Thursday, August 27, 2020
The Da Vinci Code PROLOGUE Free Essays
Louver Museum, Paris 10:46 P. M. Famous guardian Jacques Sauniere lurched through the vaulted passage of the museum’s Grand Gallery. We will compose a custom paper test on The Da Vinci Code PROLOGUE or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now He rushed for the closest artistic creation he could see, a Caravaggio. Getting the plated outline, the seventy-six-year-elderly person hurled the showstopper toward himself until it tore from the divider and Sauniere fallen in reverse in a pile underneath the canvas. As he had envisioned, a roaring iron door fell close by, blockading the passageway to the suite. The parquet floor shook. Far away, an alert started to ring. The guardian lay a second, panting for breath, assessing the situation. I am still alive.He slithered free from the canvas and filtered the enormous space for somewhere to cover up. A voice talked, chillingly close. â€Å"Do not move.†On all fours, the guardian solidified, turning his head gradually. Just fifteen feet away, outside the fixed door, the rugged outline of his assailant gazed through the iron bars. He was expansive and tall, with phantom fair skin and diminishing white hair. His irises were pink with dim red students. The pale skinned person drew a gun from his jacket and pointed the barrel through the bars, straightforwardly at the caretaker. â€Å"You ought not have run.†His articulation was difficult to put. â€Å"Now disclose to me where it is.†â€Å"I let you know already,†the keeper stammered, stooping vulnerable on the floor of the exhibition. â€Å"I have no clue about what you are talking about!†â€Å"You are lying.†The man gazed at him, totally stable aside from the gleam in his spooky eyes. â€Å"You and your brethren have something that isn't yours.†The caretaker felt a flood of adrenaline. How might he be able to perhaps know this? â€Å"Tonight the legitimate watchmen will be reestablished. Reveal to me where it is covered up, and you will live.†The man leveled his firearm at the curator’s head. â€Å"Is it a mystery you will bite the dust for?†Sauniere couldn't relax. The man inclined his head, peering down the barrel of his firearm. Sauniere held up his hands in barrier. â€Å"Wait,†he said gradually. â€Å"I will mention to you what you have to know.†The keeper expressed his next words cautiously. The untruth he told was one he had practiced numerous times†¦ each time imploring he could never need to utilize it. At the point when the guardian had wrapped up, his attacker grinned conceitedly. â€Å"Yes. This is actually what the others told me.†Sauniere drew back. The others? â€Å"I discovered them, too,†the enormous man provoked. â€Å"All three of them. They affirmed what you have simply said.†It can't be! The curator’s genuine personality, alongside the characters of his three senechaux, was nearly as sacrosanct as the antiquated mystery they secured. Sauniere now understood his senechaux, following exacting methodology, had told a similar lie before their own demises. It was a piece of the convention. The assailant pointed his weapon once more. â€Å"When you are gone, I will be the one in particular who knows the truth.†The truth.In a moment, the keeper got a handle on the genuine loathsomeness of the circumstance. On the off chance that I bite the dust, reality will be lost forever.Instinctively, he attempted to scramble for spread. The firearm thundered, and the caretaker felt a burning warmth as the shot held up in his stomach. He fell forward†¦ battling against the torment. Gradually, Sauniere turned over and gazed back through the bars at his aggressor. The man was presently targeting Sauniere’s head. Sauniere shut his eyes, his contemplations a twirling whirlwind of dread and lament. The snap of a vacant chamber resounded through the hall. The curator’s eyes flew open. The man looked down at his weapon, looking nearly delighted. He went after a subsequent clasp, yet then appeared to rethink, smiling smoothly at Sauniere’s gut. â€Å"My work here is done.†The guardian looked down and saw the shot opening in his white material shirt. It was surrounded by a little hover of blood a couple of creeps beneath his breastbone. My stomach.Almost remorselessly, the projectile had missed his heart. As a veteran of la Guerre d’Algerie, the keeper had seen this horrendously drawn-out death previously. For fifteen minutes, he would get by as his stomach acids saturated his chest cavity, gradually harming him from inside. â€Å"Pain is acceptable, monsieur,†the man said. At that point he was no more. Alone now, Jacques Sauniere turned his look again to the iron door. He was caught, and the entryways couldn't be revived for at any rate twenty minutes. When anybody got to him, he would be dead. All things considered, the dread that presently held him was a dread far more prominent than that of his own passing. I should pass on the mystery. Faltering to his feet, he envisioned his three killed brethren. He thought of the ages who had preceded them†¦ of the crucial which they had all been endowed. A solid chain of information. Unexpectedly, presently, regardless of all the precautions†¦ in spite of all the come up short safes†¦ Jacques Sauniere was the main outstanding connection, the sole gatekeeper of one of the most remarkable privileged insights at any point kept. Shuddering, he pulled himself to his feet. I should discover some way†¦ . He was caught inside the Grand Gallery, and there existed just a single individual on earth to whom he could pass the light. Sauniere looked up at the dividers of his lavish jail. An assortment of the world’s most well known works of art appeared to grin down on him like old companions. Flinching in torment, he gathered the entirety of his resources and quality. The frantic undertaking before him, he knew, would require each staying second of his life. The most effective method to refer to The Da Vinci Code PROLOGUE, Essay models
Saturday, August 22, 2020
American History II
One of the marvels of the advanced world is the flood of current thoughts and the proceeding with progress of the nature of human lives. The contemporary society takes into account the developments on the ways of life and necessities of individuals. Because of the unavoidable changes in the requirements of individuals and the manifestations of their gainful and creative personalities, they create residences that fit people’s needs. Subsequently, urban areas have been made and are proceeding to develop with the procedure of industrialization and modernization. Urban communities render different points of interest to its pioneers. One of its principle focal points is the advancement of commerce.The level of human advancement and information existing in a nation can be evaluated through the extent of the populace living in the towns and urban communities. In urban areas, the various parts of the city is created and improved. There are additionally individuals offering a similar e xchange and administrations. Consequently, there is interminable competition, which prompts improvement (Dana, 1848). Urban communities were initially established by people who congregated with the end goal of national insurance and barrier. Be that as it may, in nations with entrenched governments, men just retreat to settling in the urban because of its advantages.The high scale and abundance of the business exchanges in urban communities couldn't be found somewhere else. Besides, the developments of occupations offer different fields of activity in various abilities and gifts (McCulloch, 1852). Subsequently, urban communities turned into the focal point of political and financial opportunity. In the medieval time, urban areas were focused by business visionaries who benefitted from the limitations of the rulers and the vassals. These days, urban areas are likewise the focal point of the political and monetary field (Lachmann, 2002). The improvement of urban areas additionally has negative implications.The expanding centralization of the populace in urban areas will in general block the home and cause minimal social and financial versatility. High thought places are likewise portrayed by destitution because of the various auxiliary factors in the urban condition (Gilbert, 2004). Also, the way of life turns out to be low, and individuals are making some troublesome memories in looking for work because of the various individuals looking for occupations. Urbanization likewise represents a danger to nature, businesses and production lines proceed to develop and come out that may bring substances and components toxic to our condition (Gilbert, 2004).Due to the developing issues brought by urbanization and clogging urban areas, the U. S. government started its endeavors to address these issues through the usage of different projects which intend to help the residents in the urban communities. They improved their human services and social government assistance to h elp individuals without homes and business. They likewise fortified the laws which expect to secure the individuals and the earth in the harmful impacts of urbanization. References Dana, W. B. (1848). Traders' Magazine and Commercial Review. New York: Published At 142 Fulton Street. Gilbert, M. A.(2004, April). More than work creation: A contextual analysis of strengthening zones and open doors for financial versatility (Abstract). Paper introduced at the yearly gathering of The Midwest Political Science Association, Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, Illinois. All Academic. Recovered August 11, 2008 from http://www. allacademic. com/meta/p83598_index. html. Lachmann, R. (2002). Entrepreneurs in Spite of Themselves. New York: Oxford UP. McCulloch, J. R. (1852). A Dictionary, Practical, Theoretical, and Historical, of Commerce and Navigation. London: Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans.
