their books with the said assets as sales and not as loans, as is common practice in the financial world. The implication was that the firm reflected having more liquid cash in their books, as opposed to having more assets in mortgages as would be expected. This marked a calculated move to defraud every one off their keenness and trust in the firm by
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Weekly Class Members Responses Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Weekly Class Members Responses - Assignment Example The way the writer has composed the replies reflects his/her strong writing skills. The writer has answered all questions properly and has explained the replies in a revealing manner. The writer has not left any of the questions unanswered or unexplained. The only problem I see in the replies is the informal structure of some sentences. However, that is just a minor issue that cannot overshadow the composition, knowledge, and writing skills of the writer. The writer has compared both letters very well. For example, the writer has classified the letters in terms of formal and informal letters. Moreover, the writer has written about the feelings of Oprah in both letters. The writer seems to be acknowledging the writing style of the sender in the second letter. In the end, the writer has mentioned the actions that both Oprah and the CEO can take to change the product
Monday, October 14, 2019
Teenage Pregnancy Essay Example for Free
Teenage Pregnancy Essay Statistics from the Malaysia Welfare Department for this year, from January to April 2010, reported that 111 unmarried young girls were pregnant. The figure, however, is just the tip of the iceberg as many cases go unreported and pregnancies terminated. It also reported in New Straits Times on 23rd July 2010, the body of a baby girl found in a bag at a bus stop near the Sultan Ismail Hospital, Johor Bahru in the morning. Also there a baby found buried. New Straits Times on 18th July 2010, reported that a fetus was found buried by the roadside in Jalan 12, Bandar Puteri Puchong, Selangor. Baby dumping is not the solution to a life problem and it could be charged under Section 317 of the Penal Code which carries a maximum jail term of seven years or fine or both according to the Malaysian law. For the past few years there are many newborn babies have been found, dead or live in the most unlikely places like rubbish dump. For instance, The Malay Mail on 26 July 2011 [5] reported that a fetus with the umbilical cord intact was found in a garbage can at Pulau Mutiara wholesale market in Jalan Makloom, Penang. This shows clearly that â€Å"baby dumping†is really serious problem that currently happened in our society. Based on Table 1, the statistic from the Headquarters of Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) [6] indicated that there were 407 cases of baby dumping, for the past five years starting from 2005 until 7th April 2010. On average, there are 68 cases every year and these cases keep increasing. While in Figure 1.2.1, it shows that, there are 472 babies found dumped nationwide since 2005 until 16th August 2010. In year 2010 alone, it already recorded 65 cases up to 16 August 2010. That is means average 8 cases per month solely in year 2010 and this figure is not included the cases that not reported. According to Federal Criminal Investigation Department (CID) Director Commissioner Datuk Seri Bakri Zinin, this year alone (2010), as at 16 August 2010, 65 dumped babies had been. As compared to 42 cases during the same period last year (2009), there is an increase in these cases [7]. Recently, the Cabinet also informed that there were 21 recorded cases of students who got pregnant out of wedlock between 2006 and 2010. Then, what about the unreported and unrecorded cases? Public belief that the figure more than what we can imagine. After all the shocking incidents proven by the data produced by PDRM and Welfare Department, we found a strong base to do this study. 3. Methods Material A simple random sampling technique was conducted among 400 students (out of total 7535 students) from Form One until Form Six (Upper Six) in secondary schools at the area of Bakar Arang State Assembly under Sungai Petani Parliamentary, Kedah. The schools involved were Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan 138 Ibrahim, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Sungai Pasir, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Khir Johari and Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Bandar Sungai Petani in Sungai Petani, Kedah.The data was analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) in getting descriptive statistic and correlation. 4. Results Discussion 4.1. Profile of Respondents Out of 400 respondents, there were 183 (45.75%) male respondents and 217 (54.25%) female respondents. This finding showed the dominant of female respondents in this study. Regarding the age group, the respondents were in the age of 13 years old (18 students or 4.50%), followed by 14 years old (51 students or 12.75%), 15 years old (44 students or 11.00%), 16 years old (97 students or 24.25%), 17 years old (94 students or 23.50%) and lastly 18 years old and above which is 96 students or 24.00%. The highest respondents in this study was 16 years old, followed by 18 years old, 17 years old, 14 years old, 15 years old and the lowest respondents were 13 years old. The race of respondents in this study consist of three major races in Malaysia which is Malay, Chinese, and Indian and the balance was other races. From the finding, it can be concluded that the highest race in this study was Malay, which consist of 242 students (60.5%), followed by Chinese, 75 students (18.75%), Indian 67students (16.75%) and the lowest was other races which consist 16 students (4.00%). 