Friday, December 27, 2019
Rape Essay - 1076 Words
Rape I take a look through the bars at the last sights of a world that has gone very wrong for me. Can it be theres some sort of error? Its hard to stop the surmounting terror. Is it really the end, not some crazy dream? Somebody please tell me that Im dreaming. Its not so easy to stop from screaming, but words escape me when I try to speak. Tears, they flow, but why am I crying? I dont believe that there is never an end to the nightmare. Humans never stop to think what the consequences of our behavior will be. We go about day after day, too preoccupied with unimportant things that we never stop to think what the result of our irresponsible actions will be. We have not jet come to realize that life is like a pond, cast a†¦show more content†¦Those years are the years that I have tried and will continue to try to erase from my memory. I suppose I should tell you how I got myself into this horrible mess. My friends, or so I thought, Alex stated with an almost sad smile on his face, dared me to steal a police car parked right out side a shop we were all in. Stupidity overtook my senses and I decided to go through with the dare. In my time, one had to prove his so-called manhood anyway possible. I walked over to the police car, brushing my hair on both sides with my comb. In his youth Alex, had dark hair, that made his blue eyes stand out from a distance. His body, not to muscular, stood out about 511. He portrayed the typical young adult he thought he was. How could Alex have known that in the next few minutes his life would change forever? I leaned up against the car and took a quick look around to see if anyone was wa tching me. At a distance Alex could see the faces of his friends behind the glass windows of the shop across the street, urging him to go through with the dare, still remain in my head. I picked the lock of the door, and I quickly sat down. Just as I was about to drive off the policeman arrived. Alex was order to put his hands where the police officer could see them. Of course, at this point Alex found himself with out any friends in sight. The events that followed are like a foggy cloud to me, Alex stopped as if trying toShow MoreRelatedRape Of Rape And Rape958 Words  | 4 Pagestheir friend has been raped, but rape is a major problem in America. Sadly, sexual intercourse is not always consensual between both parties involved. There are many myths surrounding rape and the cause but there have been strides in rape prevention. There are three broad types of rape acquaintance rape, stranger rape, and marital rape (Fay 223). Acquaintance rape is defined as rape perpetrated by someone the victim knows. Hanh, Lucas, and Payne says â€Å"Rape involves both completed and attemptedRead MoreRape, Sexual, And Rape1453 Words  | 6 Pages The law represents that rape is having sexual relationships unwilling with a minor under the age of eighteen. Committing this crime with a child the age of eighteen or younger, is punishable with imprisonment in state prison. The amount of individuals serving time for statutory rape in jails today has truly a huge contrast between the amounts of male prisoners serving under rape assault compared to women. According to RAINN (Rape, Abuse, Incest, National, Network) â€Å"One out of every six women hasRead MoreIs Rape Serious? : Rape1453 Words  | 6 PagesBrettin Linder Miss Windish English II 2 October 2017 Is Rape Serious? Imagine a young women going to a party and having a good time; yes, she may be drinking a little too much, but she’s just trying to have fun. She sees one of her classmates, a boy who’s in a couple of her classes, and he makes his way over to her. They start to dance and have fun, when all of a sudden he pulls her into one of the bathrooms in the house. She keeps telling him no, that she doesn’t want to do this, but he’s notRead MoreRape1253 Words  | 6 Pagesthe factors are that influence which victims of sexual assault experience PTSD symptoms and which treatments help prevent these symptoms from occurring. The sample includes 100 women diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) attributed to rape who participated in a randomized clinical trial. Findings were assessed through coding and analyzed through participants written statements at three separate time points: before treatment, during treatment, and one year after treatment ceased. Pr iorRead MoreRape And The Crime Of Rape1910 Words  | 8 Pagessome cleavage. As she rounds the corner of the block near some bushes a man jumps out and grabs her dragging back in into the brush and brutally rapes her. Do we blame her for being a victim because, she was dressed inappropriately for a walking around the block or was she an innocent victim of brutal crime committed by someone looking for opportunity? Rape is a crime that some in society like to place partial or sometimes all the blame on the victim if she is not modestly dressed. There was a timeRead MoreThe Rape Of A Rape Victim1984 Words  | 8 Pages I want to put you in the shoes of a rape victim. Let us say you are walking home alone one night after hanging out with a couple of friends who live a few minutes down the road from you. It is a hot summer night so you are wearing shorts and a tank top, a little revealing? Maybe. You are walking home, not thinking about anything in particular considering it is a wa lk you have walked many times before. You suddenly hear noises and notice somebody behind you, but think nothing of it considering itRead MoreRape and Extending the Sentence for Rape782 Words  | 4 PagesRape is a crime that is committed when someone is forced to have sexual intercourse through physical force or duress. â€Å"683,000 rapes occur every year†(CVS) and the national average for people accused of rape is eight years in a federal prison. Rape is a serious crime as well as other crimes but rape is considered to be a more serious and heinous crime along with murder etc. There are also different phases of rape that the victim may go through depending on how they handle it. Eight years in prisonRead MoreRape And Sexual Assault And Rape955 Words  | 4 PagesRapes and sexual assaults have become issues more and more in our society. Society has become more aware of these types of crimes. For a long time, there was only rape, now it is less broad than just that. I ndividuals, government bodies and school have all decided to work together and individually on lessening the crime. Studies have revealed many shocking statistics that have pushed society to act against these crimes. Below, I will be explaining what exactly is rape and sexual assault, how theyRead MoreRape And Sexual Assault And Rape1465 Words  | 6 PagesRape and sexual assault have been a growing epidemic not only in The United States, but all around the world as well. There are many stories based on these issues that also deal with something called date rape drugs. Rape, sexual assault, and date rape drugs are all very closely related and can all occur in the same situation. Date rape drugs can be used to lead to a sexual assault against someone and then possibly rape. These topics are all very serious because â€Å"There is an average of 207,754Read MoreMarital Rape And Spousal Rape1552 Words  | 7 PagesChilds Professor Sherene Jensen Sociology 100 16 November 2014 Marital Rape Marital rape, or spousal rape, had been an exceedingly controversial and touchy subject in the United States since the first feminist movement in the 1960s. In this paper, marital rape and spousal rape will be used interchangeably. One of the many challenges in addressing the topic of marital rape, is defining what behaviors should be considered rape. Rape is defined as the unlawful compelling of a person through physical
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Eriksons Theory - 1631 Words
Erikson’s Theory Micah Schenk AIU Online Abstract Inside this essay the Erikson’s Theory on developmental psychology is described in full detail, the stages how everyone is affected throughout the stages with detail inside the examples. Using personal and televised characters to define how each character fits inside the specific stage. Detail on how the person had managed to progress or did not progress inside the stage and how to overcome the negative effects. Erikson’s Theory There are eight stages in Erikson’s theory. The first stage in Erikson’s theory is trust versus mistrust, and it lasts from birth through 18 months of age. During this stage, a child must†¦show more content†¦An internal belief that they have individual talents and competencies that are worth developing is built from successful experience in these areas. Children are likely to develop feelings of inferiority regarding their skill sets, sustaining damage to their sense of self confidence if excessive failure or social is experienced detachment during this stage. For example, Christopher is my nephew and he fits this stage perfectly. Christopher is always looking to become more aware of himself. He is constantly looking for activities to get into. For example he joined the middle school football team, joined the after school program, he does study hall to get better grades, and he spends a lot of time with friends. Now Christopher is always putting himself in th e open to meet friends and try to strengthen his talents. With this being done Christopher is advancing in this stage Successfully completing the previous stages prepares the adolescent for identity development, the main task of the next stage. This stage is called identity versus role confusion. Age does not connect the stages because movement through the next four stages is based more on life events. Adolescents begin to understand themselves in many dimensions and are able to self-identify. During adolescence, people must become comfortable with themselves, accepting the differences of their identities and combining theseShow MoreRelatedPersonifying Eriksons Theory Essay872 Words  | 4 PagesPersonifying Erikson’s Theory Erik Erikson was a prominent American psychologist that created many theories about human development and social growth. Erikson produced a stage model based upon the premise that a person lives in the social world and that personality is formed based upon the social interactions that a person experiences. He describes a series of development crises that a person must face throughout the lifespan. Erikson’s theory can be applied to â€Å"The King of Pop†, Michael JacksonRead MoreErik Eriksons Personality Theory2014 Words  | 9 PagesI. Erik Eriksons Personality Theory of Life-Span Identity and Identity Crises I chose Erik Eriksons Personality Theory of Life-Span Identity and Identity Crises to explain my personality development because I believe that a person never stops changing in all aspects, until death, and according to Erikson, it takes a life-span to develop an identity as well as personality. People pass eight stages during the course of their lives, in which segments or certain aspects of ones personality are formedRead MorePavlovs and Eriksons Theories Essay1976 Words  | 8 PagesIvan Pavlov developed a theory called classical conditioning which proposes that learning process occurs through associations between an environmental stimulus and a naturally occurring stimulus. Classical conditioning involves placing a neutral signal before a naturally occurring reflex like associating the food with the bell in Pavlov experiment. In classical conditioning, behavior is learnt by association where a stimulus that was originally neutral can become a trigger for substance use or crav ingsRead MoreAnalysis of Eriksons Theories on Development2367 Words  | 10 PagesElements of Eriksons TheoryErik Erikson believed that we develop in psychosocial stages versus psychosexual stages that Freud developed (Santrock, 2008, p.23). The word psychosocial was Eriksons term that he derived from the words psychological meaning mind and social meaning relationship (Chapman, 2007). Erikson was concerned with how personality and behavior is influenced after birth. Erikson stood strong on his belief concerning nurture and experience. The key element within Eriksons theoryRead MoreEriksons Psychosocial Development Theory10839 Words  | 44 Pageserik eriksons psychosocial crisis life cycle model - the eight stages of human development Eriksons model of psychosocial development is a very significant, highly regarded and meaningful concept. Life is a serious of lessons and challenges which help us to grow. Eriksons wonderful theory helps to tell us why. The theory is helpful for