Friday, August 21, 2020
SeeU - Stay In Touch With Your Friends Forever
SeeU - Stay In Touch With Your Friends Forever Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!SeeU Stay In Touch With Your Friends ForeverUpdated On 20/04/2018Author : HBB Editorial StaffTopic : MobilesShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogWant to stay in touch your closed ones and also stay updated with interesting events happening around you? We have a solution for that, nope, its not a competition for Facebook or Foursquare, but an unique app to keep you updated and connected. Something thatll arouse your curiousness and stay close to you.We are talking about SeeU, its a convenient free app that will help you to stay in touch with your friends and also let you find interesting events happening around you. Just like WhatsApp you can also form a group here and invite your gang.SeeU Key FeaturesGet notified about friends’ activities and presence in the area.Get notified about current events in the area.Create and share events. Sync all events into one calendar.Organize contacts into groups.Chat with all your friends.SeeU is an interesting app and itll make your life more social. There are many features on SeeU thatll attract you, like, if your friends are passing by your area, you can easily spot them with SeeU and you can meet them. Youll also be updated with any interesting events happening around your blocks.If you are a party freak, then this app is an additional advantage. If you can want to organise a party then you use the calendar feature and pick the most convenient time to organize it.READIntex Appy Festive OfferSeeU app is available for download on Apple Store, Google Play Store and Windows Store.I really loved this app, maybe because Ill be roaming outside 24/7, it is really useful for me to see the things happening around my area and also what my happens are up to. Just give it a try and let us know your views in the comments below.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Childhood Education An Important Part Of The...
Not only does affordable childcare impact the U.S but countries all over the world. Ensuring children have the right stimulation, nurturing and nutritionâ€â€is one of the smartest investments a country can make (Early Childhood Development, nd.). Having a good foundation can help contribute to the financial and social wealth of their societies. These children have higher employment and earning more, have better health, lower levels of welfare dependency and crime rates than those who do not have these early opportunities. It may help address inequality, help educate children so they can break the cycle of poverty giving next generation a better start. Early childhood education helps form the basis of intelligence, personality and social behavior. Children who receive early childcare tend to achieve more success at school. Childcare is an important part of the infrastructure for economic development. When understanding how early childcare impacts the economy globally there is evidence from both developed and developing countries. Research indicates that an additional dollar invested in high quality preschool programs will yield a return of anywhere between $6 and $17 (Early Childhood Development, nd.). Having affordable childcare will also keep talented workers in the workforce ensure better outcome for our kids. Although the U.S has high childcare rates it is not the only country that struggles with this issue. In England the average family may spend up to 27% of theirShow MoreRelatedDevelopment Of Exceptional And Special Needs Children Essay1672 Words  | 7 PagesThe early childhood sector is increasing rapidly across the Caribbean. Some of these centres just came about in an ad hoc manner due to the demand for day care services; recognising how important early childhood development is, governments and other officials are being faced with the task of ensuring that quality early childhood education is provided. This essay seeks to discuss teachers’ expectations, sensitivities, priorities and values that contribute to the quality of all pupils learning andRead MorePiaget s Theory Of Experiential Learning1481 Words  | 6 PagesIn this childhood developmental study, a comparative analysis of the theories of Lee Vygotsky, Jean Piaget, and Howard Gardner will be evaluated through t he lens of experiential learning. Through Vygotsky’s realization of the childhood learning through â€Å"hands-on†experience (experiential learning), the cultural and socioeconomic factors defines the progress a child makes in the individual progression towards growth in the educational system. Piaget beheld similar views on experiential learning inRead MoreHow Healthy Are The Youth Of Today s Population1206 Words  | 5 PagesHow healthy are the youth of today’s population? With the rise in childhood obesity, the lack of prenatal care for expecting mothers, and lack of coverage for many Americans there is a need to evaluate the health of our youth and the availability of services and education. The current youth are the future workforce of the nation. Lessening the risk of chronic illness, obesity, and stabilizing environmental conditions will allow the upcoming generation to help build a stronger economy. A strongerRead MorePhilosophy - Child Labour1582 Wo rds  | 7 Pagesaway following economic improvement - It should be removed slowly and still provide support for families who need it -CHILD LABOUR- unicef defines child labour as- ages 5-11 working one hour or more for wages, or twenty-eight hours at home; ages twelve to twenty-four working fourteen hours or more for wages, or twenty-eight hours at home; ages fifteen to seventeen working forty-three hours or more for wages, or at home. - A working child does not have access to education and proper healthRead MoreThe Importance Of A Healthy Child Development1536 Words  | 7 PagesHealthy child development is very important in a child’s life. The emotional, psychological, development and social development of anybody begins during childhood. How they are brought up, the society and the environment is not healthy. Food is expensive therefore it becomes nearly impossible to eat healthy. There are no such things as fruits and vegetables or organic products because of the prices. Many teachers are untrained and the curriculum is not current, therefore the level of education is veryRead MoreIndustry Analysis Of Education Sector1431 Words  | 6 Pages Industry analysis of education sector in the emerging Global Industry Table of contents 1.0 Introduction 2.0 key features 3.0 challenges 4.0 interviewees comments 5.0 conclusion 1.0 Introduction: Education is now emerging as a recognised global industry, because education plays a major role in the economic development of any country. As this global industry continues to mature, many factors have combined to make this as a generation opportunity. As John Dewey who is known as the â€Å"fatherRead MoreAdvantages Of Universal Primary Education1280 Words  | 6 PagesFortunately for Veeru, Save the Childhood Movement, an NGO founded by educator and Nobel laureate Kailash Satyarthi saved him from child labor and provided him with education. He is now doing very well in school. (1) Primary education is the basic schooling given to children up to the age of puberty including reading, writing, and basic math. (2) The benefits of such basic education include reduction of poverty, increase in income, healthier living, boost in economic growth, reduction in fertilityRead MoreDeveloping Policies Of Trinidad And Tobago1674 Words  | 7 PagesTobago which embraces access to quality education. I found these document which supports our vision, the STRATEGIC PLAN OF THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, (MOE), (2002-2006). And MINISTRY OF EDU-CATION, EDUCATION POLICY PAPER (1993 - 2003). In the past Trinidad and Tobago has had equity and equality issues (UNESCO, 2003) these were the developing policy that embraces access to equality education for all. And in these documents the government is focusing on the education system and is looking into the Edu-cationRead MoreFinding Solutions to Indias Poor Essay1438 Words  | 6 Pageshave grown, there has been uncontrolled development that simply obeys the necessity of the deprived classes of obtaining a habitat inside the environment of the city that allows them possibilities of getting employment and better living conditions, this has motivated the urban populations growth to increase at a rapid rate. However, spatial location of poor people has simply shifted, with worse living condition. Informal settlement upgrading and development by its nature requires a strong emphasisRead MoreHealth Services And Health Care1672 Words  | 7 PagesPopulation in Jacksonville has increase over the years, but as long as population continues to grow so will the health concerns. The community will need to continue to provide assistance to does in need from health financial services and health education some system like the CHIP has taken place, but more is needed of the city to continue to provide services. With our nation current health law (Obama care), many should financial relief when it comes to health insurance. The population and races
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Joseph Stalin, Born Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili
The man who the world would come to know as Joseph Stalin was born Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, on December 21, 1879, in the Georgian village of Gori, a small town in the southern reaches of the vast Russian Empire. He was the third child born to Vissarion Dzhugashvili, a poor shoemaker, and his wife Yekaterina, who augmented her husband s income by working as a domestic servant. However, the young Iosif was the only one of their offspring to survive infancy. Vissarion was an abusive, hard-drinking man, who eventually failed as an independent artisan and left his family to work in a factory in Tiflis, the capital of Georgia, when his son was five years old. For the rest of Stalin s childhood, Joseph and Yekaterina lived in the home of a priest, Father Charkviani, where the pious, hard-working woman attempted to ensure that her only son would be well-educated enough to escape the drudgery of a lower- class existence. Georgia was a mountainous region, which at the time of Stalin s birth had been under the rule of the Tsar for only about fifty years. Like other great despots (the Austrian-born German ruler Hitler, the Corsican-born French leader Napoleon), Stalin was an outsider, a provincial in the empire he came to rule. Georgians possessed their own culture and language, which was radically different from the official Russian of the empire, and the young Stalin only began learning Russian when he was nine years old. Years later, at the height of his power, he stillShow MoreRelatedBio of Stalin1535 Words  | 7 PagesBrief Born: 1879 Died: 5 March 1953 Birthplace: Gori, Georgia (now Republic of Georgia) Best known as: The dictatorial leader of the U.S.S.R. from 1928 to 1953 Name at birth: Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili Ruthless and ambitious, Joseph Stalin grabbed control of the Soviet Union after the death of V.I. Lenin in 1924. As a member of the Bolshevik party, Joseph Stalin (his adopted name, meaning Man of Steel) had an active role in Russias October Revolution in 1917. He maneuvered hisRead MoreHow Stalin revolutionized Russia and what his life story is. Who is Joseph Stalin, that is the700 Words  | 3 Pages How Stalin revolutionized Russia and what his life story is. Who is Joseph Stalin, that is the question. Joseph Stalin was the dictatorial ruler of the Soviet Union/Russia for nearly thirty years. He revolutionized Russia but killed millions and enforced a strict government. His real name was Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili but he changed it when he was in Russia to Stalin meaning â€Å"man of steel†with stal meaning steel. He was a great military leader in World War two and made a totalitarianismRead MoreJoseph Stalin Essay example1133 Words  | 5 PagesJoseph Stalin, whose real name is Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, was born on December 21, 1879 in the small town of Gori, Georgia. His family was poor and he was the only child of four to survive. His father was a shoemaker. He was a heavy drinker and died from wounds in a brawl when Stalin was 11 years old. His mother was a pious and hardworking woman. She wanted her son to have a good life so she entered him into priesthood. He attended elementary school run by the Orthodox Church and wentRead MoreAdolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin1033 Words  | 5 PagesAdolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin are two of the most sadistic dictators of the past century. They both reigned terror in Europe during World War II. Fueled by rage and anger, Hitler and Stalin rose to power and exploited their beliefs throughout Germany and Russia. Stalin turned Russia into a Com munist country while Hitler was turning Germany against Jews. The leadership of these dictators brought death and fear to many who opposed them. Hitler and Stalin both shared deprived childhoods, vicious fathersRead MoreAn Examination Of The Type Of Culture And Social Influence992 Words  | 4 Pagesin-depth review at another dictator, Stalin. In addition, an exploration of the aspects of leadership, conformity, obedience, and social power as it pertains to a dictatorship. Next, an examination of the type of culture in which a dictatorship might exist. Lastly, a brief inspection at how such a relationship between culture and social influence could exist outside of a dictatorship. Iosif (Josef) Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, known to many of us as Joseph Stalin, born in 1878 or 1879, depending on whichRead More A Comparison of Stalin and Hitler as Dictators Essay1267 Words  | 6 PagesA Comparison of Stalin and Hitler as Dictators Adolf Hitler This assignment will introduce you to two men, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. Two men that were responsible for genocide and mass destruction, similar in many ways though on two opposing sides with completely different fundamental ideas. Adolf Hitler was born as Adolf Schicklgruber in 1889 in Braunau am Inn, in Upper Austria and committed suicide in a Berlin bunker in 1945. He was Chancellor and FuehrerRead MoreShould mobile phones be banned in schools1115 Words  | 5 PagesLENIN Lenin was one of the leading political figures and revolutionary thinkers of the 20th century, who masterminded the Bolshevik take-over of power in Russia in 1917, and was the architect and first head of the USSR. Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov was born in Simbirsk on the Volga River on 22 April 1870 into a well-educated family. He excelled at school and went on to study law. At university, he was exposed to radical thinking, and his views were also influenced by the execution of his elder brotherRead MoreA Red Horse And Rider Essay2126 Words  | 9 Pageshorsemen] in his mouth between the teeth of it: and they say thus unto it, arise, devour much flesh†(Daniel 7:5) . He is a bear, less generous and stronger than the lion; more rough and discourteous, but correspondingly punishing and ravenous. Although Stalin is still recovering from the Russian Revolution and World War I, he out of necessity becomes a great false prophet to the other equestrians, as he calls for them as much as they ask him. He has an evil personage of a master of dishonesty, even inRead MoreEssay on Joseph Stalin2352 Words  | 10 Pages â€Å"The man who turned the Soviet Union from a backward country into a world superpower at unimaginable human cost (Joseph Stalin).†â€Å"Stalin was born into a dysfunctional family in a poor village in Georgia (Joseph Stalin).†Permanently scarred from a childhood bout with smallpox and having a mildly deformed arm, Stalin always felt unfairly treated by life, and thus developed a strong, romanticized desire for greatness and respect, combined with a shrewd streak of calculating cold-heartedness towardsRead MoreCensorship And The Political System1882 Words  | 8 Pagesto power has had some very common elements. Many rise to power on the wings of other movements that are fighting the oppression from an existing government, religious zeal, the need to engineer social changes, military might, and some where simply born into the positions by divine linage to become Mad Men as Caesar, Emperor, King, or Tsar. Throughout history they have brought down countries with suffering continuing for generation after generation. Spotting and removing these Mad Men is not always
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Top Gun ( La Times ) - 957 Words
Top Gun (LA Times). It was one of the most popular films of its time, and continues to be a classic film. I choose to write on this film not only for its cultural relevance today, but because many topics discussed in this class can be found in this film. Violence, government censorship, and sex are just a few of the topics/ideas presented in this film. In addition, topics such as patriotism and heroism are relayed in this film, which made this film so popular during this time. Top Gun, directed by Tony Scott, is an American drama. The film is about the Navy s elite fighter in a Top Gun dogfight school. This school is known as â€Å"Top Gun,†where students compete to become the best of the best. The film premiered in May of 1986, a critical period in American history due to the Cold War between the United States and Russia. In the past, The United States government had set up offices in Hollywood to â€Å"advise†Hollywood producers that they could not and should not produce films that were about anything related to the Cold War. Although this was not a law, producers often did abide by the rules and for the most part listened to the suggestions of the government. Some could argue that this was a form of censorship because it regulated what movies could be about. However, in actuality, producers had free choice to produce movies in whatever genera they wanted, and whatever topics they wanted. Years later, Top Gun is still unique in regards to government censorship. Tony Scott, theShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Second Amendment - The Right To Bear Arms1237 Words  | 5 Pagesamendment. Stricter gun control laws must be enacted to receive these types of weapons. Background checks for gun buyers were implemented a year and a half ago, more than 4,600 people who were supposed to be prevented from buying guns bought them anyway because their background checks were not completed in time, according to ABC news. The NICS (National Instant Criminal Background Check System) is supposed to inspect the criminal, citizenship, and mental background of all gun buyers (Yahoo News)Read MoreThe Importance Of Gun Control780 Words  | 4 PagesGuns have are a major role in the history of the United States. The US has the most firearms in the entire world as a country. Guns are part of the culture and a major part of people’s lives and our country would not be the same without them. Gun control would restrict weapons that are used legally and safely a majority of the time and not used as a weapon of death. Gun control will not protect United States citizens because of the unpredictability of peoples actions, black market dealers, and theRead MoreTh e Importance Of News Events In The Media866 Words  | 4 Pagesnot only the Las Vegas shooting, but also other newsworthy stories such as Trump’s visit to Puerto Rico. The agenda-setting of the front-page and framing of crucial stories in major newspapers such as The Guardian, The New York Times, and The New York Post depict the differences in these outlets such as political orientation, style of journalism, and audience. The news sources examined highlight the importance of proximity and relevance when selecting stories for the front-page. The top article ofRead MoreGun Violence Essay1156 Words  | 