4.2. Result of Findings H1: There is a significant relationship between awareness towards consequences of free sex and baby dumping issue from the secondary school students’ perspective. Table 2. Awareness on consequences of free sex towards a perspective of baby dumping issue Awareness towards consequences of free sex Baby Dumping Pearson Correlation 0.396** Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 N 400 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). There was a significant relationship between awareness towards consequences of free sex and a perspective of baby dumping issue from the secondary school students’ perspective whereas P =0.000 and r = 0.396. Significant level is P 0.05 (P = 0.000). So, the researcher accepts the H1. This means, the awareness towards consequences of free sex has an influence towards perspective of the baby dumping issue. This finding was also supported by APWLD Annual Report 2010 [9]. H2: There is a significant relationship between knowledge on sex education and baby dumping issue from the secondary school students’ perspective. Table 3: Knowledge on sex education towards a perspective of baby dumping issue. Knowledge on sex education Baby Dumping Pearson Correlation 0.445** Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 N 400 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). There was a significant relationship between knowledge on sex education and perspective of the baby dumping issue from the secondary school students’ perspective whereas P = 0.000 and r = 0.445. Significant level is P 0.05 (P = 0.000). So, the researcher accepts H2. This means, the respondents agreed that knowledge on sex education is important in order to prevent or reduce the number of baby dumping that happen in Malaysia. Besides that, most of the respondent agreed 139 that by learning sex education, teenagers will be more matured and responsible to themselves and having knowledge on sex education is important to prevent free sex among teenagers. H3: There is a significant relationship between religious belief and baby dumping issue from the secondary school students’ perspective. Table 4.Religious belief and a perspective of the baby dumping issue. Religious Belief Baby Dumping Pearson Correlation 0.386** Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 N 400 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). There was a significant relationship between religious belief and a perspective of baby dumping issue from the secondary school students’ perspective whereas P = 0.000 and r = 0.386. Significant level is P 0.05 (P = 0.000). So, the researcher accepts H3. Religious belief also plays an important role in order to prevent baby dumping that increase from time to time. Other than that, most of respondents also agreed that religious belief need to apply in their daily life activity. This finding was also supported by the Azmi (2010) [1] and Coleman Testa (2007)[8]. 5. Conclusion As a conclusion, awareness towards consequences of free sex, knowledge on sex education and religious belief showed the significant relationships with the baby dumping issues in our country. Most of the respondents agreed that these three variables have a significant impact on baby dumping cases. It is important for the teenagers to understand the consequences of free sex so that they can prevent the unwanted pregnancy at the young age. Besides that, the knowledge on sex education is important to ensure the teenagers have a better understanding about their body so that they will not easily involve in free sex which can lead to the baby dumping. On top of that, the important of religious belief and practices also play a vital function. Every religion has lay down and taught about the dos and don’ts, about the sin and reward, and all religion prohibited the act of free sex. In order to prevent it, the government, schools, parents and teenagers should take necessary actions to stop this baby dumping issue from becoming worst. 6. Recommendation In order to cope with this baby dumping cases, government should come out with several policies and programmes. First of all, the government may incorporate sex education in school curriculum as part of a holistic approach to tackle baby dumping cases. This approach is needed in order to provide awareness and better understanding of reproductive system and health at school level. Besides that, the government also can restructure or add the syllabus in certain subject such as â€Å"Pendidikan Islam†or â€Å"Pendidikan Moral†in order to create awareness and highlighted the consequences of social problems like free sex and baby dumping. The government also should promote Islam as a way of life especially to the Muslim youth as we can see nowadays; most of the people who involved in baby dumping were Muslims. Islamic scholars and Ulama’ must