child development, and adults too. For the lite version, heres a quick diagram and summary. Extra details follow the initial overview. For more informationRead MoreErik Eriksons Theory and Legacy1072 Words  | 5 Pagesadvanced Studies of the Behavioral Sciences. He published many books on his theories and research. He was awarded a Pulitzer Prize and also he was awarded with the national Book Award. He began to studying the cultural life of the Sioux of South Dakota and the Yurok of Northern California. The Knowledge he had gained of the cultural, environmental, and the social help to further the development of his psychoanalytic theory. He contributed to help us understand the personality while it is developedRead MoreErik Eriksons Theory of Psychosocial Development929 Words  | 4 PagesPsychoanalyst Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development explains how the human identity develops and evolves in eight stages from birth to death. Each one occurs in a predetermined order; the current stage builds upon the previous one and lays the groundwork for future stages (Wikimedia). Each stage has a sp ecific â€Å"crisis†or conflict, a turning point in the individual’s life which must be reconciled before moving on to the next. If the conflict is handled well, the individual gains â€Å"egoRead MoreThe Application of Erik Eriksons Theories Essay2325 Words  | 10 Pageswas a researcher of the Psychodynamic perspective who lived through the years 1902 to 1994. He developed a theory that dealt with the stages of human development and was referred to as a Neo-Freudian. A Neo-Freudian are those â€Å"who have revised Sigmund Freud’s theory†(Massey, 1986). His theory argued that â€Å"both society and culture challenge and shape us†(Feldman, 2011). Erik Erikson’s theory of psychological development does not specify specific ages, so the age categories can only be guessed uponRead MoreCritically Evaluate Eriksons Psychosocial Theory2078 Words  | 9 Pagesdevelopment. Throughout this essay, Eriksons psychosocial model will be explored, discussed and evaluated interms of its concepts, theories and assumptions. The theoretical underpinning will be discussed with reference to the nature versus nurture debate and also the continuity versus discontinuity argument. It will then be shown how Erikson has influenced the way psychologists view the importance of identity during adolescents. Firstly, however, Eriksons work will be put alongside that of FreudsRead MoreErikson’s Life Span Development Theories Essay2982 Words  | 12 PagesThesis: The theory of psychosocial development developed by Erik Erikson is one of the best-known theories of personality. Erikson believed that personality develops in a series of stages and described the impact of social experience across the lifespan. Similar to Sigmund Freud, but unlike Piaget, Erikson believed that personality develops in a series of stages that are predetermined. Unlike Freud’s theory of psychosexual stages, Erikson’s theory, that of a psychosocial behavior, describes the
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Managements System Logical and Partnership
Question: Discuss about the Managements System Logical and Partnership. Answer: Introduction: If harm of self harm is eminent to the person than she must be dealt with utmost care along with principles of case management systems. The case managements system includes being client centered, proactive, strengths based, logical, partnership, systematic and outcome driven. Jaselle may is this case feel unheard stretched and bounced around. Intervention has to be made in her personal life keeping in mind that none of her rights are violated. She has to be provided with financial support as she has just lost her job. In this particular case strengths model and rehabilitation model has to be used along with intensive care management model. The duty of care towards the client has to be addressed properly in this case. Mandatory reporting, privacy laws, Anti-discrimination legislations, community advocate legislation and legislations in relation to welfare of young people also have to be considered in this case. Community service providers have a duty of care towards the clients which involve providing the best possible services according to their skills and knowledge towards the interest of the client. All information which may be required by the client must be provided to them by the service providers. Clients must be informed of all risks and procedures along with payments and what they should expect during the sessions so that they can provide informed consent (Woodside McClam, 2016). Person suffering from welfare dependence and generational abuse are habituated with such practices as they are subjected to these ill practices from a long time. This dependency and abuse have a vast impact on mental conditions of the clients and it is the duty of case managers to inform them about its ill effects. These effects on the mental health of the clients creates a confusion between them for what is good and what is not and therefore it affects the services provided to them (Reilly et al., 2015). In order to address the issue of culture and family dynamism it has to be made sure that the clients feel culturally safe when they come in for a session. This has to be done because there might have been situation where the clients may have faced cultural discrimination in relation to images and other visual cues. It has to be ensured in this case that visual which client gets when they come in is welcoming. The family background has to be asked before starting the communication procedure. Communication has to be slow and clear so that the client understands it (Ney, 2013). The case managers must act in the best interest of the clients. It is there duty to act as clients advocate, represent professionalism, maintain a professional relationship with clients, comply with all legal requirements in relation to the federal and state laws and maintain the privacy of clients along with respecting their consent and rights. The managers are also required not to falsify an application intentionally, not violet the provisions of code of conduct and will not be convicted of felony. These requirements and boundaries help the mangers to comply with legal requirements and maintain ethical standards. Jaselle in this case might be confused about the kind of services to be provided to her along with the charges for these services as she has just lost her job. It has to be ensured in this case that she is given sufficient information which is communicated to her clearly in relation to the aspects which might cause confusion to her (Miller et al., 2014). References Miller, N. P., Amouzou, A., Tafesse, M., Hazel, E., Legesse, H., Degefie, T., ... Bryce, J. (2014). Integrated community case management of childhood illness in Ethiopia: implementation strength and quality of care.The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 13-0751. Ney, T. (2013).True And False Allegations Of Child Sexual Abuse: Assessment Case Management. Routledge. Reilly, S., Miranda-Castillo, C., Malouf, R., Hoe, J., Toot, S., Challis, D., Orrell, M. (2015). Case management approaches to home support for people with dementia.Cochrane Database Syst Rev,1. Woodside, M. R., McClam, T. (2016).Generalist case management: A method of human service delivery. Cengage Learning.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Discuss Social/Psychological Explanations Given For Schizophrenia Essa
Discuss Social/Psychological Explanations Given For Schizophrenia Page 255 Question 4 (a) and (b) DESCRIBE ANY ONE MENTAL DISORDER. DISCUSS SOCIAL/PSYCHOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS GIVEN FOR THIS DISORDER. SCHIZOPHRENIA Schizophrenia is a serious psychotic disorder that is characterised by a loss of contact with reality. Kraepelin in 1902 originally called schizophrenia Dementia Praecox which is a senility of youth. He believed that the typical symptoms were due to a form of mental deterioration which began in adolescence. Symptoms are mainly disturbances of thought processes but also extend to disturbances of behaviour and emotion. There are two traditional symptom categories of schizophrenia. Acute schizophrenia is classified as type one, as a functional disorder which has positive symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions. Chronic schizophrenia is classified as type two, as an organic disorder which has negative symptoms such as apathy and withdrawal. These two main symptom categories have been abandoned by DSM-IV, which is the latest version of the American manual for all mental disorders, symptoms and possible treatments. Schizophrenia is now classified into three main subtypes, paranoid in which the person is less disturbed, disorganised or hebephrenic which is what most people associate schizophrenia as, and catatonic which is the most serious of the three. In paranoid schizophrenia the person may have delusions of grandeur which is when they believe they are someone famous or grand for example The Messiah or Elvis, or when they believe they posses magical powers. Delusions of persecution is another symptom. This is when they believe that others are plotting against them, they are being spied upon, talked about or being deliberately victimised. Paranoid schizophrenia sufferers may also have auditory hallucinations which are voices heard in the absence of external stimuli which are often critical, warning them of danger or giving them commands. Slater and Roth in 1969 regarded hallucinations as the least important of all the symptoms because they are not exclusive to schizophrenia. In paranoid schizophrenia the personality is better preserved than in the other two kinds. It is a type one, functional, acute and positive type of schizophrenia. Disorganised schizophrenia typically makes a gradual appearance between the ages of twenty and twenty-five. The hebephrenic will display the symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia as well as disorganised behaviour and speech. The person may have severe disruption in the ability to perform everyday living activities such as showering, dressing themselves and preparing and cooking meals. They may speak inappropriately and say things that do not make any sense and are in a confusing order. Inappropriate behaviour may also be shown for example they might laugh when they are being told terrible news. They may have flat emotions, where no emotional response is shown. Their eyes are lifeless ,their speech is toneless and emotionless and they look like they are staring at nothing particular, into space. Their behaviour is out of context. The disorganised type is in-between the traditional classifications of positive and negative symptoms. Catatonic schizophrenia includes the symptoms of paranoid and disorganised schizophrenia along with some more serious symptoms, and is a type two, negative and chronic. The schizophrenic may show apathy which is the lack of interest in normal goals, the loss of drive when they feel drained of energy, tired and are unable to continue with things they have begun. Cataleptic stupor is also a symptom where the person stands motionless or in bizarre postures, like a statue. Excessive motor activity is common when they move in odd and disturbing ways, sudden movement which appears purposeless and is not implicated by external stimuli. The person may also repeatedly echo words spoken by others, or the accentuated imitation of the mannerisms of other people. This is called echolalia. Although schizophrenia was originally called the senility of youth by Kraepelin, Bleuler in 1911 observed that many patients displaying these symptoms did not go on deteriorating and theta illness often begins much later than adolescence. He then called the illness schizophrenia, meaning split mind or divided self in which the personality loses its unity. Genetic theorists study three areas in schizophrenia, family history, twins and adoption. The studies I have looked at show that people who have schizophrenic relatives are more likely to get the illness than the general public. Kendler et al's 1985 study shows that first degree relatives of those
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Avoid These 15 Career Mistakes If You Want to Get and Keep a Job