5 PagesGun violence is a problem in every nation. Where I came from gun violence is a major problem. I came from Afghanistan where events such as; people shooting each other, people shooting at a crowd and killing tens and hundreds of people happens quite usually. But one incident that stuck with me to this day is the suicide of a young boy near my middle school. When I was around 9 or 10 years old I remember the day one of my friends relatives committed suicide using his father’s gun. It was the endRead MoreThe Memoir Of A Brown Buffalo1437 Words  | 6 Pagespowerful activist in East Los Angeles. In â€Å"The Autobiography of a Brown Buffalo,†Acosta describes his life after moving to East LA, where he attended law school in San Francisco and became an attorney and counselor in the Legal Aid Society, helping women who were abused by their husbands. Not finding himself in this daily routine he quit his job and eventually ended up in in East LA where he was greatly involved in the Chicano Movements. He described himself and along with his fellow Chicano race the â€Å"BrownRead MoreThe Importance Of Gun Control1318 Words  | 6 PagesGuns are one of the many reasons there are multiple violent crimes occurred in the United States. While a great many people see guns as causes of terror, there are others who would prefer them as ways of protecting themselves from various types of potential threat. To this day, the United States is being divided when it comes to gun ownership across the country. The argument always emerges as the number one topic to be discussed whenever catastrophic events had occurred in the United States to theRead MoreThe Life Of Selena Y Los Dinos985 Words  | 4 Pagesperformed in Quintanilla, Jr,’s first Tex-Mex restaurant mid -1980, which was later closed after the recession caused by the 1980s oil gut. Declared bankrupt their family was evicted from their home and settled in Corpus Christi, Texas. At this hard time Selena’s family needed money to survive, prompting them to play at weddings, at quinceaneras street corners and fairs. Her popularity and demand grew resulting to her father’s action of taking her out of school from the eighth grade, despite MarilynsRead MoreMass Shootings : An Act Of Terrorism1433 Words  | 6 Pagesconcerts. A mass shooting can be committed by either an individual or an organization. In recent times terrorist groups have used the tactic of mass shootings to fulfill their political aim. A person who commits a mass shooting could be a terrorist or a random stranger. Ironically, some people can mistake a mass shooting to be a terrorist attack. A mass shooting is a crime that involves multiple victims of gun-related violence. The term mass shooting was originally defined as the murder of four or moreRead MoreArgument Essay On Gun Control1088 Words  | 5 PagesThe definition of gun control is â€Å"the set of laws or policies that regulate the manufacture, sale, transfer, possession, modification, or use of firearms by civilians.†With the horrific events that have occurred lately in our country, I believe that the laws on gun control are not strict enough. There are only a handful of people who cannot possess a gun, leaving millions of other individuals with the ability to own a firearm. Almost anyone can buy a gun, but not just â€Å"anyone†should be allowedRead MorePros And Cons1184 Words  | 5 Pagesand citizens will be able to select the candidate that they think will best serve their needs. New Jersey’s Constitution includes that these general elections shall be held annually on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November also, the time of holding such elections may be altered by law. Currently there are two candidates, Kim Guadagno who is on the Republican side and Phil Murphy who stands on the Democratic side. Both candidates have contradictory perspectives on topics that are spoken
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The philippine is a government of laws and not of men free essay sample
American lawyer, politician and 2nd President of the United States In his 7th â€Å"Novanglus†letter, published in the Boston Gazette in 1774 The concept of â€Å"a government of laws, and not of men†reflects a political philosophy that dates back to the ancient Greeks. But the phrase itself was enshrined in history and quotation books by John Adams. Prior to the start of the American Revolution, Adams used it in one of his â€Å"Letters of Novanglus,†which argued that Great Britain’s treatment of American colonists violated their rights under British law. In the seventh Novanglus letter, Adams wrote that â€Å"the British constitution is much more like a republic than an empire a government of laws, and not of men. †http://www. quotecounterquote. com/2010/08/government-of-laws-and-not-of-men-is. html Government of Laws The Corona impeachment case seems to be shaping up as a publicity contest between the Lower House of Representatives represented by 188 Congressmen/women who signed the Complaint and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who is the accused in said complaint. We will write a custom essay sample on The philippine is a government of laws and not of men or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The course of the action has turned into how to win the hearts and minds of the populace through press releases showing the strength or weakness of their case, rather than on how to win the case through presentation of convincing proofs of facts and the applicable law. This case is indeed one of the few, if not the only case where both parties see the need of hiring a PR man to serve as their mouthpiece in presenting to the public their own versions of the blow by blow account of the trial inside the halls of the Upper House. Apparently this need arises mainly because the entire nation will be intently watching the proceedings which may be quite difficult for the common man to understand. The foreseeable problem and danger here is that the contending spokespersons will necessarily depict their side as â€Å"leading or winning in the game†when they explain the developments of the case. There is also the very proximate possibility that the case will be decided in the streets rather than inside the chambers of the Senate. Here Corona will be at a great disadvantage mainly because of his low trust rating and the adverse publicity he has been getting as a result of the continued criticisms and attacks against him and the judiciary by the highly popular P-Noy. Besides, it is highly likely that the intricate and too technical rules in the presentation and appreciation of evidence which are hard to fathom, will not be strictly observed or will even be completely disregarded if they are unpopular and against the swelling public opinion shaping up in the case. If this happens, the whole truth that is supposedly determinable through established rules will never come out. Of course, it has been repeatedly argued that impeachment is more of a political process rather than a judicial one. So in a democratic and republican state like ours where sovereignty ultimately resides in the people and all government authority emanates from them, their â€Å"voice†must reign supreme: â€Å"salus populi est suprema lex†. The problem with this argument is that when our Constitution says that â€Å"sovereignty resides in the people†(Article II Section 1), it does not mean that the most numerous and boisterous among them, whose voices sound the loudest, should be heeded. Neither does the â€Å"voice†here refers to the results of popularity surveys. While sovereignty indeed resides in the people, that sovereignty is exercised not directly through the mass action of an indeterminate number of faceless people but through their representatives and leaders in the Legislative and the Executive Departments of government and in the local government units chosen in an election officially conducted. They are chosen on the basis of their competence, qualification and ability to represent the people, articulate their voice and promote their interest in accordance with the fundamental law of the land and the statutes enacted pursuant thereto. They are precisely chosen because they are more knowledgeable in the workings of a government of laws and not of men. Sovereignty is therefore asserted either through the ballot in the exercise of the right of suffrage (Article V) or directly through peoples’ initiative in proposing amendments to the Constitution or enacting or amending statutes (Article XVII). Opinion ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1 In the unfolding events we are now witnessing, it is becoming clearer that certain basic principles embedded in our Constitution are forgotten or ignored all in the name of an avowed objective to clean and reform the government specifically the judiciary which has been pictured and assailed as putting up the biggest stumbling blocks to attaining those â€Å"noble†aims. There seems to be a dangerous tendency to arouse the ire of the people and stir them into action against certain officials in the government particularly in the SC who are perceived as the enemy of this administration and therefore also enemy of the people who catapulted it to power. The times indeed require some counter moves that will uphold and preserve the principles in our Constitution providing for a government of laws and not of men. And the only institution that can adopt those moves are the courts, ultimately the Supreme Court (SC) pursuant to its power of judicial review or the power to interpret the Constitution and to declare any legislative or executive act invalid because it is in conflict with it. (Article VIII Sections 4 [2,3] and 5 [2 a. b. ]). Through this power, the judiciary, particularly the SC, is not asserting its supremacy over the other departments of government but merely enforcing and upholding the supremacy of the Constitution. Ironically, the credibility of the judiciary particularly the SC is now at its lowest because of attacks and criticisms; and its independence