take this responsibility to explain to the community about Islam. However, it is important for the religious persons to use suitable method according to target group in performing this task. The government also can bring the Ulama’ or others religious person from other religion to give talk to the teenagers based on their belief especially when there is a program for teenagers as well as when there is a national campaign to curb with this kind of social problem. Drastic step by the government in categorizing baby dumping as a criminal amounting to murder if it meets with all the legal specifications is also can be introduced. The government can give another chance to the guilty parents if their baby is found alive but if the baby is found dead, the guilty parents need to be penalized under this criminal act. 140 Government also can help to curb this problems by exterminate pornographic materials from internet and electronic multimedia. These pornographic materials also one of the biggest factors that can contribute to the baby dumping issues because it will influence teenagers to do bad things. It is also recommended that the government come out with new rule to restrict the teenagers below 18 years old to check-in hotel or motel without parents or guardian. This rule will able to reduce free sex among the teenagers. Besides government, parents also should actively play their role in coping with this issue. For instance, they should discuss â€Å"openly†about sex and things related to it with their kids. Even though this topic still â€Å"taboo†in certain culture but it will prevent teenagers to get wrong information about sex from wrong sources. Weak family ties also one of the contributing factors in the rising cases of baby-dumping. It is a signal to all the parents not to concentrate and busy with their works and forgets to spend time with their children. As caring parents, we should hug, kiss, love and give more attention to our children before other persons do it for them. 7. Acknowledgements Our sincere thanks goes to our colleagues in UiTM Kedah, Malaysia for whom we have great regard, and we wish to extend our warmest thanks to all those who have helped us with the creation of this paper especially to Abdullah Fathi Muslim,Izzatul Nadiah Isa, Noor Atiqah Idris, Nurul Farakhin Zahrin and Nurzawani Abd Salam. 8. References [1] Dali, A. (2010), â€Å"Gejala buang bayi meningkat†, Kosmo , 17 August, pp. 6. [2] New Straits Times (2010), Eight held over selling of babies available at: 188506529.html (accessed 26 July 2011) [3] New Straits Times (2010), Foetus found buried by roadside available at: (accessed 26 November 2010) [4] New Straits Times (2010), Newborn found in plastic bag, available at: (accessed 26 November 2010) [5] The Malay Mail (2011), Foetus of boy found in garbage can, available at: (accessed 26 July 2011) [6] PDRM (2010) â€Å"Baby Dumping Statistic†available at: (accessed 26 November 2010) [7] The Star (2010), â€Å"CID Chief: 472 babies found dumped since 2005†, available at: (accessed 16 August 2010) [8] Coleman, L.M. and Testa, A. (2007), â€Å"Preferences towards sex education and information from an ethnically diverse sample of young people†, Sex Education, Vol. 7 No. 3, pp. 293-307. [9] Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD) Annual Report 2010. 141
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Concept Of E Commerce It Information Technology Essay
Concept Of E Commerce It Information Technology Essay You are required to choose an E-commerce website and asses it in terms of seven unique features. Which of the features does the site implement well and which feature poorly in your opinion. Provide your detailed findings and suggestion for improvement? Assume that, you had bought two products through online. Explain why you choose to buy that product through online, pros and cons of online purchase. Table of content Introduction Nowadays most of the peoples in this generation will spend most of the time sitting in front of computer and online. At this moment, most of the peoples will use e-commerce website purchase things rather than go shopping mall and purchases things. In this question , students are required to choose an E-commerce website and assess it in term of seven unique features and explain in details which are the features are implement well and which features poorly in our own opinion, not only that, there are also required to give suggestion the improvement for the poorly features. The seven features of e-commerce such as, Ubiquity, Global Reach, Universal Standards, Richness, Interactivity, Information Density, Personalization and customization. Most of the e-commerce website will include those seven unique features, just a problem between which is good and bad. In order to have a successful e-commerce website, these seven unique features are important. Main body Question 1 From the early and humble beginnings, where peoples are still using the traditional transaction and most of the companies does not have their own website, but nowadays e-commerce sees billions traded annually and not only small companies, even large companies also could not afford without a website. Indeed, for many companies, their presence on the Internet is their window to the world and they are also considering as e-commerce businesses. Actually