Avoid These 15 Career Mistakes If You Want to Get and Keep a Job If love is a battlefield (and we all know it is, thanks to Pat Benatar), then the career world is a minefield. There’s the resume and interview process, but the dangers don’t end once you’re hired and installed comfortably in a cubicle somewhere. Let’s take a look at some of the most common career mistakes throughout the job cycle, and what you can do to try to avoid them. 1. Before You’re Hired2. On the Job3. On Your Way Out4. Your Future CareerBefore You’re HiredThe clock for potential missteps kicks off the second you decide to apply for a job. Here’s what you should be wary of doing:1. Making blatant mistakes in the cover letter/resume.In many cases, your cover letter is your first chance to make an impression on the recruiter or hiring manager. If you go in with a bunch of obvious errors (or one really egregious one), this suggests that you might be as sloppy an employee as you appear as a candidate. Always check everything thorou ghly for typos, and if possible, have a trusted friend or family member read over any materials you’re going to release to the world.I have a friend who made the most horrible typo possible, accidentally leaving a super-vulgar mistyped word in a cover letter to a company that, shall we say, wasn’t very likely to laugh off such a word appearing in communication with them. Needless to say, he never got a call for an interview at that place. Trust me, it’s worth it to spend the time to write and revise your resume, engineering it down to every word.2. Addressing the wrong person/company.Dear Sir at Widget Company, I was excited to hear about an opening at your company. I’ve always wanted to work at Widgets R Us. I anxiously await your response. [Spoiler alert: no interview forthcoming.]3. Phoning-in the interview.Whether you don’t really want this job after all, or you think you can coast because you’re very qualified, don’t take anythin g for granted. Always bring your A-game to any interview. Even if the job is unlikely to pan out, it’s good practice, and the people who take the time to talk with you about the job will appreciate your engagement and enthusiasm.4. Not following up with a thank you.Whether the interview went awesome or terribly, always follow up quickly with a thank you note. Manners go a long way, and you never know when you’ll come across the same people in the course of a future job search.5. Being too aggressive (or not aggressive enough).The Goldilocks approach works here. Don’t go in, all iron-grip handshake and unblinking eye contact. Also don’t go in looking at the floor and answering only direct questions. Try to find a happy medium where you’re confident, but not challenging every interviewer you meet to a staring contest.6. Talk money too early in the hiring process.As the old saying goes, â€Å"he who shoots first, loses.†If you bring up salary before the company is ready to make an offer, you can come off as mercenary- or worse, you can unintentionally limit your negotiating power after you have an offer in hand. Leave the interview process for getting to know the job and presenting yourself as the best candidate, and keep the negotiating for later. There’s no real upside to discussing money early in the process, and many opportunities for it to blow back on you.7. Not negotiating at all. No matter how grateful you are to get a job, always try to negotiate the best possible salary and benefits. Companies expect this, and as long as your requests are reasonable, it’s a must-do once you have a job offer. If you don’t negotiate and try to build on the initial offer, the only one you’re hurting is yourself.On the JobOnce you’ve got the job, don’t get too complacent- you still need to be careful about making mistakes. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to be perfect at all times, and that errors won’t sometimes happen in the course of your job. These are more the situations to avoid in the workplace.8. Making decisions purely based on money.If you love your job but jump ship for the first opportunity that comes along and pays better, you could live to regret that. Make sure that major decisions (like accepting a job somewhere else or deciding to leave) are backed up by a number of factors you’ve considered, including salary, benefits, your overall level of happiness, and your career goals9. Keeping your head down.Working hard is super important, but you know what else is too? Connecting with coworkers. You don’t have to be best buds, but making a nominal effort to get your coworkers can really help you later on. Not only do you get comfortable with people whose faces you see every day, but you never know when an ally will come in handy in the office. Quash those introvert tendencies and make small talk the next time you find y ourself waiting at the copier with â€Å"Tim†¦uh, Something from accounting.†10. Limiting your network to people you work with.It’s great to get to know people at every level in your company (see #9). However, don’t fall into a trap where your entire active network is located within your office’s four walls. Part of the beauty of having a network is getting information and opportunities from other places, so why limit yourself? If your LinkedIn profile is mostly people you see at least four times a week at the watercooler, it’s time to branch out and start making connections with people at other companies.11. Avoiding difficult situations.Challenges are excellent experience builders. Fear of failing can make us more likely to avoid taking on unfamiliar projects and goals, but you could be hurting yourself in the long run to keep things smooth in the short term. You’re unlikely to learn new skills or gain experience if you stick narrowly to your job description. It’ll also leave you with fewer instances where you can point to genuine growth and problem solving skills.12. Not owning up to mistakes.Not wanting to get in trouble with the boss is a pretty valid feeling. However, I’m assuming that you’re human. And accordingly, mistakes will happen at some point. It’s how you deal with those that can make or break your reputation. Don’t be the person who starts looking for someone to throw under the bus when things are going wrong. Be the one who says, â€Å"this is what’s wrong, here’s how we’re going to approach this, and here’s how this will be handled moving forward.†Not only that, but you also don’t want to earn a reputation as someone who trashes coworkers to make yourself look better. If you’re leading a group and others dropped the ball, it shows better leadership skills to take responsibility for the group’s performance a nd move on than to sit there pointing fingers at everyone else.13. Saying yes to everything.This is a tough one. You want to seem like an uber-employee, able to handle everything that comes your way. However part of being that uber-employee is knowing your limits, and being able to manage priorities. Getting overwhelmed is never going to be helpful- not for you, and not for anyone who’s counting on you to do the things you said you’d do.On Your Way Out Oh, did you think that once you’ve decided to leave your job, it no longer matters what you do? Nope, you’re still on the hook. There’s still potential for things to go awry.14. Burning bridges.This popsicle stand may be blown (or about to be), but no matter how resentful or angry you feel about your soon-to-be-former job, it’s in your best interest to be gracious until your last second in the office. You never know who you’ll come across again in the future, so you don’t want th e lingering impression to be, â€Å"Oh, I remember that person. What a jerk!†Your Future CareerThere’s one more mistake you don’t want to make, and this one has nothing to do with what you’re currently doing; it has to do with limiting your future career options.15. Letting inertia get the better of you.Are you still at your job because you don’t want to rock the boat and try to leave? Are you sacrificing career goals in the interest of stability? According to Forbes’s Liz Ryan, this â€Å"falling asleep†is one of the deadliest things that can happen in your career. Always be on the lookout for new opportunities, and find ways to make these opportunities work so that you can take advantage.Taken individually, none of these career mistakes are likely to translate into being career killers. But if you’re more aware of the consequences of even the smallest career pitfalls, you’ll be that more adept in getting right around them.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
McBride Financial Services
McBride Financial Services Mr. Hugh McBride started McBride Financial Services with the thought in mind of specializing in one stop shopping for first-time buyers and problem credit clients. McBride Financial Services decided to open its home office in Boise Idaho which is a first for that region; the offices will also have kiosk where the client will be able to serves themselves. This approach is a first of its kind in this region, which gives Mr. McBride a great head start on anyone else thinking of branching into this area.McBride Financial Services is a start-up regional mortgage lender headquartered in Boise, Idaho. The requester is Hugh McBride who is also the founder/owner of the company. The firm will specialize in conventional, FHA, and VA loans for purchasing and refinancing.There is no Sponsor yet Hugh McBride is the only stakeholders because McBride is a privately owned company. The Main office will be placed in Boise Idaho, due to where the other six offices will be placed.Official seal of City of BoiseThe other to be opened after the first two are opened in Idaho are as follows; one in Montana, two in Wyoming, two in North Dakota, and one in South Dakota (Rapid City) which happens to be the capitol of South Dakota(South office will have two to three brokers, brokers will work on commission and provide own laptop computers. Company will provide networks, internet access, printers, fax and telephones for each office. Each location will have experienced receptionist working eight to five Monday thru Friday to assisted clients that may have questions or problems with one of the kiosk that are placed in the office. The other office's once they are up and running will have three brokers and two administration assistance to handle office duties. The loan decisions will be...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Drug testing in the public sector Research Paper
Drug testing in the public sector - Research Paper Example In this context we can refer to the research by the Ulster protestant, Brian Mawhinney, who was extremely against the application of mind altering drugs and considered it as highly immoral to provide syringes and needles for the purpose of treating the drug users. Mr. Mawhinney therefore conducted a survey for gathering data about the positive sides of those services and their role in preventing the infections from spreading. The research delivered results proving that genuine health related advantages can be gained through such services and consequently he started supporting the program. iFor further discussions on this issue it is necessary to go through the various thoughts and perceptions of the various researchers and their researches regarding drug testing particularly in the public sector. ... iolence, accidents and often lead to suicidal attempts that might give rise to long term absence from job, dropped level of performance, accidents and subsequently unemployment. Further the usage of illicit drugs causes psychiatric impairment and the injections used during drug intake can eventually spread communicable sickness like HIV and Hepatitis B and C.iii Illicit drug abuse proves to be a serious spoil for the health and safety of the drug addicts as well as the non addicts along with the society at large. For instance, the one who is driving a car and is under some drug influence, tends to cause accident to the passengers, pedestrians and the drivers of the other cars, and for this reason Drug Testing at the office especially in the public sectors must aim at trimming down the costs with respect to absenteeism, employee’s work life and productivity. According to the Quest Diagnostics director Barry Sample, â€Å"We all know how devastating a single accident can be whe n an impaired driver gets behind the wheel,†iv not only this, the work place should also try to eradicate drug abuse for the safety and security of the community.v The practice of drug testing is most widespread among the employees in responsive designations within the public sector, private transportation organizations and those dealing with the federal Role of Government CICAD plays a major role in the drug abuse eradication program specifically in the regions of Latin American and the United States. viiGovernment plays a crucial role in this regard since it is their duty to maintain and protect the society from any kind of abuse. In the year 1988, the Drug-Free Workplace Act had been passed by the congress government that ultimately gave rise to the Federal Workplace Drug Testing