is threatened by moves of the executive and the legislative branches particularly the impeachment of its Chief Justice whose appointment is still being questioned up to now. If the judiciary is no longer credible, independent and free then there is no more assurance of having a government of laws. Fortunately, the SC still has the opportunity to assert its independence and uphold the supremacy of the Constitution through its actions on the four petitions filed before it asking for the dismissal of the impeachment rap against its Chief Justice on the ground of grave abuse of discretion on the part of the Lower House of Congress. To be up to the task it should take cognizance of the petitions and determine whether a grave abuse of discretion has indeed been committed. If it believes the Constitution has been violated, then it should dismiss the impeachment complaint even if it is an unpopular and seemingly awkward decision. The administration and the supposed majority should respect such ruling. If they do not agree with it, they should blame the lawmakers and the framers of the Constitution and take steps to amend it by removing that power of judicial review from the SC or limiting it. This is how a government of laws works. http://www. philstar. com/opinion/762929/government-laws It means that laws are to be interpreted objectively, not reread by individuals and are to be applied to everyone without regard for their positions, reputations or personal relationships with others. A government of men, on the other hand, would be one that is subjective, depending on the relationship of those enforcing the laws and those against whom the laws might be enforced.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Effect of Computers in Education Essay Example
Effect of Computers in Education Essay Class IX Chapter 15 â€Å" Improvement in Food Resources Science Question 1: What do we get from cereals, pulses, fruits and vegetables Answer: (i) Cereals provide us with carbohydrates. Also, they are a rich source of energy. (ii) Pulses give us proteins. (iii) Fruits and vegetables are a rich source of vitamins and minerals. A small amount of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats are also present in them. We will write a custom essay sample on Effect of Computers in Education specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Effect of Computers in Education specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Effect of Computers in Education specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Page 1 of 14 Class IX Chapter 15 â€Å" Improvement in Food Resources Science Question 1: How do biotic and abiotic factors affect crop production Answer: A variety of biotic factors such as pests, nematodes, diseases, etc. can reduce the net crop production. A pest causes damage to agriculture by feeding on crops. For example, boll weevil is a pest on cotton. It attacks the cotton crop, thereby reducing its yield. Weeds also reduce crop productivity by competing with the main crop for nutrients, light, and space. Similarly, abiotic factors such as salinity, temperature, etc. affect the net crop production. Some natural calamities such as droughts and floods are unpredictable. Their occurrence has a great impact on crops sometimes, destroying the entire crop. Question 2: What are the desirable agronomic characteristics for crop improvements Answer: The desirable agronomic characteristics for crop improvements are: (i) Tallness and profuse branching in any fodder crop. (ii) Dwarfness in cereals. These desirable agronomic characteristics help in increasing crop productivity. Page 2 of 14 Class IX Chapter 15 â€Å" Improvement in Food Resources Science Question 1: What are macro-nutrients and why are they called macro-nutrients Answer: Macro-nutrientsare nutrients required in relatively large quantities for growth and development of plants. They are six in number. Since they are required in large quantities, they are known as macro-nutrient. The six macro-nutrients required by plants are nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sulphur. Question 2: How do plants get nutrients Answer: Plants require sixteen essential nutrients from nature for their growth and development. All these nutrients are obtained from air, water, and soil. Soil is the major source of nutrients. Thirteen of these nutrients are available from soil. The remaining three nutrients (carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen) are obtained from air and water. Page 3 of 14 Class IX Chapter 15 â€Å" Improvement in Food Resources Science Question 1: Compare the use of manure and fertilizers in maintaining soil fertility. Answer: Manures increase soil fertility by enriching the soil with organic matter and nutrients as it is prepared by the decomposition of animal excreta and plant wastes. On the other hand, fertilizers are mostly inorganic compounds whose excessive use is harmful to the symbiotic micro-organisms living in soil. Their excessive use also reduces soil fertility. Hence, fertilizers are considered good for only short term use. Page 4 of 14 Class IX Chapter 15 â€Å" Improvement in Food Resources Science Question 1: Which of the following conditions will give the most benefits Why (a) Farmers use high-quality seeds, do not adopt irrigation or use fertilizers. (b) Farmers use ordinary seeds, adopt irrigation and use fertilizer. (c) Farmers use quality seeds, adopt irrigation, use fertilizer and use crop protection measures. Answer: (c)Farmers using good quality seeds, adopting irrigation, using fertilizers, and using crop protection measures will derive most benefits. (i) The use of good quality seeds increases the total crop production. If a farmer is using good quality seeds, then a majority of the seeds will germinate properly, and will grow into a healthy plant. (ii) Proper irrigation methods improve the water availability to crops. (iii) Fertilizers ensure healthy growth and development in plants by providing the essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc. (iv) Crop protection measures include various methods to control weeds, pests, and infectious agents. I f all these necessary measures are taken by a farmer, then the overall production of crops will increase. Page 5 of 14 Class IX Chapter 15 â€Å" Improvement in Food Resources Science Question 1: Why should preventive measures and biological control methods be preferred for protecting crops Answer: Preventive measures and biological control methods should be preferred for protecting crops because excessive use of chemicals leads to environmental problems. These chemicals are also poisonous for plants and animals. Preventive measures include proper soil and seed preparation, timely sowing of seeds, intercropping and mixed cropping, usage of resistant varieties of crops, etc. On the other hand, biological control methods include the usage of bio-pesticides that are less toxic for the environment. An example of bio-pesticides is Bacillus thuringenesis,which is an insect pathogen that kills a wide range of insect larvae. Therefore, both preventive measures and biological control methods are considered eco- friendly methods of crop protection. Question 2: What factors may be responsible for losses of grains during storage Answer: During the storage of grains, various biotic factors such as insects, rodents, mites, fungi, bacteria, etc. and various abiotic factors such as inappropriate moisture, temperature, lack of sunlight, flood, etc. are responsible for losses of grains. These factors act on stored grains and result in degradation, poor germinability, discolouration, etc. Page 6 of 14 Class IX Chapter 15 â€Å" Improvement in Food Resources Science Question 1: Which method is commonly used for improving cattle breeds and why Answer: Cattle farming is commonly used for improving cattle breeds. The purpose of cattle farming is to increase the production of milk and draught labour for agricultural work. Dairy animals (females) are used for obtaining milk and draught animals (males) are engaged in agricultural fields for labour work such as carting, irrigation, tilling, etc. Cross breeding between two good varieties of cattle will produce a new improved variety. For example, the cross between foreign breeds such as Jersey Brown, Swiss (having long lactation periods) and Indian breeds such as Red Sindhi, Sahiwal (having excellent resistance power against diseases) produces a new variety having qualities of both breeds. Page 7 of 14 Class IX Chapter 15 â€Å" Improvement in Food Resources Science Question 1: Discuss the implications of the following statement: It is interesting to note that poultry is Indiaâ„ ¢s most efficient converter of low fibre food stuff (which is unfit for human consumption) into highly nutritious animal protein food. Answer: Poultry in India is the most efficient converter of low fibre food stuff into highly nutritious animal protein food. In poultry farming, domestic fowls are raised to produce eggs and chicken. For this, the fowls are given animal feeds in the form of roughage, which mainly consists of fibres. Thus, by feeding animals a fibre rich diet, the poultry gives highly nutritious food in the form of eggs and chicken. Page 8 of 14 Class IX Chapter 15 â€Å" Improvement in Food Resources Science Question 1: What management practices are common in dairy and poultry farming Answer: Common management practices in dairy and poultry farming are: (i) Proper shelter facilities and their regular cleaning. (ii) Some basic hygienic conditions such as clean water, nutritious food, etc. (iii) Animals are kept in spacious, airy, and ventilated place. (iv) Prevention and cure of diseases at the right time is ensured. Question 2: What are the differences between broilers and layers and in their management Answer: Layersare meant for egg production, whereas broilers are meant for poultry meat. Nutritional, environmental, and housing conditions required by broilers are different from those required by egg layers. A broiler chicken, for their proper