what is e-commerce? E-commerce also called as Electronic Commerce. E-commerce is a type of industry where purchasing and selling of products or services are conducted through over the internet and other computer network. E-commerce are involves digitally enabled commercial transactions between and among organizations and individuals. There are two categories e-commerce which are classified by nature of market relationship and classified by type of technologies used. In classified by nature of market relationship are included B2C (Business -to-Consumer), B2B (Business-to-Business) and C2C (Consumer-to-Consumer). Classified by type of technologies used are included P2P (Peer-to-Peer) and M-Commerce (Mobile Commerce). Require having a successful e-commerce website, these are the seven unique features for the e-commerce website is needed. These are the seven unique features for e-commerce, Ubiquity, Global Reach, Universal Standards, Richness, Interactivity, Information Density, Personalization and customization. Ubiquity It is available everywhere such as work, home and any other places via mobile device. When anytime Marketplace is created or extended beyond traditional boundaries and removed from a geographic location. Shopping can take place anywhere. It can reduce costs and save time such as parking fees and wasting time purposely go to the shopping mall and spend time to search for the items. It can make more convenience for customer. Global reach Total numbers of consumers or users an e-commerce business can have. Technology Dimension Business Significance Technology reaches beyond national boundaries Commerce is enabled across cultural and national boundaries seamlessly and without modification. Marketplace includes potentially billions of consumers and millions of businesses worldwide. The next one is universal standard. Universal standard Universal standard is about to lowers market entry for merchants and search costs for consumers. It can reduce product search cost and by creating a single, one world market place, where price discovery becomes faster, simpler and more accurate. Easily to get the information about all the suppliers, prices, and delivery terms of a specific product anywhere in the world. Richness It can provide information richness which is more powerful selling environment for consumers. E-Commerce technologies have changed the traditional tradeoff between reach and richness with audio, video and text message. Instead of using traditional technologies like TV, radio and magazines, most of the peoples will rather use Internet and web get the marketing messages. In the internet and web are able to provide millions rich marketing messages for audiences. Interactivity Consumers or users can be interacted the content in a dialogue that dynamically adjusts the experience to the individual, and make the consumer a co- participant in the process of delivering goods to the market. It is quite similar to face-to-face experience. Comparing to the TV or radio, it is on a massive global scale. Information density Information density amount and quality of information available to all market participants, it can reduces information cost and raises quality Information processing, storage and communication costs drop dramatically while accuracy and timeliness improve greatly. Information becomes plentiful, cheap and accurate. For example, price discrimination in which a merchant can sell the same goods to different targeted market with a different price. Personalization or customization In this features are allow consumers personalized messages to be delivered to individuals as well as groups personalization of marketing messages and also allow consumers customize the products and services based on individual characteristics and consumers needed. In this question are required to choose an e-commerce website, the e-commerce website that are going to choose will be What is eBay? EBay was founded since 1995 which is an American multinational internet consumer-to-consumer corporation, headquartered in San Jose, California. It was started as a place to trade collectables and hard-to-find items. Today eBay is a global marketplace where businesses and individuals can buy and sell practically anything, but mostly eBay is more on a type of e-commerce which is consumer-to-consumer. Peoples can get information without register in the website, need to register only when peoples wants to buy or sell the products. Peoples can buy what they want in eBay, it is because for everyone. They can buy the things that they want with a great price. These are the example items can found in eBay, electronics, designer fashion, your favorite toy, rare antiques, new cars and furniture. When peoples are looking for those items, they will look for eBay website. eBay also is a best place for peoples to sell things, millions of peoples in this world will just sell things on eBay every day for make some extra money, clear up clutter around the house, start their own business and jump-start holiday savings. At the same time, people s are no need to worry about the products that had been sold will go wrong, eBay will have many programs in place to help you trade with peace of mind, such as feedback system, buyer protection program and dedicated security center. EBay is one of the e-commerce website