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Liberation Theologies In The United States Term Paper - 1
Liberation Theologies In The United States - Term Paper Example The authors explain how in the 20th century, so many of these theologies came up with the aim of bringing about liberation for different oppressed groups or simply transforming their social existence. These theologies have a religious commitment but their organization is purely political. The goal of these theologies was to bring about full citizenship and equality in the social and political spheres of the lives of people in United States. This discussion is a term paper the book Liberation Theologies in the United States by Stacey Floyd-Thomas and Anthony Pinn. The authors provide an in-depth discussion about the origin and development of the liberation theologies in the United States. The book contains 10 liberation theologies which are all discussed in detail to the benefit of the reader. In this book each liberation theology is discussed in an exposition that displays its development, purpose and activities (Floyd-Thomas & Pinn 6). Immediately before the first chapter, the authors provide a very informative discussion that delves into the beginning of the cultural and social disorganization that that came to characterize the US in the 20th century when most of the liberations came up. Through this introduction, they lay a very solid background of things that led to the emergence of liberation movements. In this section, the authors show how the Europeans came to America and triggered destruction of cultures and worldviews and the rearrangement of the same. They go on to explain the cause of the diversity of the US people in terms of culture. Part of the diversity they say, was caused by immigrations in the 18th century. The existence of diverse cultures resulted in oppression especially for the minority groups. Through this book, the authors are able to show the true colors of the United States in the past two centuries and how religion has been used by different groups of people to fight for their freedom. For along time, oppression has been
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Multinational Corporations Essay Example for Free
Multinational Corporations Essay Multinational corporations have existed since the beginning of overseas trade. They have remained a part of the business scene throughout history, entering their modern form in the 17th and 18th centuries with the creation of large, European-based monopolistic concerns such as the British East India Company during the age of colonization. Multinational concerns were viewed at that time as agents of civilization and played a pivotal role in the commercial and industrial development of Asia, South America, and Africa. By the end of the 19th century, advances in communications had more closely linked world markets, and multinational corporations retained their favorable image as instruments of improved global relations through commercial ties. The existence of close international trading relations did not prevent the outbreak of two world wars in the first half of the twentieth century, but an even more closely bound world economy emerged in the aftermath of the period of conflict. In more recent times, multinational corporations have grown in power and visibility, but have come to be viewed more ambivalently by both governments and consumers worldwide. Indeed, multinationals today are viewed with increased suspicion given their perceived lack of concern for the economic well-being of particular geographic regions and the public impression that multinationals are gaining power in relation to national government agencies, international trade federations and organizations, and local, national, and international labor organizations. Despite such concerns, multinational corporations appear poised to expand their power and influence as barriers to international trade continue to be removed. Furthermore, the actual nature and methods of multinationals are in large measure misunderstood by the public, and their long-term influence is likely to be less sinister than imagined. Multinational corporations share many common traits, including the methods they use to penetrate new markets, the manner in which their overseas subsidiaries are tied to their headquarters operations, and their interaction with national governmental agencies and national and international labor organizations. WHAT IS A MULTINATIONAL CORPORATION? As the name implies, a multinational corporation is a business concern with operations in more than one country. These operations outside the companys home country may be linked to the parent by merger, operated as subsidiaries, or have considerable autonomy. Multinational corporations are sometimes perceived as large, utilitarian enterprises with little or no regard for the social and economic well-being of the countries in which they operate, but the reality of their situation is more complicated. There are over 40,000 multinational corporations currently operating in the global economy, in addition to approximately 250,000 overseas affiliates running cross-continental businesses. In 1995, the top 200 multinational corporations had combined sales of $7. 1 trillion, which is equivalent to 28. 3 percent of the worlds gross domestic product. The top multinational corporations are headquartered in the United States, Western Europe, and Japan; they have the capacity to shape global trade, production, and financial transactions. Multinational corporations are viewed by many as favoring their home operations when making difficult economic decisions, but this tendency is declining as companies are forced to respond to increasing global competition. The World Trade Organization (WTO), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Bank are the three institutions that underwrite the basic rules and regulations of economic, monetary, and trade relations between countries. Many developing nations have loosened trade rules under pressure from the IMF and the World Bank. The domestic financial markets in these countries have not been developed and do not have appropriate laws in place to enable domestic financial institutions to stand up to foreign competition. The administrative setup, judicial systems, and law-enforcing agencies generally cannot guarantee the social discipline and political stability that are necessary in order to support a growth-friendly atmosphere. As a result, most multinational corporations are investing in certain geographic locations only. In the 1990s, most foreign investment was in high-income countries and a few geographic locations in the South like East Asia and Latin America. According to the World Banks 2002 World Development Indicators, there are 63 countries considered to be low-income countries. The share of these low-income countries in which foreign countries are making direct investments is very small; it rose from 0. 5 percent 1990 to only 1. 6 percent in 2000. Although foreign direct investment in developing countries rose considerably in the 1990s, not all developing countries benefited from these investments. Most of the foreign direct investment went to a very small number of lower and upper middle income developing countries in East Asia and Latin America. In these countries, the rate of economic growth is increasing and the number of people living at poverty level is falling. However, there are still nearly 140 developing countries that are showing very slow growth rates while the 24 richest, developed countries (plus another 10 to 12 newly industrialized countries) are benefiting from most of the economic growth and prosperity. Therefore, many people in the developing countries are still living in poverty. Similarly, multinational corporations are viewed as being exploitative of both their workers and the local environment, given their relative lack of association with any given locality. This criticism of multinationals is valid to a point, but it must be remembered that no corporation can successfully operate without regard to local social, labor, and environmental standards, and that multinationals in large measure do conform to local standards in these regards. Multinational corporations are also seen as acquiring too much political and economic power in the modern business environment. Indeed, corporations are able to influence public policy to some degree by threatening to move jobs overseas, but companies are often prevented from employing this tactic given the need for highly trained workers to produce many products. Such workers can seldom be found in low-wage countries. Furthermore, once they enter a market, multinationals are bound by the same constraints as domestically owned concerns, and find it difficult to abandon the infrastructure they produced to enter the market in the first place. The modern multinational corporation is not necessarily headquartered in a wealthy nation. Many countries that were recently classified as part of the developing world, including Brazil, Taiwan, Kuwait, and Venezuela, are now home to large multinational concerns. The days of corporate colonization seem to be nearing an end. Multinational corporations follow three general procedures when seeking to access new markets: merger with or direct acquisition of existing concerns; sequential market entry; and joint ventures. Merger or direct acquisition of existing companies in a new market is the most straightforward method of new market penetration employed by multinational corporations. Such an entry, known as foreign direct investment, allows multinationals, especially the larger ones, to take full advantage of their size and the economies of scale that this provides. The rash of mergers within the global automotive industries during the late 1990s are illustrative of this method of gaining access to new markets and, significantly, were made in response to increased global competition. Multinational corporations also make use of a procedure known as sequential market entry when seeking to penetrate a new market. Sequential market entry often also includes foreign direct investment, and involves the establishment or acquisition of concerns operating in niche markets related to the parent companys product lines in the new country of operation. Japans Sony Corporation made use of sequential market entry in the United States, beginning with the establishment of a small television assembly plant in San Diego, California, in 1972. For the next two years, Sonys U. S. operations remained confined to the manufacture of televisions, the parent companys leading product line. Sony branched out in 1974 with the creation of a magnetic tape plant in Dothan, Alabama, and expanded further by opening an audio equipment plant in Delano, Pennsylvania, in 1977. After a period of consolidation brought on by an unfavorable exchange rate between the yen and dollar, Sony continued to expand and diversify its U. S. operations, adding facilities for the production of computer displays and data storage systems during the 1980s. In the 1990s, Sony further diversified it U. S. facilities and now also produces semiconductors and personal telecommunications products in the United States. Sonys example is a classic case of a multinational using its core product line to defeat indigenous competition and lay the foundation for the sequential expansion of corporate activities into related areas. Finally, multinational corporations often access new markets by creating joint ventures with firms already operating in these markets. This has particularly been the case in countries formerly or presently under communist rule, including those of the former Soviet Union, eastern Europe, and the Peoples Republic of China. In such joint ventures, the venture partner in the market to be entered retains considerable or even complete autonomy, while realizing the advantages of technology transfer and management and production expertise from the parent concern. The establishment of joint ventures has often proved awkward in the long run for multinational corporations, which are likely to find their venture partners are formidable competitors when a more direct penetration of the new market is attempted. Multinational