Friday, December 27, 2019
Rape Essay - 1076 Words
Rape I take a look through the bars at the last sights of a world that has gone very wrong for me. Can it be theres some sort of error? Its hard to stop the surmounting terror. Is it really the end, not some crazy dream? Somebody please tell me that Im dreaming. Its not so easy to stop from screaming, but words escape me when I try to speak. Tears, they flow, but why am I crying? I dont believe that there is never an end to the nightmare. Humans never stop to think what the consequences of our behavior will be. We go about day after day, too preoccupied with unimportant things that we never stop to think what the result of our irresponsible actions will be. We have not jet come to realize that life is like a pond, cast a†¦show more content†¦Those years are the years that I have tried and will continue to try to erase from my memory. I suppose I should tell you how I got myself into this horrible mess. My friends, or so I thought, Alex stated with an almost sad smile on his face, dared me to steal a police car parked right out side a shop we were all in. Stupidity overtook my senses and I decided to go through with the dare. In my time, one had to prove his so-called manhood anyway possible. I walked over to the police car, brushing my hair on both sides with my comb. In his youth Alex, had dark hair, that made his blue eyes stand out from a distance. His body, not to muscular, stood out about 511. He portrayed the typical young adult he thought he was. How could Alex have known that in the next few minutes his life would change forever? I leaned up against the car and took a quick look around to see if anyone was wa tching me. At a distance Alex could see the faces of his friends behind the glass windows of the shop across the street, urging him to go through with the dare, still remain in my head. I picked the lock of the door, and I quickly sat down. Just as I was about to drive off the policeman arrived. Alex was order to put his hands where the police officer could see them. Of course, at this point Alex found himself with out any friends in sight. The events that followed are like a foggy cloud to me, Alex stopped as if trying toShow MoreRelatedRape Of Rape And Rape958 Words  | 4 Pagestheir friend has been raped, but rape is a major problem in America. Sadly, sexual intercourse is not always consensual between both parties involved. There are many myths surrounding rape and the cause but there have been strides in rape prevention. There are three broad types of rape acquaintance rape, stranger rape, and marital rape (Fay 223). Acquaintance rape is defined as rape perpetrated by someone the victim knows. 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