including all the seven unique features of e-commerce technology and significance. But eBay are not perfectly can do well with all the seven unique features; it has great and poor too. These are the seven unique features of e-commerce will list in sequence from greatest to the poorest. Ubiquity will be the greatest for eBay; it is because eBay are available to everywhere as long as you can online then you can get the information of the products that you looking for. The second will be global reach; eBay is available for everyone in the world, so the number of the users or consumers will be a lot, it is under a global reach level, but there might be some problem that can be reconsider is the users or consumers will be too many and it is hard to be maintain the users or consumers, the marketplace is too wide. Thirdly, universal standard, peoples can get lower cost on eBay and easily to find supplier on eBay, but the price is not fixed and some more consumers have to pay more for the eBay commission. Richness will be in the middle, eBay will just provide information with text and photos, the information sometime will not be so accurate, in order to improve the richness in eBay, it should require sellers to provide a video for their products to make the products information more accurate and clear. EBay quite poor in interactivity, it is hard to have a contact with the sellers; eBay should prepare a more convenience program that allow consumers to contact sellers instead of just reach messages to the sellers. EBay very poor in personalization and customization, it is because eBay is consumer-to-consumer method, so the products sell in eBay mostly is second hand, it is very hard to customize the products for the consumers, they should prepare a form in the website for consumers to write down what they want to change for the products. Lastly, this is the poorest features for the eBay, information density, better do not expect the products will be quality, the items that sell in eBay most probably are second hand or third hand or even more, eBay should compulsory to the seller to have warranty for their products, and improve the limitation, set limited years for the products, for example, if a products that had been more than 10years, do not allow the seller to put in the eBay and sell it. In my opinion, the most important is about the information density feature for eBay, if they can give warrantee for the quality of the products, this warrantee will enroll more peoples use eBay to sell or buy things. Conclusion In conclusion, nothing is perfect in this world, so every e-commerce website will have well and bad, does not have any e-commerce website can fully do well for all the seven unique features. They can only do is keep ask for feedback and suggestion from the consumers or users and keep try to improve the weakness to be better and better, to have a better quality of the website, the more users and consumers only will be enrolled. Especially, eBay is one of the e-commerce website that for the whole world with consumer-to-consumer method to serve consumers, although it is quite convenience to get the products information for peoples needed, but peoples who going to buy products from eBay better do not give too much expectation for the products quality, must be aware of it, it is because the products might not be exactly look as better as the photo provided in the website. Introduction In this question I am required to assume myself is a consumer of online purchase. I had bought two products through the online purchasing website. Why I want to buy those products through online? Why I dont want to go to the shop and buy those products? In this generation online purchase are very common. In this question I do not only have to explain the reason why I want to buy those products from website, I also have to explain in details about the pros and cons of online purchase, which is the advantages and disadvantages of online purchases. Actually, there are not only advantages for online purchase, behind every advantage will also have disadvantage. Although nowadays online purchase are very convenience and more save cost, but there are also certain issues happens we have to be aware, maybe those issues happen will make our money lost and our privacy will be leak out. The answer will telling about we should aware and how to avoid our privacy information and how the hacker get our information and where they get from. Main body Question 2 The two products that I will choose to buy through online are desktop computer and mobile phone. Why choose online purchasing? It is quite convenience comparing to go to the shopping mall or those device shop for research, their prices and the equipment. First of all is about why I will choose to buy desktop computer through online purchasing. Buy a desktop computer with a reasonable and even cheaper price and also specialist for games is not that easy, have to do search for many information and price list. If buying through online, no need to waste my time go to the shopping mall and computer center look for the information and prices, it makes me save time so I can take more time to check for the other brands of the desktop computer price and save cost, I no need to pay the extra parking fees at the computer shops and shopping mall, can just take the