corporations are thus able to penetrate new markets in a variety of ways, which allow existing concerns in the market to be accessed a varying degree of autonomy and control over operations. While no one doubts the economic success and pervasiveness of multinational corporations, their motives and actions have been called into question by social welfare, environmental protection, and labor organizations and government agencies worldwide. National and international labor unions have expressed concern that multinational corporations in economically developed countries can avoid labor negotiations by simply moving their jobs to developing countries where labor costs are markedly less. Labor organizations in developing countries face the converse of the same problem, as they are usually obliged to negotiate with the national subsidiary of the multinational corporation in their country, which is usually willing to negotiate contract terms only on the basis of domestic wage standards, which may be well below those in the parent companys country. Offshore outsourcing, or offshoring, is a term used to describe the practice of using cheap foreign labor to manufacture goods or provide services only to sell them back into the domestic marketplace. Today, many Americans are concerned about the issue of whether American multinational companies will continue to export jobs to cheap overseas labor markets. In the fall of 2003, the University of California-Berkeley showed that as many as 14 million American jobs were potentially at risk over the next decade. In 2004, the United States faced a half-trillion-dollar trade deficit, with a surplus in services. Opponents of offshoring claim that it takes jobs away from Americans, while also increasing the imbalance of trade. When foreign companies set up operations in America, they usually sell the products manufactured in the U. S. to American consumers. However, when U. S. companies outsource jobs to cheap overseas labor markets, they usually sell the goods they produce to Americans, rather than to the consumers in the country in which they are made. In 2004, the states of Illinois and Tennessee passed legislation aimed at limiting offshoring; in 2005, another 16 states considered bills that would limit state aid and tax breaks to firms that outsource abroad. Insourcing, on the other hand, is a term used to describe the practice of foreign companies employing U. S. workers. Foreign automakers are among the largest insourcers. Many non-U. S. auto manufacturers have built plants in the United States, thus ensuring access to American consumers. Auto manufacturers such as Toyota now make approximately one third of its profits from U. S. car sales. Social welfare organizations are similarly concerned about the actions of multinationals, which are presumably less interested in social matters in countries in which they maintain subsidiary operations. Environmental protection agencies are equally concerned about the activities of multinationals, which often maintain environmentally hazardous operations in countries with minimal environmental protection statutes. Finally, government agencies fear the growing power of multinationals, which once again can use the threat of removing their operations from a country to secure favorable regulation and legislation. All of these concerns are valid, and abuses have undoubtedly occurred, but many forces are also at work to keep multinational corporations from wielding unlimited power over even their own operations. Increased consumer awareness of environmental and social issues and the impact of commercial activity on social welfare and environmental quality have greatly influenced the actions of all corporations in recent years, and this trend shows every sign of continuing. Multinational corporations are constrained from moving their operations into areas with excessively low labor costs given the relative lack of skilled laborers available for work in such areas. Furthermore, the sensitivity of the modern consumer to the plight of individuals in countries with repressive governments mitigates the removal of multinational business operations to areas where legal protection of workers is minimal. Examples of consumer reaction to unpopular action by multinationals are plentiful, and include the outcry against the use of sweatshop labor by Nike and activism against operations by the Shell Oil Company in Nigeria and PepsiCo in Myanmar (formerly Burma) due to the repressive nature of the governments in those countries. Multinational corporations are also constrained by consumer attitudes in environmental matters. Environmental disasters such as those which occurred in Bhopal, India (the explosion of an unsafe chemical plant operated by Union Carbide, resulting in great loss of life in surrounding areas) and Prince William Sound, Alaska (the rupture of a single-hulled tanker, the Exxon Valdez, causing an environmental catastrophe) led to ceaseless bad publicity for the corporations involved and continue to serve as a reminder of the long-term cost in consumer approval of ignoring environmental, labor, and safety concerns. Similarly, consumer awareness of global issues lessens the power of multinational corporations in their dealings with government agencies. International conventions of governments are also able to regulate the activities of multinational corporations without fear of economic reprisal, with examples including the 1987 Montreal Protocol limiting global production and use of chlorofluorocarbons and the 1989 Basel Convention regulating the treatment of and trade in chemical wastes. In fact, despite worries over the impact of multinational corporations in environmentally sensitive and economically developing areas, the corporate social performance of multinationals has been surprisingly favorable to date. The activities of multinational corporations encourage technology transfer from the developed to the developing world, and the wages paid to multinational employees in developing countries are generally above the national average. When the actions of multinationals do cause a loss of jobs in a given country, it is often the case that another multinational will move into the resulting vacuum, with little net loss of jobs in the long run. Subsidiaries of multinationals are also likely to adhere to the corporate standard of environmental protection even if this is more stringent than the regulations in place in their country of operation, and so in most cases create less pollution than similar indigenous industries.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Recovery of Digital Evidence
Recovery of Digital Evidence Introduction The University suspects that a case of wrongdoing has been undertaken by a member of staff within Edge Hill University and the computer forensic team, of which you are part of, has been asked to investigate. You and your team have been asked to launch an investigation into alleged misuse of the Universitys IT system. The office used a member of staff has been isolated, sealed and secured. The staff member has been interviewed by IT services as well as the Dead of faculty and HR and has subsequently denied all wrongdoing. Items from the staff office have been recovered by your team. The evidence recovery has been conducted in a rigorous secure manner in lines with a strict methodology. The Principles of Digital Evidence Evidence Recovery Process From the start of the process there must be a set way to conduct the investigation, the crime scene is a very delicate place in terms of collection of critical vital evidence, which if left unsecure could be easily be altered or corrupted, therefore its important to follow several key stages, the first being; The Plan of the Investigation Where are, we going to find the suspected evidence, i.e. on Computer system, Smart phone, USB, floppy disc, Hard Drive. Should social media i.e., Twitter, Facebook, Chat Forums, be checked for relevant evidence they may hold. Contact of user ISP for trace history Mobile network contact, may have on online account with online storage. How to conduct the Investigation My Flow Plan Right to Search and Seizure In order to conduct an investigation there are Legal and ethical aspects that are very important and must always be adhered to key points that would always be considered when its decided that evidence will need to be received; Just because there are several computers in the house doesnt necessary mean that they should all be seized for forensic inspection, the person attending the crime scene must have Reasonable grounds to remove possessions and there must be justified reasons for doing this. Due to the sensitive nature of the investigation it would always be a necessary moral characteristic that the investigator would be honest and truthful. Consideration as to whether what items are likely to hold key information, i.e. there would no point in seizing a microwave when we are looking at a computer related crime. Consider the offence, narrow down the time period of suspected crime. Items found that are connected to internet are likely to contain key information and should be seized. Documents/booklets, notepads to be seized as they may hold online storage accounts and passwords where information is held. Approach Strategy This all would be done using a Flow plan for the team to follow as discussed in Assignment 1, Capture of relevant information One of the most important steps within the whole process, if mistake is made here then the whole investigation is under threat. The room was secured and isolated to risk the impact of any tampering with evidence. This could basically fail in to a very similar category, this may involve the collection of volatile date. Volatile data is the data that we have at the scheme of the crime that may be lost if the investigator doesnt follow the correct procedure, i.e. recording what state the computer is on at that time. The Volatile data would be stored for example on a PC in the Ram (Random Access Memory) and would contain key information such as website data, chat history etc. that may be key to overall success of the investigation. Bagging in secure bags that are tamper proof insuring that they are labelled acutely with a reference number for later inspection. Suspected member of staff interviewed denied any wrong doing. Analyse of Evidence Evidence has been recovered from the staff office by a colleague within the forensic team, we have found the following; A USB pen drive seized bagged up in secure zipper bag Feedback to be given to give information on where to investigation in going. Each step to be recorded Time scales available Resources available to investigator Tools that are available for the forensic analysis. Data recovered from the USB drive, seems to just be Standard information but further analysis is needed to establish truth. Evidence Seized Note pad with 3 passwords on; Cabbage Apple Pear USB device seized from the office. From what we can see on the USB is 3 PDFs 3 Images A word document Titled Payments for paper4you Files present on USB Un touched On the next step of my investigation I will open each file without any interference from any Encryption programs. File Payments for papers4you.docx File 30037888.pdf File AUP.pfd , File conduct.pdf Chocolate 1.jpg.png Even more chocolate.jpg.png More Chocolate.jpg.png Investigation of the Evidence For the pupose of the investigation I will now check to see if the items sesiued are extactly as they seem. I do think this step is necessary aspart of the on going investigatiion. In order to check individual files, I will use OpenSteg application, the reason to do this is it will check each induvual file in order to establish any hidden files located on the the USB. To do this I will use a programe called OpenSteg which will highlight any hidden information OpenStego Menu,- As you can see we can Hide or Extract Data from a any file, in this case we will be Extracting the Data from the chosen file. Menu of the file which I wish to look at though OpenStego Chocolate 1 On checking the file, it is clear the it needs a password to open it, I will try the 3-password written down on the note pad recovered from the scene, which are: Apple Cabbage Pear It would appear that there is a file within this picture titled;Master_Sheet.xlsx Upon opening the Excel File it appers that it requires a password of which I have 3 ; Apple Pear Cabbage Apple and Pear are unsuccessful, but Cabbage has grated me access to the Excel file It appears to show Financial transactions from Papers 4 you dated from 2008 to 2016 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 The same was done with the file Even more chocolate.jpg.png Upon doing this it is clear there is a file hidden within the picture titled Invoice Jan-16.docx As per below; Picture 3 to be checked using OpenStego file name More Chocolate Using password Pear Information from file Jan-15 Bring the evidence together as one we could use Encase this would give us a clear understanding of all the evidence together in one file format I have demonstrated in a walk through via screenshots Landing Page Encase New case Location and name File is now given name Assignment 2 and location. Adding Evidence to the case Locate relevant file to add the information needed for the investigation. Section of key files to use as evidence. Summary of the Evidence From conducting this investigation certain key points must be established when investigating the case Facts or fiction and can prove this with hard evidence. Prove that it did happen in the first place. Are we looking at the right person that is accused? Have any mistakes been made., things been missed or thigs been altered. Forming the whole investigation, we can see from the Time Line, what information and by what process was followed It is with my Recommendation that the Case be referred to CPS for Criminal Proceedings. Due to the many breachs with in the law, (Data Protection, Computer misuse act, It Computer Policy) and the and the vast amounts of money received, it is unlikely that internal University formal proceedings would bring accountability for the thief. In Conclusion, it would also be recommended that upon Criminal Proceedings being initiated, that an order for the Proceeds of Crime Act be sort to recover the ill-gotten gains.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Corrupt Societies Essay
