Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Top Gun ( La Times ) - 957 Words
Top Gun (LA Times). It was one of the most popular films of its time, and continues to be a classic film. I choose to write on this film not only for its cultural relevance today, but because many topics discussed in this class can be found in this film. Violence, government censorship, and sex are just a few of the topics/ideas presented in this film. In addition, topics such as patriotism and heroism are relayed in this film, which made this film so popular during this time. Top Gun, directed by Tony Scott, is an American drama. The film is about the Navy s elite fighter in a Top Gun dogfight school. This school is known as â€Å"Top Gun,†where students compete to become the best of the best. The film premiered in May of 1986, a critical period in American history due to the Cold War between the United States and Russia. In the past, The United States government had set up offices in Hollywood to â€Å"advise†Hollywood producers that they could not and should not produce films that were about anything related to the Cold War. Although this was not a law, producers often did abide by the rules and for the most part listened to the suggestions of the government. Some could argue that this was a form of censorship because it regulated what movies could be about. However, in actuality, producers had free choice to produce movies in whatever genera they wanted, and whatever topics they wanted. Years later, Top Gun is still unique in regards to government censorship. Tony Scott, theShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Second Amendment - The Right To Bear Arms1237 Words  | 5 Pagesamendment. Stricter gun control laws must be enacted to receive these types of weapons. 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