money that had saved to assembly more equipment for my desktop computer in order to make it run more faster because it is buy for gaming. Through the online purchasing website can get all the information about the desktop computer including prices. For example, buying a dell desktop, I can just go to a e-commerce website which is sell dells devices and see which of the desktop computer are most suitable for gaming, I can check for the price in the website and try to customize that what I want for my desktop computer such as from 4GB RAM upgrade to 8GB RAM and 500GB hard disk space upgrade to 1TB hard disk space. Not only has that, buying mobile phoned also same, we able to check what the market price for the phone are, and the details for the phone that we looking for, see is it whether the phone really suitable for me or can get even better than that with the reasonable price, can have some packages through the online purchasing website and more convenience. This is why I will choose to buy desktop computer and mobile phone through online purchasing. There are many pros and cons for online purchasing. pros is something similar like advantages of online purchasing and cons is something similar like disadvantages of online purchasing. Pros of online purchasing First of all, it is quite easy to shop through online purchasing. Peoples just needed to have an average internet connection and also some basic knowledge about how to use internet browser to run the e-commerce website. We can just type in their web domain name to browse their website, so that we can get the information about what they are offering, read reviews, make rational buying decision and make comparison with the product from the same categories. Would it be nice to get everything delivered at your doorsteps without you even stepping outside your homes? Purchasing products through online we can get buying our grocery just sitting on our comfortable sofa and watch our favorite TV shows. We also can have some comparisons, read reviews, view user ratings and make uniform and rational buying decisions in online purchasing web. It is much more convenience for us to do quick comparisons, so that we can get a chance to search the entire positive and negatives of a certain product or service. Can we have discount through the online purchasing? Yes! Since there are many online shopping website exists, of course there will be many competition on internet between different shopping websites, but customers always the first, so many websites will offers many kind of promotions for customer such as, gift certificates, shopping points, discount and cash back benefits. Who will be the people who win those offers? We are the persons can won it. No hard cash for online purchasing, its mean buying products without paying cash. We can get the products that we wanted without paying anything in cash. Everything will be handled by our credit card or PayPal account. Especially, those electronic products like plasma television. Cons of online purchasing While shopping on the Internet can be a pleasing and rewarding experience, the negatives or disadvantages associated with Internet shopping cannot be neglected. Let us take a look at some of the disadvantages of online shopping. Firstly, online shopping actually we do not physically seen the items, which mean we can only see the items through the photo provided on e-commerce website, we could not see the items that we bought until it arrive. Normally the photo of items that we see will be much better than once we have the item in front of us. Secondly, online security is quite weak, although online payments are safe but not always, there might have some of the e-commerce websites are not secure enough or do not encrypt our personal credit card date, if hacker has break into the sites system, our credit card data and information will be leak out. Thirdly, certain peoples computer might have spyware on their computer, if we using this computer to purchasing items through online purchasing, it is a risk of our credit card information and personal data been stolen by our own computer. Fourthly, it can cause spam issues on our email, when we bought something through the website such as, a digital camera. We are happy when we receive it, but days pass we will suddenly receiving a hoard of emails offering discounts, special schemes, promotions and so on from the website. When every time they have any special promotions or disco unt, the website will keep sending messages to our email, it is because after we bought products from their website, the website may do have a clause in their privacy policy document that our email able to share with third parties to send us relevant offers, it is quite annoying. Lastly, sometime it may cause online connection issues, due to the internet connection unstable, or sometime there will be a time too many visit the website will cause internet connection problems, when we add items to our online shopping cart, after entering credit card information and submit it, at this moment the internet connection error, we may not know is it the order went through correctly or not. After refresh the screen it may cause double billing or double ordering. Conclusion In conclusion, buying desktop computer and mobile phone from website really very convenience for me, I can