growth, requires vitamin rich supplements especially vitamin A and K. Also, their diet includes protein rich food and enough fat. They also require extra care and maintenance to increase their survival rate in comparison to egg layers. Page 9 of 14 Class IX Chapter 15 â€Å" Improvement in Food Resources Science Question 1: How are fish obtained Answer: Fish can be obtained by two ways: (i) Capture fishing: It is the process of obtaining fish from natural resources. (ii) Culture fishery: It is the practice of farming fishes. Farming can be done in both freshwater ecosystem (which includes river water, pond water) and marine ecosystem. Question 2: What are the advantages of composite fish culture Answer: An advantage of composite fish culture is that it increases the yield of fish. In a composite fish culture, five or six different species are grown together in a single fish pond. Fishes with different food habitats are chosen so that they do not compete for food among themselves. Also, this ensures a complete utilization of food resources in the pond. As a result, the survival rate of fish increases and their yield also increases. Page 10 of 14 Class IX Chapter 15 â€Å" Improvement in Food Resources Science Question 1: What are the desirable characters of bee varieties suitable for honey production Answer: Bee varieties having the following desirable characters are suitable for honey production: (i) They should yield high quantity of honey. (ii) They should not sting much. (iii) They should stay in the beehive for long durations. (iv) They should breed very well. Question 2: What is pasturage and how is it related to honey production Answer: Pasturage is the availability of flowers from which bees collect nectar and pollen. It is related to the production of honey as it determines the taste and quantity of honey. Page 11 of 14 Class IX Chapter 15 â€Å" Improvement in Food Resources Science Question 1: Explain any one method of crop production which ensures high yield. Answer: Crop rotationis one of the methods of crop production that ensures high yield. It is the method of growing two or more varieties of crops on the same land in sequential seasons. A crop utilises some particular nutrients in larger quantities from the soil. Then, if the same crop is grown in subsequent seasons those nutrients will get depleted in the soil. Therefore, crops having different nutrient requirements are rotated. For example, legumes which have nitrogen-fixing bacteria in their root nodules supply the soil with nitrogen. Therefore, these legumes are rotated with nitrogen requiring cereals such as wheat and maize. This method reduces the need of fertilizers, thereby increasing the overall yield of crops. Question 2: Why are manures and fertilizers used in fields Answer: Manures and fertilizers are used in fields to enrich the soil with the required nutrients. Manure helps in enriching the soil with organic matter and nutrients. This improves the fertility and structure of the soil. On the other hand, fertilizers ensure a healthy growth and development in plants. They are a good source of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. To get an optimum yield, it is instructed to use a balanced combination of manures and fertilizers in the soil. Question 3: What are the advantages of inter-cropping and crop rotation Answer: Inter-cropping and crop rotation both play an important role in increasing the yield of crops. Inter-cropping helps in preventing pests and diseases to spread throughout the field. It also increases soil fertility, whereas crop rotation prevents soil depletion, increases soil fertility, and reduces soil erosion. Both these methods reduce the need for fertilizers. It also helps in controlling weeds and controls the growth of pathogens and pests in crops. Page 12 of 14 Class IX Chapter 15 â€Å" Improvement in Food Resources Science Question 4: What is genetic manipulation How is it useful in agricultural practices Answer: Genetic manipulationis a process where the gene for a particular character is introduced inside the chromosome of a cell. When the gene for a particular character is introduced in a plant cell, a transgenic plant is produced. These transgenic plants exhibit characters governed by the newly introduced gene. For example, let us assume there is a wild plant that produces small fruits. If the gene responsible for a larger fruit size is introduced in this plant, this plant becomes transgenic, and starts producing larger fruits. Similarly, genes for higher yield, disease resistance, etc. can be introduced in any desired plant. Therefore, gene manipulation plays an important role in agricultural practices. It helps in improving crop variety. It ensures food security and insect resistant crops. It also improves the quality and yield of crops. Question 6: How do good animal husbandry practices benefit farmers Answer: Cattle farming is one of the methods of animal husbandry that is most beneficial for farmers. Using this method, better breeds of draught animals can be produced. Such draught animals are engaged in agricultural fields for labour work such as carting, irrigation, tilling, etc. Question 7: What are the benefits of cattle farming Answer: Benefits of cattle farming: (i) Good quality and quantity of milk can be produced. (ii) Draught labour animals can be produced for agricultural work. (iii) New variety that are resistant to diseases can be produced by crossing two varieties with the desired traits. Page 13 of 14 Class IX Chapter 15 â€Å" Improvement in Food Resources Science Question 8: For increasing production, what is common in poultry, fisheries and bee-keeping Answer: The common factor for increasing production in poultry, fisheries, and bee keeping is the proper management techniques that are to be followed. Regular cleaning of farms is of utmost importance. Maintenance of temperature and prevention and cure of diseases is also required to increase the number of animals. Question 9: How do you differentiate between capture fishing, mariculture and aquaculture Answer: Capture fishing It is the method of obtaining fishes from natural resources. Mariculture It is the culture of marine fishes for Aquaculture It involves the production of aquatic animals that are of high economic value such as prawns, lobsters, commercial use. fishes, crabs, etc. Page 14 of 14
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Text Telephone essays
Text Telephone essays The TTY, or Text Telephone is widely known among the deaf and hearing impaired community. Although it is an extremely effective form of communication, it was actually difficult to locate around the city of Boston. The first stop I made was a regular T station. There was not one there. I thought there may be one in a bank, no luck. I then traveled to a major bus station where I found one TTY but it was unusable. Having the TTY broken made me wonder, what would I do if I was deaf? Where is the nearest one to here? What if there was an emergency? Realizing the difficulty in finding a working TTY gave a bit of insight into what the deaf and hearing impaired must go through when they are in public places and the inconvenience they face when there is a lack of facilities that are suited for them. The TTY can come in several different forms and sizes. Some are in payphones, some desktop. All have a keyboard in order to type out the information a person needs to relay to the person they are calling. TTYs must have some sort of power source, either a battery or an adapter for a plug. They also have acoustic cups on them, which the caller places the phone receiver onto. TTYs have a phone cord, usually on the left side and have a signal light that indicates when there is a dial tone. Some TTYs also have printers built in which allow the communicators to print out their conversation. Conversations can be printed but must be thrown away after the conversation, out of the respect for the other person. TTYs are created for the deaf and hearing impaired but they are able to be used by anyone. They are located in most public buildings and many businesses use them in order to contact their customers who are deaf or hearing impaired. Originally, the TTY was called the TDD or Telecommunications Device for the Deaf. The term TTY is preferred out of respect for those who are hearing ...
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Occupy Wall Street Movement Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Occupy Wall Street Movement - Assignment Example As the discussion outlines the main motto behind this movement was to invoke change in today’s crony capitalism by raising worldwide awareness and calling themselves as 99%. They claimed to use the tactics of Arab Spring that was to peacefully protest against the unjust. An admirer of the OWS released a video calling the youth to join the protest by gathering at lower Manhattan and occupying the Wall Street for some moths. From there other groups including the governing body, General Assembly of NYC also started joining the protest. The word of protest soon got out through the social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook. The movement soon started gaining momentum and pick up steam within a month.This paper discusses that the protest that started on the Wall Street did not put forward any demand or grievances instead it brought some agendas to be viewed. The common agenda was the gap of 1% and 99% where 1% was considered to be the â€Å"wealthy traders and bankers at the top of the financial services sector†and the 99% was regarded to be everyone else leaving the 1% including the demonstrators or the protesters. The 1% was regarded to have a lump sum amount of money, power and wealth and was interested in conflicting with â€Å"the economic well-being of the rest of the country†. The excessive compensation paid to the Wall Street traders aggravated income inequality and promoted excessive risk-taking. On the other hand this penalized the taxpayers whose money has gone into bailing out the failed banks.