In today’s society I find that a lot of people have become materialistic. It’s a new coach purse, the brand new cell phone from Verizon or a plasma screen TV that is the hype and everyone wants. Either way a person is to look at it, society is based on who has what. There is an emphasis on a person’s status in their society and it is very important. I always hear my boss saying â€Å"it’s all about the Benjamin’s! †and he’s right. Not a day goes by that a person doesn’t think about what they want to buy next. Does this make us bad people? Have we all succumbed to an unconscious norm that is all materialistic? What is it to be materialistic? The Webster definition is that a person is concerned with material wealth and possessions at the expense of spiritual or intellectual values. I see it as a person that wants something so much that they would stop at nothing to have it whether it is by means of purchasing, stealing or cheating someone else out of it. It’s about judging a book by its cover and not looking at the big picture of life and the world around us. When my mom was younger, things that were sought after were high diplomas and bachelors degree. Now as I grow up it’s a master’s degree and the BMW that I may drive that gives me a status in society. There are so many times when things are taken for granted and some people find nothing wrong with this. How can a person go on in life only wondering about if they can have that brand new car or cell phone? Do the things we have define who we are as a person? I feel that every society is corrupt in its own way. It’s the people, the government, our morals, values and our adaptive way of life. This is not just in fantasy books but in our real world as well. When I see how things have changed from when I was little I wonder how it all could have happened. I remember the first computer I ever got in my life and when I compare it to my laptop, it’s almost one eighth of what my whole computer used to be. But it’s not just the technology that has changed. Our perception of the world, the role we play in it and how that role has changed. Attitudes have changed and there is a difference between how people relate to each other.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Edexcel History Part B Royal Family Essay
Do you agree with the view that the main effect of increasing media coverage of the royal family from the 1970s onwards was to damage the image of the monarchy? There is evidence to suggest that the main effect of increasing media coverage of the royal family from the 1970s onwards was to damage the image of the monarchy. However there is also a case to argue that increasing media coverage of the royal family had other significant effects. Source 15 supports the view that the main effect of increasing media coverage of the royal family from the 1970s onwards was to damage the image of the monarchy when it says the slapstick gameshow ‘It’s a Royal Knockout’, which many members of the royal family took part in ‘seriously dented their dignity: the nation was not amused’, which suggests the people of Britain lost respect for the royal family as a result of media coverage. This is supported in source 16 when it says ‘We hope the Windsors and their ad visors are watching the mood on the streets and learning from it’, which implies that the royal family should be careful how they act so they do not lose any further respect from the public. Source 17 also supports the view the main effect of increasing media coverage of the royal family from the 1970s onwards was to damage the image of the monarchy when it talks about a ‘time of uncertainty’. This suggests that due to the influence of the media, people were uncertain of how to view the royal family, as they were beginning to be portrayed as less high up in society, and therefore commanding less respect. This is supported in source 15, which says ‘their magic began to wane’. This implies that although a certain amount of respect remained for the royal family, they were beginning to be seen as less remarkable to the British public. Events such as ‘It’s a Knockout’ were aattempts at modernising the relationship between the royal family and the people of Britain, but they reduced the mystique of the family and eroded respect. Source 17 contradicts the view that the main effect of increasing media coverage of the royal family fro m the 1970s onwards was to damage the image of the monarchy when it says that two programmes about the lives of the monarchy ‘were two of the decade’s biggest televisual events’ suggesting that one significant effect of the increasing media coverage was to increase the interest and awareness of the royal family. Previously, apart from Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation in 1953, there was little knowledge of the lives of the monarchy, and more media coverage meant that people could find out more about them, and see that they are actually normal people. This would allow some relation between ordinary people and the royal family, perhaps gaining them some popularity. This is supported in source 15 which says ‘they could laugh at themselves’, suggesting the royal family were increasingly being seen as regular, fun-loving people just like everyone else. This is a stark contrast to how they would have been viewed in previous years, as they were viewed by the public as more traditional, conservative and perhaps even dull. Source 16 contradicts the view that the main effect of increasing media coverage of the royal family from the 1970s onwards was to damage the image of the monarchy when it says that the royal family have ‘grasped the lesson of Diana’s popularityâ€⠄¢, implying that the royal family’s reputation is not being ruined by media coverage and rather that it is increasing their popularity. This is supported in source 17 which says ‘the monarchy was still respected as Britain’s most prestigious institution’ also suggesting that the royal family’s reputation had not been damaged by media coverage, they had just become more popular and maintained their prestigious status in the meantime. From 1981 onwards there was huge media interest in Diana, Princess of Wales. This has a largely negative impact on the royal family, supporting the view that the main effect of increasing media coverage of the royal family from the 1970s onwards was to damage the image of the monarchy. Not only did it reduce respect for the royal family, making them more into ‘celebrities’ than well-respected figures, it also arguably led to the death of Princess Diana. The Princess of Wales died in a car crash whilst being pursued b ya car full of paparazzi. This tragic event is a perfect example of how the image of the monarch ywas damaged by increased media inter est; they were no longer really seen as real people, let alone respected. Newspaper articles about them were hugely sensationalised and focused on scandals, rather than trying to maintain the high status of the monarchy. For example, telephone scandals amongst the royal family were widely reported. The ‘Camillagate’ and ‘Squidgygate’ stories concerned taped phone conversations that were evidence for extra-marital affairs, and were quite graphic in parts. This led to a dramatic change in how many people saw the Windsor family. It gave people a reason to look down upon them, and people did not think members of the family should engage in such acts when they were supposed to be setting an example to the country. Another prime example of how media influence damaged the image of the royal family was when the Royal Family failed to publically display their grief for the loss of Diana. Previously, this would not have been a problem but such was the extent of the media coverage of the royal family by this time, people were expecting to hear from the Windsors about Diana’s death. When a message of grief did not come, people thought the royal family were uncaring and rather out of touch with the public. In conclusion, I agree that the main effect of increasing media coverage of the royal family from the 1970s onwards was to damage the image of the monarchy. Source 15 argues this case by saying the royal family were beginning ‘to acquire a negative, less tasteful kind of glamour’. This source is from a textbook, so it is likely that the information is accurate and unbiased, and therefore quite useful as a source. However there is also evidence that increasing media coverage of the royal family had other significant effects, such as increasing the popularity of the royal family and interest in their lives. This keeps the royal family relevant to our society as a symbol of Britain, so it is quite important. As well as this more coverage of the private lives of the royal family would have allowed people to relate better to them, and therefore support them more. This is significant because a monarchy is often seen as useless in our current society, so for the royal family to continue existing there needs to be continual public support. This view is discussed in source 17 which says ‘the monarch ywas stil lrespected as Britain’s most prestigious institution’, suggesting media had positive effects on the royal family rather that just damaging their reputation. Source 17 is quite a reliable source as it is from a textbook, and seems to present quite a balanced view of the media’s influence on the royal family. Source 16 on the other hand is less useful to either argument and talks in quite a patronising way about the royal family, saying they hope the Windsors are ‘learning from’ the ‘mood on the streets’. It is an editorial from the Independent newspaper, so may be sensationalised and therefore less accurate.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Loyalty in Othello Essays