get more information not only for the brand that I looking for, at the same time I can also have more information about the other brand of the desktop computer and mobile phone, might be I can found there is another brands products price and features also reasonable than what I looking for. Beside this, the pros and cons given in the question I had learnt a lesson about how to safety buy products from online website. Before buying items through online, make sure our connectivity are going smooth and double check the whole computer it is any spyware in my computer, make sure the whole computer is clear and connection is smooth, only confirm the products that had picked and key in the information that are required that the website asking for. Choose the website that are most people use also very important, dont choose the website that not common without confidentially and nobodys know, or else our money also might gone without anybodys knowing. So choose the website with high confidentially and most people know.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Flying Tigers :: American America History
Flying Tigers Flying Tigers is the name of a mercenary group of American pilots that helped defend China and the Burma Road from the bombing of the Japanese during World War II. The name of their planes was Tomahawks, but the Chinese called them Fei Hu for the sharks teeth painted on their planes. Flying Tigers were known as the American Volunteer Group of the Chinese Air Force. The Flying Tigers did not see combat until December 1941 when the Japanese started bombing China. Jim Gordon, the leader of the Flying Tigers, was running short on pilots after the war had started so he began searching for new pilots. Blackie, one of the volunteers, wanted to be part of the Flying Tigers, but Jim didn't want Blackie. So his wife begged Jim to let Blackie into his group. One day during the Japanese bombing, Blackie's plane caught on fire. He jumped out attached to his parachute, but one of the Japanese planes saw him and shot him. Another volunteer, Woody, joined the Flying Tigers, he wanted to prove to Jim Gordon that he was an expert at flying planes. During the first attack, Jim wouldn't let Woody fly, but Woody flew anyway. When he was aiming for a soldier, he noticed that his plane didn't have bullets and was nearly killed. After that happened, Jim thought Woody would one day be a good pilot because he was brave enough to take on three Japanese planes all by himself with no bullets. When the day of December 7, 1941 hit, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt ann ounced on the radio that Pearl Harbor was bombed which was, "A Day of Infamy," and when Jim heard on the radio he was very disappointed. The next day he decided to bomb Japan to help defend his country by himself, but Woody pretended to be the pilot flying the plane because he wanted to help Jim. When they got to Japan, they were aiming for a train full of Japanese soldiers. They started firing at them and when their plane caught fire, Jim and Woody decided to jump out. Then, all of a sudden, Woody pushed Jim out of the plane and flew the plane directly into the train and sacrificed his life to help Jim and his country.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Operations Management Essay
Carefully review the assignment scenario/case study. From the limited information in the scenario/case study, along with your answers to the unit three written assignment, identify at least three direct and specific long-term and three direct and specific short term operations changes that Albatross Anchor must make to gain a clear and sustainable competitive advantage (provide detailed information to validate and support each recommended change) Long-Term Operational Changes (01) Building Renovation: Moving the equipment around to make sure that it is better organized. Moving the foundry to where the raw products and finished products are located right now will open up the receiving and shipping. Receiving and shipping now can be one big area with the possibility of adding more equipment to the area which would bring down the delay between the two anchors. If there is a way of dividing the manufacturing area so that the area can make both anchors at the same time instead of having that 36 hour window of changing the equipment. This will cut cost down on the down time and increase the profit margins. (02)Technology: Having up to date technology added to the area will help eliminate some of the equipment that technology could do. Also up to date technology in the administrative offices is important as well so that all employees on the floor and in the offices know what is going on. Having this technology will be safer and faster production. (03)Equipment: Updating the equipment if possible that would do more in less time would help with building up the profit margins. Adding more equipment so that both anchors can be made at the same time will also bring in the profit margins. Moving the equipment around to make room for new or making the foundry and other equipment to divide the manufacturing area to have the area produce both anchors. Short-Term Operational Changes (01)Budgeting: Budgeting the funds around to help upgrade the technology and equipment. And the funds to have more employees. The cost of what