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Modern-day Slavery and abused domestic workers in kuwait Essay
Modern-day Slavery and abused domestic workers in kuwait - Essay Example There are several cases that domestic workers, who have been abused by their employers tries to escape and the Kuwaiti law allows the employers to sue these domestic workers for trying to abscond and they get these workers deported at the end of the day (Human Rights Watch, 2010). This trend can only encourage modern-day slavery in Kuwait as there have not been stringent laws to curb the excesses of employers that abuse their domestic workers. This situation is rather different from the one in the United States of America as the government of the country has made efforts to reduce the problem of modern-day slavery to the barest minimum. The US government has given the domestic workers the right to sue their employers whenever they feel they have been maltreated by them. Thus, the modern-day slavery in Kuwait seems to be more terrible than the one in the US and this is due to the fact that the domestic workers in US have the right to protest against harsh treatment, while the ones in Kuwait have not been granted that privilege (Human Rights Watch, 2010).
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
motivational and emotional factors help you to understand your own health and fitness Essay Example for Free
motivational and emotional factors help you to understand your own health and fitness Essay What were the motivational and environmental factors that contributed to the weight gain? The motivational factor that I belive Tasha had was prioritizing her children over her own health and the enviromental was that she had two children both at a hard age that needed her all the time witch took all the time, energy and focus. Briefly describe which approaches to motivation you feel best help us to understand the change in Tasha’s behavior. the best motivational aproach that I thought helped me understand it better was intrinsic motivation witch according to our textbook is â€Å"based on the personal satisfaction the person gets from doing the task†(Lefrancois, 2011) I choosed this because she was was being motivated by her mood and the way she feels about herself. In what ways was emotion tied to the weight gain and loss? Being tired and preocupied accounts for her weight gain and being unhappy with her weight and her mood motivated the loss. How might understanding these motivational and emotional factors help you to understand your own health and fitness? When I started reading this, I though I was reading about myself, this story has a lot to do with me. When I had my second child I gain 40 pounds I felt fat and everyone was telling me that I gain weight and I felt more discusted with myself, I hated my body and I was very unhappy with it. So one day I saw a friend of mine on facebook she had posted a picture of how she lost 30 pounds in 2 months and that got to me and I asked her how she did it and she put me in touch with the trainner that helped her. I got myself a personal trainner and started taking this product call YOR HEALTH and that has helped me loose 45 pounds and now I’m proud to say that I have the body I always dreamed of having and they want me as a model for a fitness magazine in witch im still debating because that is not my thing. By understanding these emotinal and motvational factors has helped me realize that what I did and been doing I did it all correctly. Will you change anything in your own life as a result of this scenario? I have to say as of right now I wouldn’t change anything because its something I’m doing now. Reference: R. Lefrancois (2011 ). Psychology: The human puzzle. San Diego, Bridgepoint Education, Inc retrieved from * Select one character, past or present, from a television show, movie, book, comic, game, etc. * * Briefly describe this character, including: * * What medium (television, movie, book, etc.) is he or she from? * * Why did you select him or her? * * What is his or her personality as depicted? * * Identify one approach (e.g., common-sense, psychodynamic, humanistic, etc.) that you feel is most accurate and useful in understanding this character’s personality. * Discuss this selected theory. Why did you select it? How might this theory help us understand your character’s personality? I had a similar assigment in another class and I absolutly loved it because I got the chance to talk about my favorite character person and I absolutley love this lady her name is Madea known as Tyler Perry. She has been in manny movies all of of them has a been a great success. My favorite out of all her movies is â€Å"Witness Protection†in this movie she played a role of protecting a family that had to be under witness protection until a case was resolved in court. This family was not one of the best family not a close family but once they got to Madea’s house she made sure she tought them how to live with eachother as a family and tought them the real meaning and importance of having a family there for you. I selected this character because in her movies she has inspired me and show me and everyone who watches her movie that no matter what family values is very important. One aprache that I choosed for her character is humanistics aproach because she would make sure you understand her world and where shes coming from for her to be able to get on you page. She has to get her point across and has to make sure everyone understands and follows what she says in a easy or a hard way just like out text boo stated â€Å"The self; worth, dignity, individuality†(Lefrancois, 2011) and â€Å"My perception of the world is real. So is yours. We have our separate realities. If we are to understand each other, you must try to understand my world, and I yours†(Lefrancois, 2011) I chosed this personality beucase and that is exactly how Madea is when shes trying to get a point across. She has all o those traits in her pesonality she shows her self her dignity and her individuality. If anybody in class has watch her movies can tell you how her personality is in manny ways I wished I had her same personality. Reference: R. Lefrancois (2011 ). Psychology: The human puzzle. San Diego, Bridgepoint Education, Inc retrieved from R. Lefrancois (2011 ). Psychology: The human puzzle. San Diego, Bridgepoint Education, Inc retrieved from Spet 14
Monday, January 20, 2020
Comparing the Huxtables with My Family Essay -- comparison compare con
Compating the Huxtables with My Family  Watching a comedy sitcom like The Cosby Show is a great way to unwind from a stressful day at school. The show's characters are likeable and the storyline is humorous, but halfway through the program I usually turn the television off and return to the kitchen to wash the dinner dishes. Watching The Cosby Show makes me feel guilty. The Huxtables are too perfect. Their house is too perfect. In comparison to the Huxtables I feel like an unfit mother in a slovenly, dysfunctional family. The characters on The Cosby Show should be portrayed in a more realistic manner; in fact, the program could be far more entertaining, not to mention relaxing, if certain aspects of the program such as weekday mornings, sibling quarrels and housework were made more believable.  To begin with, mornings are just too perfect at the Huxtables' house. In the kitchen the table is set; fresh flowers are in a vase, and milk is in a glass pitcher. The entire Huxtable family is simultaneously dressed and ready in clean, ironed, co-ordinated clothes. Everyone's hair is perfect and Mrs. Huxtable's makeup is flawless. The Huxtables even eat breakfast together. The family is relaxed, in a cheerful mood, and politely taking turns discussing their schedules for the day. The children have their lunches made, their shoes on, and their bookbags ready. And if that is not enough, Mr. and Mrs. Huxtable never have to hunt for their car keys.  On the other hand, my family's day begins in complete chaos. To begin with, my kids never agree as to whose turn it is to set the table. My kids would rather go hungry than perform a chore that could possibly be someone else's. I cannot afford... ... Show do housework or laundry, yet I have never seen a pile of dirty clothes; the Huxtables do not seem to have a maid. In contrast I go to Herculean efforts to keep the Health Department from knocking on my door. I do not have time to dust. When I'm not picking up shoes, washing clothes, and screaming for anyone to vacuum, I'm on my hands and knees scraping goo off the floor with a butter knife.  I always wonder who does the housework on The Cosby Show. Perhaps the Huxtables are naturally perfect, and we are natural slobs by comparison. Nevertheless, when I watch television I do not want to feel guilty. I want to relax and laugh at others in realistic situations. Just one time I would love to see Mrs. Huxtable wake up late, be unable to decide what to wear, scream at the kids, and have to call a taxi because she can't find her car keys. Â
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Interpreting The History Of Volcanoes And Volcanic Rocks Essay