Loyalty in Othello Essays Loyalty in Othello Essay Loyalty in Othello Essay Essay Topic: Othello The concept of order in HENRY V The concept of order in William Shakespeare’s â€Å"Henry V†is central to the play as a whole and this is demonstrated through the events, principal characters and themes of the play. Though Henry V is one of the Bard’s history plays, it is more especially a play that brings insight into the question of what part order and disorder play in a society. The first time we are introduced to the centrality of order in the play is in Act I, scene 2 when Exeter compares the need for order in society to the need for order in music. For government, though high, though low, and lower†¦doth keep in one consent†¦like music. †The analogy is effective in that it communicates the message to Shakespeare’s audience that the enjoyment of music, like the enjoyment of society, depends on its order. Harmony in society, Exeter is asserting, is comparable to order in music The next very effective display of the importance of order as being essential to the play is when the Archbishop of Canterbury delivers his parable on the bee hive. He makes the very pointed claim that honeybees â€Å"by a rule in nature teach/the act or order to a peopled kingdom. †This speech can be interpreted in a variety of ways, but the central idea is clear: the structure of the honeybee society with its dependency on the hierarchical nature of the monarch and the workers, is akin to the Elizabethan society that cannot survive or thrive without its allegiance to its monarch and the structures within the monarchy. Canterbury’s speech develops the idea further when he makes the parallel to the rightful use of war when the society needs to be reinforced to order. He notes that the soldier bees go about their business of protecting the realm while the monarch passively watches, merely â€Å"busied in his monarchy†. It is here where the character of Henry V himself embodies order Henry does not content himself with idly allowing his soldier bees to accomplish their task, but he engages in the reinforcing of order himself even against the urging of the archbishop to partition England so that the king can leave with his army in his campaign against France. But Henry refuses to create division even in the midst of the disorder that seems to be encroaching on his plans for order: the conspiracy of Cambridge, Scroop, and Grey; the interplay of the thieves Pistol, Bardolph, and Nym who defy Henrys order that nothing is to be stolen from France; and William’s muted threat of insubordination when he challenges the Kings â€Å"cause. †Even Katherine poses a threat to Henry’s passion for order when she clearly holds the potential to refuse him her womanly duties and thereby thwart his plans to unite the two kingdoms. Throughout Henry V Shakespeare poses order as a central concept for his Elizabethan audience and allows the historical events of Henry’s campaign against France and his symbolic marriage to the princess of France to be the vehicle to communicate the concept. As a result, the concept of order is central to the play as a whole as is evident in the events, the principal characters and in the major themes of the drama.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Bill Gates Bib
Bill Gates Bib Bill Gates is one of the most influential people in the world. He is cofounder of the most recognized brands in the computer industry with nearly every desk top computer using at least one software program from Microsoft. According to Forbes magazine Gates is the wealthiest man in the world and has been in the number 1 position for at least seven years.Gates was born and grew up in Seattle, Washington USA. His father, William H. Gates II was a Seattle attorney and his mother, Mary Maxwell Gates was a school teacher and chairperson of the United Way charity. Gates and his two sisters had a comfortable upbringing, with Gates able to attend the exclusive secondary "Lakeside School".Bill Gates started studying at Harvard University in 1973 where he met up with Paul Allen. Gates and Allen gates worked on a version of the programming language BASIC, that was the basis for the MITS Altair (the first microcomputer available).English: Melinda Gates in World Economic Forum (Cr...He did not go on to graduate from Harvard University as he left in his junior year to start what was to become the largest computer software company in the world, Microsoft Corporation.Bill Gates and the Microsoft Corporation"To enable people and businesses throughout the world to realize their full potential." Microsoft Mission StatementAfter dropping out of Harvard Bill Gates and his partner Paul Allen set about revolutionizing the computer industry. Gates believed there should be a computer on every office desk and in every home.In 1975 the company Micro-soft was formed, an abbreviation of microcomputer software. It soon became simply "Microsoft"Â ® and went on to completely change the way people use computers.Microsoft helped to make the computer easier to use with its developed and purchased software, and made it a commercial success. The success of...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Development Of Saudi Arabia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4
Development Of Saudi Arabia - Essay Example Empirical studies on infrastructure development and bread-and-butter growth Ruttan (1989) discussed the acumen why avant-garde countries accommodate ODA to developing countries. He asserted that there are two arguments one is based on the bread-and-butter and cardinal arrogance of the donor country. The additional one is based on the ethical or moral albatross of the association of affluent countries against the association of poor countries. Easterly and Rebelo (1993) observed whether or not changes in the akin of assorted action variables assuredly added the bread-and-butter advance rate, and antiseptic whether or not investments accompanying to advice and telecommunications aloft the bread-and-butter advance rate. They begin that accessible infrastructure investment is a ample atom of both absolute and accessible investment, and infrastructure is consistently activated with bread-and-butter growth. Yoshida (2000) presented an absolute assertion that there is a close correlation be tween economic advancement and the development in various sectors such as energy, electricity, and transportation. The development of the transport alley arrangement plays an important role in the bread-and-butter development of a country and, therefore, the long-paved road absolute in a country is generally acclimated as a basis to appraise the further of its development. The able development of the transport alley arrangement not alone reduces the amount of transportation, both in agreement of money and time, but as well helps in the affiliation of assorted regions aural the country and the bigger compassionate of neighboring countries at the all-embracing level. The transport alley arrangement in Saudi Arabia contributed to the development of the country by bringing in absolute allowances from its role in the development of some sectors, such as minerals, agriculture, industry and commerce (Infrastructure, n. d.). In all-inclusive
Friday, November 1, 2019
Qantitive Analisis for Managers Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Qantitive Analisis for Managers - Research Paper Example 1(B)-: We are told that it would be desirable to make at least 1.5% of the cost of the construction of the venue back in profit from the tickets Let's charge due to above condition = p Total Construction Cost Activity Predecessor Week Cost Initial Cost Weekly Total Cost A. Design and drawing of plans - 16.00 50 0 50 B. Approval of design by the local Council A 13.00 0 0 0 C. Removal of debris etc.from site - 19.00 2 12 230 D. Offite construction of foundations - 13 14 10 144 E. Delivery of materials and equipment to site C 4.00 27 6 51 F. Building the foundations and basic structure C,D 21.00 0 14 294 G. Completion of the building work B,E,F 11.00 0 12 132 H. Installation of wiring, plumbing and other essential works F 15.00 0 8 120 I. Painting and installation of furniture, seating, etc. G,H,J 11.00 0 6 66 J. Publication and approval of plans by IOC A 8.00 2 0 2 Total 1089 1.5 % of Total construction cost = 1.5 X 1089 /100 = 16.335 So, 16.335 = p x 500 - (3571.12 + (500 x 1.86)) Ticket Charge (p) = 9.03 2(A)-: Break even point according to Regression Method Break even Point = Fixed cost /( Unit Price - Variable Unit Price) = 3784.53 /( 9 - 1.71) = 519.14 Percentage to Capacity = (Break even point / Capacity) x 100 = (519.14 /12000) x 100 = 4.32 % 2 (B)-: We are told that it would be desirable to make at least 1.5% of the cost of the construction of the venue back in profit from the tickets Let's charge due to above condition = p Total Construction Cost Activity Predecessor Week Cost Initial Cost Weekly Total Cost A. Design and drawing of plans - 16.00 50 0 50 B. Approval of design by the local Council A 13.00 0 0 0 C. Removal of debris etc.from...highest and lowest level of activity to calculate the cost function. But its reliability is not very high due to considering of less sample data. However it is more consistent than visual fit and easy to use. The regression analysis is a statistical technique that uses all observations to determine the cost function. It provides a best fit estimation model. Reliability of model can be used to consider the usefulness of model. It can incorporate multiple independent variables. So, Regression analysis is more accurate because in this method the deviation in data points and cost line is minimized as much as possible. Also this method makes use of all data and has statistical properties that allow us to make predictions and draw inferences (Langfield, Thorne and Hilton). However it is more complex to use and requires more expertise to be used.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
HRM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 5
HRM - Essay Example For the human capital and other organizational changes to be effective, the HR system will require business credibility and the capacity to work in coordination with other business leaders. HR Business Partners will ensure that strategies to ensure these are incorporated in business decisions. Thorough functional and theoretical knowledge in diverse aspects of HR is expected in the implementation of such changes. However, with frequent developments in the area of HR and other organizational aspects, it is difficult for individual business leaders to constantly acquire the required knowledge. Here the International HR Business Partners have an important role in supplementing the required functional knowledge. Their role is spread across the areas of organizational design, change management, cultural diversity and human system alignment (Jamieson, 2007). A very important role of Business Partners is to integrate the business decisions with that of other leaders so that there are positi ve strategic implications in terms of the rapid changes. They design, engage and maintain the human capital to be ready to face the challenges of the open global market. In general the area of HR has undergone a lot of changes in the last two decades. It has gained more strategic importance. There had been continuous changes in the theoretical modeling and increased concentration on training and certifications. More importantly, the process of outsourcing gained importance through the time (Ulrich & Brockbank, 2005). This development gave rise to the concept of becoming a business partner. This concept has gained momentum especially in the last 15 years. This was increasingly engaged at least partly by businesses to have simultaneously handle strategies and all other HR operations. The scope of HR was initially limited to managing the
Monday, October 28, 2019
Does Internet Enhance or Reduce Social Interaction Essay Example for Free