will cost to do all the long time and what the company will make after everything is complete. Having a budget will help with what can be done now and what we can see if we can get help or something that will have to wait until funds are available. (02) Employees: All employees new and old know the procedures and rules of the company. What the employees need to do to make it easier of a change. Train them on the new technology and equipment and what needs to be done. Having all employees knows the two types of anchors is very important especially the administrative office when they have callers that have questions and those that are shipping out the anchors. Sending out the wrong anchors to the customers can lead to loss of money and customers. Because of the items not being right they would think that Albatross Anchor is very none organized and more to a company that looks more organized. (03) Update administrative offices: Updating the offices will have the customers that come in want to do business with Albatross Anchor. Trying to have a couple of the administrative staff are knowledgeable in the anchors will help the other administrative staff with training and be the go to for all questions that they may have. Having updated technology the administrative will be able to do a lot more to help with the business and be able to know when delivers are coming and what amount is coming. This way all employees that deal with shipping and receiving will be on the same page. Question Two From the list of ten operational issues in the Unit 6 assignment instructions select four operational issues. For each of the four operational issues explain in detail that operational issue will help Albatross Anchor improve; 1) job retention, 2) employee morale, and 3) employee dedication. Operational Issue One: Cross Training Job retention: Have cross training employees will be able to work in different areas so if an area is short on employees can move someone to the area of shortage to help and keep everything going. This will also give the employees more of an opportunity and look for work if a position opens up. Employee morale: Having employees cross train over in areas will make them feel valuable to the company, which will give positive results in the work environment and in the employees. Employee dedication: Having employees cross train and having them feel valuable will help bring employees continue to work and want to work at Albatross Anchor. Operational Issue Two: Gain sharing and profit sharing Job retention: profit sharing created the employee will benefit of the financial success of Albatross Anchor. With the growth of the company and valuable employees will help with this success. With the employees knowing that they are benefiting from the profit sharing will continue to stay and work hard. Employee Morale: Employees will feel appreciated if they receive financial rewards. Being rewarded of their hard work created positive morals for the employees and the company. Employee Dedication: Employees has personal responsibility for the profit sharing in the company success, especially when all employees benefit when the company is successful. This will create employee dedication. Operational Issue Three: Ergonomics Job retention: Having hard physical labor brings short and long term damages. Ergonomics ensures that workers operate in the most safest and productive ways. Having a company pay attention to workers health will keep employees when they know the company cares about their employees. Employee morale: Working in hard manual labor rises the risk of damage to the employees. Having the employees know that they are working for a company that cares about their well-being will bring employee morale high. Employee dedication: Employees that feel the company is invested in their employees will bring dedication from their employees. Operational Issue Four: Technology and automation: Job retention: Improving the technology and automation will help bring the company safer and a better place to work for. Having this done will bring Albatross Anchor up to date with safety procedures. Employees will feel safe knowing they are working with the latest technology and automation. Employee morale: Workers will take pride in their work when there is an up to date technology and automation. Employee dedication: Employees that work in up to date technology and automation will come to work happy and will be dedicated to the company. Conclusion If the Albatross Anchor takes these long and short term improvements. The company will be a very successful company and many customers will continue to purchase anchors from them, especially if the company are producing both anchors at the same time. Having employees that want to come will also help bring in the success of the company. No one wants to come and work for a company that doesn’t care or show their appreciation in their employees and help with rewards after the company starts getting a profit after the changing of the equipment and moving things around. As long as Albatross Anchor does the changes and upgrades that need to be done and show support and appreciation to their works Albatross Anchor will be a successful company and one that many customers and possible customers will talk about.
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