Drawing from the diagram, the volcanic history is as outlined below and other relevant details are also supplied. 1.0 Sequential summary of volcanic history the area a. Andersite porphyry: this is the oldest. Andersite indicates magma of intermediate composition. Its silica content is midway between felsic rocks (having high silica content) and mafic rocks (having low silica content). Its formation is a two-step process where slow cooling occurs at the initial stage within the crust forming large crystals as a result. However, the remaining magma moves further out and, as a result, cools to form a fine grained texture within which the earlier formed large crystals are embedded. This indicates a slow eruption. b. Turf grading into braccia: these are pyroclastic rocks formed by violent eruption of highly viscous magma. The tuff is finer than breccia but the two are of the same occurrence of formation. The magma forces its way out shattering the surrounding plastic rocks into ashes and block fragments. These consolidate to form tuff and breccia respectively and are likely to be felsic since high viscousity indicates a high silica content c. Dacite porphyry: this is of similar composition and formation style as andersite porphyry though it has higher silica content than andersite. d. Pumice Breccia: pumice is fine textured, filled with porous holes containing gases that were trapped within the forming magma at the onset of eruption. The gases later escapes to form a light, porous glassy rock. The breccia was likely to have resulted from the shattering of the rocks as the magma erupts out. Pumice is light colured which indicates a felsic composition (felsic rocks are lightly coloured than mafic rocks) e. Polymictic breccia: this indicates a mixture of breccia of varying silica content which indicates the onset of the formation of an interrupting basaltic formation which is to follow after. However, the mode of formation is still violent. f. Basalt with rough blacky top: this is a fine grained mafic rock. The rough top indicates that the forming magma was gently erupted and the viscosity low enough to cause the included gas to just escape leaving the bubble spaces at the top. g. Andersite: this has been seen as of intermediate silica composition. The absence of porphyritic material may indicate a less quiet eruption. h. Obsidian with pumice streak: the youngest rock; obsidian resembles pumice but without the bubble holes. The presence of pumice streak indicates violent eruption since some of the gases were trapped as a result of the violence. It is felsic. 2.0 Since the last eruption is about 19 years earlier (the age of the youngest layer), the volcano is still active. The earthquakes and the likes are likely pointers to another volcanic eruption. So evacuation is imminent. 3.0 This is an example of a composite or cinder-cone volcano. The seldom occurrence of pyroclastic materials and rocks of intermediate composition suggests this. These, in addition to the fact that the rocks are from highly viscous magma, also suggests that the volcano is located at a volcanic arc.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Fight Club By David Fincher - 1041 Words
His mind was cuffed onto the desperation of consumerism. A man in David Fincher s film, Fight Club, has fallen into the world of materials and perfection. As he became a slave of common franchises around him, the narrator strived to get it all. However, no matter how many things he bought, never had he achieved the definition of satisfaction. People rely on profit and possessions to be happy, but does it really help? Fight Club carries philosophical messages about money and materialism to the capitalist society in order to wake up and realize that those objects are not the key to happiness. Once the narrator bought one item from the IKEA catalog, he bought others to match his perfect modern condo life, causing him to become a slave to the IKEA nesting instinct (Fight Club). Unfortunately, even if the nameless narrator had it all, he could not sleep. He had insomnia. Insomnia is caused by either depression or anxiety, and the narrator had the stress to have everything in order to feel complete. His life s worth was defined by his items and the job he hates. Because of this, the narrator is not in control of his life and has a fleeting sense of self-worth. After a flight from a business trip, the narrator goes back home, which was a condo on the 15th floor. However, the scene showed that the condo was blown up with blazing fire blowing out of the broken windows. His face drooped with the weight of hopelessness. Then, he meets up with a guy at the bar which he met on aShow MoreRelatedFight Club By David Fincher1174 Words  | 5 PagesWhat defines a macho man? In the 1999 film, Fight Club, director David Fincher gives us a glimpse into the world of manhood. A man, known to viewers as the Narrator (Edward Norton) is an insomniac who seeks tranquility in support group. That is, until he meets Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt) who introduces him to a new way of finding peace: fighting. The two team up and accidentally start an underground mens club called Fight Club where m en are able to come and fight one another in order to leave reality behindRead MoreThe Film Fight Club By David Fincher1007 Words  | 5 PagesThe film Fight Club, directed by David Fincher, can be used as an example of a postmodern film. Edward Norton plays the lead, but Edward’s Norton’s character goes unnamed throughout the entire film; being credited only as â€Å"The Narrator.†As the narrator and a main character, Norton’s character is aware that he is in the movie for the majority of the film, but also takes part in the overall storyline. He does that by breaking the fourth wall and interacting with the audience. The entire film is veryRead MoreDavid Fincher s Cult Classic Fight Club1732 Words  | 7 Pages David Fincher’s 1999 cult classic Fight Club often gets picked apart for it’s supposed depiction of toxic masculinity and contemporary manhood but what I want to focus on is the anti-consumer, anti-capital, and pro-elimination of social classes that is also displayed throughout the film. Not to say that the film does not represent white bourgeoisie hyper-masculinity but to look at the parts of the film that doesn’t feed into this train of thought. I want to expand the lens past Norton’s characterRead MoreAnalysis Of The Film Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid 1595 Words  | 7 PagesAt a very young age of eight, David Fincher’s passion for cinema grew when he was inspired by the movie Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969). Born in 1962 Denver, Colorado, David Fincher moved to Ashland, Oregon in his teens, where he graduated from Ashland High School. During high school, he directed plays, designed sets, and managed lighting after school. One summer, he and a friend attended the Berkley Film Institute’s summer program, where he hoped to learn film as a true art form but insteadRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid1616 Words  | 7 PagesAt a young age of eight, David Fincher’s passion for cinema grew when he saw the movie Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969). Born in 1962 Denver, Colorado, David Fincher moved to Ashland, Oregon in his teens, where he graduated from Ashland High School. Much of his time here, he directed plays, designed sets, and managed lighting after school. Until one summer, he and a friend attended the Berkley Film Institute’s summer program, where he hoped to learn film as a true art form but instead learnedRead MoreAnalysis Of Fight Club And The Girl With The Dragon990 Words  | 4 PagesHow David Fincher uses colour in the film Fight Club and how this is used to influence the viewer. Colour in film is very important, it can change the mood of the film, influence viewers emotions as they watch, can be used as symbolism and can even teach the viewer in a very short time to expect something to happen when a certain colour is shown. The Director of Fight club and other films such as Se7en and the Girl with the Dragon tattoo, David Fincher is very well known for working closely withRead MoreFight Club Movie vs. Book1414 Words  | 6 PagesEven considering the complicated format of the book, David Fincher managed to almost perfectly illustrate the novel Fight Club, by Chuck Palahniuk, in his movie of the same name. Although tempting to compare a book and its film counterpart on even grounds, as a substitute of one another, the tools used to create each one differ greatly and thus should be evaluated on a thematic level. While the reading audience has the chance to reread, and absorb the themes in layers, the other audience is seeingRead MoreFight Club Consumerism A nalysis1121 Words  | 5 PagesDavid Fincher’s Fight Club is praised by fans and critics alike as one of the most impactful representation of society in film. The film follows Jack, the narrator and main character, as he teams up with a newfound acquaintance named Tyler Durden to form an underground fight club for men who are bored of their mundane lives(Fincher 1999). As Durden becomes more of a dominant personality, Fight Club evolves to Project Mayhem, multi-celled secret society of oppressed gray-collar workers whose purposeRead MoreMasculinity As An Essential Merit Of Identity1740 Words  | 7 PagesAlmost every person has heard the quote â€Å"the first rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club†, a line from a film that’s widely known for its mind-bending plot that’s a blend of dark comedy, psychological thriller, and drama (Linson Fincher, 1999). Despite its entertainment value, many fail to see the films in-depth social commen tary on life in post-modern America. I saw that the film subtly skewers many aspects of life today such as consumerism, morality, organized religion, pop culture;Read MoreEssay on Fight Club: Analysis of Novel and Film1561 Words  | 7 PagesFight Club: Analysis of Novel and film Fight Club is a potent, diabolically sharp, and nerve chafing satire that was beautifully written by Chuck Palahniuk and adapted to the silver screen by David Fincher. A story masterfully brought together by mischief, mayhem, and ironically, soap. Fight Club is the definition of a cult classic because the issues dealt within the novel touched so close to home to the generation this novel was intended for, generation X. The novel was written in 1996 and quickly
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