Does Internet Enhance or Reduce Social Interaction Essay Papers like HomeNet publications have been following the effects, positive or negative of Internet on its users. The findings are interesting as it reports both positive and negative results. Initially the effect was negative on those who relied heavily on internet for communication. However that scenario has changed with time. Current studies no longer show the overall negative effects of the past. Using internet to communicate with families and friends as well as being involved in community activities has been on the rise. Negative effects are generally experienced by people with less support economically and introverts and positive effects experienced by people with good social resources and extraverts. Some people who have integrated internet into their ordinary lives have generally benefited, but they now experience new social problems. These problems are highlighted in this discussion in depth and a summary made in a table. Those internet users who find communication important, have good reason to expect that Internet has positive social impact on their lives. For such people communication, including contact with neighbors, friends, and family, and participation in social groups, improves their level of social support. To them interacting with internet gives them fulfilling personal relationships, a sense of meaning in life, and commitment to social norms with their communities. Their psychological and physical well-being (Diener et al. 1999; Cohen and Wills 1985; Mirowsky and Ross 1989;). They think through the use of internet for communication, they could have important positive social effects on individuals (McKenna and Bargh 2000), groups, organizations (Sproull and Kiesler 1991), and communities (Hampton and Wellman 2000), including society at large (Dertouzos 1997; Hilts). Just like the telephone did, they think broad social access could increase people’s social involvement, and facilitate formation of new relationships (Fischer 1992; Wellman 1996). People who are generally isolated could find new social identity and commitment (Katz and Aspden 1997). Isolated members of communities could participate in group organizations at a distance (Sproull and Kiesler 1991). Internet is also handy for political mobilization (Bonchek 1997). Whether Internet has positive or negative social impact depend upon the quality of the people online, their activities and what they give up to spend time online. Stronger social ties generally lead to better social outcomes than do weaker ties (Wellman and Wortley 1990). As we go through the discussion we find that the ease in communication that internet offers has encouraged people so much that they now spend more time alone, talking online with strangers and very little time with their communities. Increasingly people are connecting to each other through the internet, and looked at positively, one would say internet has increased the frequency of communication among its users. There are pertinent issues to look at today regarding our social interaction compared with the past: †¢ Has our social relation one-to-one improved or diminished? †¢ Has it provided more evidence of the difference between our virtual self and real self? †¢ Has our group interaction improved or diminished? Users of internet are socially withdrawn because they are most of the time lonely and hooked onto the net. Research has found that the more people are online, the more they become socially isolated ( James E. Katz). The study further shows that people who are constantly online the more they become isolated from social life and that there is a relationship between depression, stress and strength in social ties created by extensive use of the internet. This on the extreme can weaken the social ties that people normally have. Robert Kraut who is a researcher in the field and professor in the Department of Communication at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, N. J. is the leading author of the study. However the finding has been seriously challenged as inadequate and lacking in rigor. The critiques say there needed to have been a control group used for comparison purposes and that the sample size was too small. On the contrary, computer experts are quoted as saying internet has greatly increased their human interaction. They say that they can now meet more people than ever before. But sociology experts say this is more a manifestation of people in a state of denial than the truth. But the truth is that there are two divergent views about computers and its social effect on people. Hoffman and partner Tom Novak at Vanderbilt Universitys Project 2000 have for example have conducted a collaborate research with Georgia Institute of Technology in which they find many web users find the net browsing enriching and satisfying and that they are usually left in a happy state of mind far from being depressed. Philip Aspden, executive director of the Center for Research on the Information Society, surveyed 2,500 Internet users and found no evidence of social withdrawal. The study found that online participants are no less likely to join religious, leisure or any community organized activities than people who arent online. Virtual interaction is the norm in internet activities. People using portable computers can work in one office, one project without necessarily being physically in a place. They could be several kilometers away and do everything together that they could do in one environment, one office, and location. They can talk and hold meetings and discussions together. Internet has made the world look like a one local village. The issue is what is the social implication of this arrangement? Is it positive or negative socially? The answer is positive because the physical location can be anywhere most convenient for the individual. It can be your house / study room, supermarket; or inside your car. People work better when they operate from premises of their liking. Negative because supervision, control, co-ordination and monitoring becomes difficult. People find such arrangements new and odd though not necessarily bad socially. With time we shall be used to it and our sense of belonging will change. In this discussion we try to bring into focus the positive and negative social impact of internet. However we seem to agree that internet users have more social problems than usual. They are among other things withdrawn from normal social life and in virtual solitude as is commonly known. It is interesting to hear what some of these people say. Please allow me to quote some experiences from people who use internet. â€Å"Every time I go through the process it seems more and more like a religious ritual. When I reflect that I am connected to thousands or millions of people across the world, I forget that I am seated in a solitary confine of my computer room. I admit it is a strange feeling, one that I really like to the extent that I forget the social pleasure I normally find socializing with people outside there. Sometimes I also get frightened that I am beginning to like my computer mediated communication (CMC) better than talking with most real people with whom I come into daily contact face to face. Though I find it sad to say, I have never enjoyed serious discussions before where people say what is in their heart. Social opportunities and even academic opportunities for such discussions are dwindling. Our culture has become more and more trivial and superficial. †Through CMC people can find intellectual stimulation. It is easily available and comfortable. But the human touch is more natural and more satisfying. We are social animals and we need to meet and chart. Intellectualism has its time just as social life also has its time. The other negative aspect of internet is privatization which was introduced by Marshall McLuhan. This theory states that as entertainment and information becomes readily available to people, they are less likely to seek them outside their homes. As that happens, social interaction is becoming less and less frequent. We can select the people to talk to and use special words and mode of communication. Soon we shall be out of touch with the real world where we have different type of people needing different types of communication. My entertainment, amusement, and even communication have become private rather than public. Family people have very little time for each other because they spend all that time on the net. The young ones are the most affected. During the day, they are out in school and their parents are out for work. When they come home they cannot meet either, because everybody is busy with internet. When will they talk or learn from the parents one would ask? All that they imitate are programs from the internet, some very weird indeed. As parents we might overlook and despise the experience we got through social interaction with our peer groups and communities while we were young. It taught us to be at peace with our environment. In this environment there is richness found in diversity. The diversity found in behavior and culture of its people. We come to be more informed that the world is made of both order and disorder and become equipped to handle both occurrences. That is how we have been molded to be strong and resilient. The world of internet is denying our children that freedom and experience. Children never play together at home and very little in school. Computer mediated communication CMC is a new phenomenon in the computer world. There are other technologies more commonly used such as e-mail and interactive chat on the internet. These modes of communication have both bad and good sides. They have made communication, fast, easy and affordable. The physical location of the people we communicate to is no longer a barrier. We talk to people anytime anywhere by a mere touch of a button. When we play with our peers and join social clubs we meet people and friends and that is healthy for our body and mind. We are able to do some exercise which our body needs to avoid aging. We use our bodies more than our minds. To conclude my analysis on the effects of the internet talking about pornographic ideologies is no new phenomena as it is one of the high condemned vices of the internet as it is being used in all ways. Income generating activities, a source of employment to others but highly exploitative and seriously abusive in all ways, it ranges from child pornography to adult pornography.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Life and Times of Claude McKay Essay -- essays research papers
The life and Writings of Claude McKay Introduction Every literary period can be defined by a group of writers. For the Harlem Renaissance, which was an extraordinary eruption of creativity among Black Americans in all fields of art, Claude McKay was the leader. Claude McKay was a major asset to the Harlem Renaissance with his contributions of such great pieces of writings such as â€Å"If We Must Die†and â€Å"The Lynching.†McKay wrote in many different styles. His work which vary from â€Å"dialect verse celebrating peasant life in Jamaica, to militant poems challenging white authority in the United States, to philosophically ambitious novels about the effort of blacks to cope in western society†(â€Å"Claude McKay†1375) displays the depth of this great writer. The main ideals of this poet were to raise social issues and to inspire his people. McKay used his writing as an outlet for his feelings of distrust toward those who he believed oppressed his people. In many ways McKay’s writing aff ected his life, but in even more ways McKay’s life affected his writing. The writings of Claude McKay were constantly changing throughout his life and caused him to be the most dynamic poet of the Harlem Renaissance. Biography Claude McKay was born in Sunny Ville Jamaica on September 15 in 1880 to Thomas Francis and Ann Elizabeth McKay (Ali 201). McKay grew up in a relatively prosperous family and had British schooling in the predominantly black small town of Sunny Ville. It was in his British schooling that McKay learned about traditional forms of writing such as sonnets. However, McKay learned an alternative education from his father who gave him his strong sense of African pride. Claude McKay’s father told him about his ancestry and Claude McKay’s grandfather’s life as a slave (Masiello 244). From these lessons and his strong black surroundings, McKay received African traditions as well as an â€Å"appreciation for the purity of black hood†(Ali 201). Also from McKay’s agnostic brother, who tutored him, McKay gained his freethinking attitude (â€Å"Claude McKay†1375). McKay soon gained a distrust of white people when he moved to Kingston, at the age of nineteen. In 1911, upon reaching Kingston, McKay experienced bigotry and racism unlike anything he had encountered in Sunny Ville. McKay got a job as a constable but soon grew tired of it due to his feeling that ... ...nd his people, even if he was poorly received. He did not write for monetary gains, he wrote to inspire and celebrate the grandeur of his people. His style changed black modern poetry. He is a poet, a novelist, an essayist and most of all a revolutionary. He served as the prototype of the poet for the Harlem Renaissance. Work Cited Ali, Schavi Mali. â€Å"Claude McKay.†Afro-American Writers from the Harlem Renaissance to 1940. vol. 52. Ed.:Trudier Harris. Detroit: Gale Research Inc, 1987. 201-212. â€Å"Claude McKay.†BLACK LITERATURE CRITISISM, Ed. Draper, James. Detroit: Gale Research Inc, 1992. 1375-1385. Hathaway, Heather. African American Literature. Ed.:Andrews, William. New York: Oxford University, 1997. 489-490. Martin, Tony. African Fundamentalism. Massachusetts: Majority Press, 1991. 8-9, 69-70, 84-87. Masiello, Dianne. â€Å"Claude McKay.†AFRICAN AMERICAN WRITERS. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1991. 244-246. Maxwell, William. â€Å"McKay on If We Must Die." Claude McKay. 1999 (10 March 2002). ---. â€Å"McKay Chronology.†Claude McKay. 1999 (10 March 2002).
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